American Ranch

Chapter 391 Presale of Vegetables

Chapter 391 Presale of Vegetables

Farms and ranches have established development plans, and Ryan and Hobbs have good abilities. In addition, they have always followed Qin Yi's meaning. Therefore, the operation status of farms and ranches is the least likely to cause problems.

This so-called meeting, in essence, is about Qin Yi's rights and obligations as a traveling rancher. The main purpose is to understand the development of the farm and ranch as a rancher, and the work arrangement is secondary.

Therefore, after listening to the three people's reports, Qin Yi affirmed their work a little bit, and the discussion on the operation of the farm and ranch in this meeting was almost over.

In fact, these reports are more of a formality, to swear Qin Yi's ownership of the farm and pasture.

Such a process shows that Qin Yi is always paying attention to the development of farms and pastures, which can not only deter employees with ulterior motives, restrain those other thoughts, but also stimulate employees' enthusiasm for work.

Think about it, if the boss himself doesn't care about his own industry, who would have confidence in the future development!
Qin Yi naturally knows this truth, and it is precisely because of this that every time he returns from a long trip, he immediately summons the industry leaders under him to understand the development and operation of the industry.

After talking about the development of the farm and ranch, Qin Yi, Susa and Keluo who had been sitting smiling and not speaking, all looked at Susie who was tasting coffee in the space with a smile on her face.

The three of them are more interested in the development of the farm's vegetable garden than the operation of the ranch without any surprises.

During the month of vacation, the vegetables on the farm have grown vigorously, and now they have borne fruit, which is a good time for harvesting.

Therefore, contacting the purchaser in advance is the top priority of the sales work.

In the previous phone call, Su Xi also mentioned this matter, but Qin Yi's family was away on vacation, so she didn't ask for specific details.

At this moment, Ryan and Hobbs laughed when they saw the probing gazes of Qin Yi and the others, feeling a little happy.

"Although there is suspicion of boasting, I still want to say it! Yi, this time Susie's work is very beautiful!" Ryan shook his head slightly on the side, smiling a little jokingly, and rarely showed a funny look.

"Oh? It seems that Susie is going to tell us great news!" Qin Yi said with a slight smile.

Susa and Keluo also looked at Susie with a smile.

In fact, as soon as Susie came in, the three of them found clues from Susie's happy mood, knowing that the vegetable garden she was in charge of must have made good progress.

The work report was almost finished, so the atmosphere was not as serious as before. Hobbs also praised with a big beard shaking: "Yes, yes! It is indeed good news! I didn't expect Susie to do such a good job! Back then, Ryan, Suzy, me, the three of us were cowboys together!"

Being praised and expected by everyone, Susie smiled brighter and brighter. Seeing Qin Yi and the other three looking at her with interest, she shrugged slightly and put down her coffee.

"Okay, that's it!" Susie spread her hands, her face was flushed with a smile, but she was also a little embarrassed by the praise.

"The quality of our vegetables is absolutely top-notch, and some time ago, we have obtained the organic vegetable certification of the Ministry of Agriculture! In this way, we can't sell them at a reasonable price through channels like ordinary supermarkets, and we have to be sold in the middle." You can earn a part of the profits! This point was also mentioned by Yi at the beginning.”

"So I thought, is it possible to reach direct sales agreements with top restaurants and hotels like our beef?"

Having said that, Susie looked at Qin Yi's family expectantly, and Susa immediately asked with a cooperative smile: "So, you just did this, and it succeeded?"

"Aha! Yes, yes!" Susie clapped her hands excitedly. Susa's cooperation satisfies her complacent psychology very well!
Qin Yi and Ke Luo also looked at the energetic and joyous Susie with a smile on their face, and felt that at this moment, she, an aunt in her decades, was like a happy child showing off her report card!

Ryan and Hobbs also looked at her with a smile. They already knew about these things, and Susie has been talking about them a lot in the past few days!

"Thinking about it this way, I got in touch with those Michelin restaurants and learned that the high-quality vegetables produced by our Sun River Ranch immediately formed an inspection team. After some monitoring and tasting, they were very satisfied with the vegetables. ! Speaking of it, it is due to Ke Luo, if there is no guarantee of the quality of the previous beef cattle, I am afraid they will ignore me!"

Susie looked at Ke Luo. After all, her idea still benefited from the beef cattle sales channel that Ke Luo had contacted before.

But Ke Luo shrugged his shoulders with a smile and didn't care about it.

The vegetable garden belongs to her own family, and the more profit the better, the specific credit is not so important to her as the hostess.

"If you have resources in your hands, you should use them naturally. You have done a good job!" Qin Yi waved his hand, signaling Su Xi not to care about these things, which was affirmation of her work achievements.

"How about the pre-sale situation? And the price!" Ke Luo said the key to the matter.

Qin Yi and Susa also looked over curiously, but Ryan and Hobbs smiled brighter and brighter!

This time, Susie didn't give a shit, and immediately gestured with five fingers excitedly, and proudly waved in front of everyone: "Fifty dollars! One pound (0.9 catties)!"


Both Susa and Keluo were a little surprised, but after thinking about it, they felt that the price of their own vegetables was not outrageous. You must know which of those Michelin-starred restaurants is not rich and powerful, and after the cooking skills of Michelin-starred chefs, they must be ten times as expensive. Earn it back a hundredfold!
Qin Yi is also very satisfied with this price. The goal he set for Susie at the beginning was only twenty dollars a pound!

I just didn't expect Suzie to be able to negotiate such a high price!

Seeing the admiring eyes of their husband and wife looking at her, Susie smiled a little embarrassedly: "Don't get me wrong! Yi, I didn't negotiate this price, it was quoted by several restaurants themselves, but they also asked for vegetables. right of first refusal!"

Priority purchase means that at the same price, it is necessary to give priority to supply to the other party.

Qin Yi nodded, this is nothing, it's just a normal market agreement, and fifty dollars a pound is really a sky-high price!

Qin Yi was very satisfied with Susie's work, and immediately said: "It seems that it is very wise to entrust the vegetable garden to you!"

Everyone couldn't help but chuckle at his boast, but they heard him say: "Susie's job is indeed done very well, so how about it, Susie's previous treatment will remain the same, and she will enjoy 1% of the vegetable profit!"

I already knew that Qin Yi would pay bonuses, but Su Xi covered her mouth in surprise because of so many bonuses all at once!

The planting area of ​​Angel Farm is almost a thousand acres. How many pounds of vegetables can it produce in a year?
My God, 1% is almost 10,000 US dollars, plus other benefits, easily [-]+, earning more than a small farmer in a year!

Needless to say, a farmer like Susa who was struggling to make ends meet before!

Susie was overjoyed, Ryan also smiled, and Hobbs patted his old friend on the shoulder, smiling equally brightly.

In fact, last year, the job of being a tourist farm supervisor also brought him an income of nearly [-] US dollars, but he was alone, so he didn't think much of it.

Moreover, working under Qin Yi, the salary is good, and everyone is like good friends. They are at ease, and when they slow down, they pay more attention to the relationship between each other.

After talking about these things, Qin Yi asked Su Xi to arrange the harvesting and packaging, and ended the work report.

The discussion lasted for nearly an hour, but it was only nine o'clock in the morning, so Susa and Keluo, either checking the accounts or contacting the beef cattle sales, were busy.

Only the big shopkeeper left, humming a ditty and went to the small vegetable garden, where Qin's mother and Angel were picking vegetables for lunch!

(End of this chapter)

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