American Ranch

Chapter 393 Little Yellow Ducks

Chapter 393 Little Yellow Ducks

The vegetables and big watermelon were put in the refrigerator, the three of them washed their hands, returned to the living room, sat down, drank tea and took a break.

What made Qin Yi and Qin's mother amused was that while Angel was swinging her calves, holding a glass of juice and drinking it deliciously, she was also looking at the refrigerator with her big eyes blinking, as if she could see the big watermelon inside the refrigerator through the shell!
The greedy appearance not only amused the two of them, but also made them feel distressed.

"Oh, I picked a big watermelon and didn't allow it to be eaten. Isn't this a lie! Never mind, come on, Angel, let's try whether it is sweet or not!"

Qin's mother slapped her thigh, she didn't wait for her son to eat with her daughters-in-law at noon, and immediately took her granddaughter to cut watermelon.

Angel's face was overjoyed at first, and she hurriedly put down the juice and slid down the sofa, but after taking two steps on her calf, she hesitated, "But, grandma, mom, and Aunt Kolo are not at home."

Facing the temptation of delicious food, Snacks can still think about Susa and Ke Luo, which makes both Qin Yi and Qin's mother very happy.

Qin's mother knelt down and patted the little girl's head, and said with a smile: "Little baby is so good! But it doesn't matter, there are a lot of big watermelons in the vegetable garden, let's eat some first, and then eat with the mothers at noon! And Angel also helps grandma Picking vegetables, this is a reward for Angel!"

"Reward?" Angel's big eyes were bright, and her upturned face was full of anticipation, "Is it okay?"

"Of course, this is a reward for Angel! In the future, Angel will be paid for picking vegetables, five dollars an hour, or other rewards you want!"

Qin Yi smiled and said, in a word, picking vegetables was also included in the little girl's part-time job list.

This made the little girl so happy, she screamed and kissed the two of them one by one!
The little girl's money-making projects include mopping the floor and washing dishes, which cost 2 dollars each time, and cleaning the stables costs 5 dollars each time.

Now with the addition of picking vegetables, now the little girl has more ways to make money, which makes her very happy, and the happiest thing is that grandma is leading her to eat watermelon!

After a while, Angel came running over, Xiaopang held a piece of watermelon in each hand, and smiled and invited Qin Yi to eat together!

Not long after it was put in the refrigerator, the watermelon is not too cold at this time, but there is a slight cool air, and it feels cool in the mouth, crisp, tender and sweet.

The three formed a family of three generations. They sat in the living room and ate watermelon leisurely. Even McGee and Teddy got a piece of it, chewing and chewing, even the watermelon rind!

It's just a pity that other small animals, as carnivores, only eat a big mouthful of each "person", and then lose interest!
On the contrary, wheat and black rice are not taboos for meat and vegetables, so eat more.

After eating watermelon and resting for a while, An Qier excitedly pulled Qin Yi and Qin's mother out again.

To make a big meal at noon, naturally we need a lot of ingredients. I picked a lot of vegetables just now, but only vegetables are not enough, and there are also chicken, duck and fish!
No, the destination of the three is the chicken coop.

Along the way, the little girl jumped up and down, walking in front happily, urging her father and grandma from time to time, Qin Yi deliberately teased her, and walked slowly, which made her pout, and moved behind Qin Yi, pushing He moves on!

The purpose is to tease the little girl, not to make her unhappy, so whenever the little girl comes to push, before she pushes hard, Qin Yi will quickly move forward, making her giggle, but as long as she retracts her little hand, Qin Yi will speed will slow down.
In this way, along the way, An Qi'er pushed Qin Yi from time to time, leaving behind the sound of playful laughter!
Soon I saw the chicken coop. Two big roosters were flapping their wings on the roof of the hen coop. They were majestic and arrogant. They stretched their necks covered with red, yellow and black feathers and crowed loudly!

There are also a few big roosters in the grass, like patrolling the territory, with their chests raised and their heads raised, wandering majesticly.

A group of old hens brought more tender yellow chicks to look for bugs and grass seeds in the grass. The old hens cooed and the chicks chattered, lively and joyful!

In the small clear lake next to it, a group of white or maroon ducks are swimming leisurely, diving into the water from time to time, sticking out their fat buttocks, looking for food at the bottom of the water.

The most gratifying thing is the small group of more than a dozen ducklings, with bright yellow fluff, immature and hoarse croaking, flat mouths, and orange-red puny feet. When they walk, their little butts twist and turn. , and then flicked the short tail from time to time, ha, naive, cute, very cute!

Anyway, Qin Yi and Qin's mother, when they saw these chicks and ducklings, they felt happy from the bottom of their hearts, with smiles all over their faces!
The happiest thing is the long-awaited Angel. The little girl hastily brought her father and grandma over, on the one hand, to catch chickens and cook chicken soup, and on the other hand, to play with these ducklings!

When the old hen was used to incubate the eggs, the little girl came to watch and touch the duck eggs under the old hen every day. It took a month of vacation. Now that the ducklings finally hatched, she couldn't wait.

So, as soon as she saw the little yellow duck floating on the water surface by the lake, swimming briskly around, the little girl cheered and ran over with a yell!

The violent movements frightened the chickens and ducks on the road to get out of the way, then tilted their heads, turned their eyes to look at the little girl, wondering if they would complain in their hearts, "I was shocked" or something like that
The little girl wanted to play with them, but the ducklings saw her for the first time. Although they were curious, they were not very close.

But Angel was not disappointed, she ran back, took a small plastic shovel from Qin's mother, shook it proudly, and then started digging earthworms by the lake!
When the ducklings were first brought in last year, in order to let the ducklings grow up quickly and lay eggs, she and Becky spent several days digging up earthworms with their buttocks sticking out and feeding the ducklings!

So when she came here this time, in order to make friends with the duckling, she still made preparations.

Sure enough, she dug out a small tender red earthworm on the ground, smiled and pinched it with two fat fingers, and threw it to the ducklings, immediately won their favor!
After a while, the ducklings croaked around Angel, their round eyes staring straight at the ground dug by the small shovel, and every time an earthworm was dug up, they scrambled around to snatch the food. The scene was lively and peaceful.

Mother Qin also came over and played with Angel for a while.

Qin Yi squatted down and scratched the two excited cattle dogs. These two guys guarded the chicken coop all day, good dudes!

Not in a hurry to catch the old hen, Qin Yi walked around the lake with two brisk cattle dogs wagging their tails, and saw a duck egg in the grass, it should be when Rachel was collecting duck eggs in the morning missed.

This is also normal, such a large piece of grass, how can it be so easy to find all of them.

In addition, he also found that there were not as many small fish and shrimps in the lake as before. Thinking of the scene of the ducks with their buttocks upturned just now, he knew in his heart that the missing fish and shrimps might all get into the belly of the ducks !

It doesn't matter, anyway, no matter how much you eat, you still have to eat duck eggs, and the cheap ones are their belly!

Moreover, the small lakes and streams in the ranch are connected to the Sun River through canals, so there is no fear that the small fish in them will be eaten up.

After staying here for more than half an hour, Angel fed the ducklings and became good friends with them. Even the little girl moved around with a small shovel, and the ducklings hurriedly followed with their buttocks twisting and hugging. The face of the thigh!
In the end, Angel made an agreement, and explained to the ducklings that he would come back tomorrow, so Qin Yi caught a cute old hen who was watching but didn't know the danger was coming, happily took grandma's hand, and went home to cook .

(End of this chapter)

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