American Ranch

Chapter 384 Setting Sail Chapter Ranch

Chapter 384 Set Sail Back to the Ranch

Qin Yi stayed at home for a few days, and the two elder sisters also made an appointment to come over at the same time. Immediately, the house gathered more than a dozen adults and five children who couldn't stay idle. Feeling overwhelmed!
And there is also the youngest Niu Niu, a half-year-old doll. The brothers and sisters are having fun, and she is also babbling, staring at her big black eyes, curious about everything!

Angel and Becky also like Xiao Niuniu the most, and the reason is very simple, they can be big sisters!

The children had a good time, and the adults were also lively.

The whole family gathers together, and now they all have a career. They live carefree and are in a good mood. Everyone sits down to talk about their careers and chat about interesting things. Even if they laugh at those ridiculous TV dramas, it’s also a lot of fun. .

It took half a day to visit the lively market, taste delicious snacks, and take everyone to the county town to experience the small sightseeing train. It's a pity that there is nothing to see along the way except for the green belt.

Fortunately, small trains are still relatively rare for women, because in the United States, train tickets are more expensive than air tickets, so most people travel by plane, not to mention the girls, even Susa and Keluo, It was also my first time riding a train.

Life is flat and easy.

But after staying at home for a few days, it’s time to go back to the ranch. As Susa said, this time I’ve been out for too long!
After Qin Yi's persuasion, especially the begging of the two girls, Qin's mother agreed to go to the ranch with her for a while, and Qin's father, although he also wanted to take his granddaughter to play, but considering the language barrier, he went to the ranch. Can not play cards, so some hesitation.

Mother Qin doesn't know him yet?Directly ordering him to take care of the house at home, now the matter is straightforward.

Early this morning, Qin Yi and the others had nothing to pack. Only Qin's mother packed a handbag and set off with a few clothes.

The two older sisters also came to see them off. We took three cars and arrived in Zhengshi at noon. We found a restaurant for lunch, and Qin Yi sent the older sisters back.

After returning the rented car after four o'clock in the afternoon, he boarded the flight to Sanya with the woman, child and Mother Qin.

After flying for more than three hours, when it landed in Sanya, it was just past eight o'clock, and the whole city was already shining brightly. Qin Yi and the others had seen this kind of night scene many times. Only Qin's mother, who lived in the countryside for a long time, For the bustling city that never sleeps, it is still a bit strange.

It was John who picked up the plane. This guy took a few guards and drove two cars, one of which was an extended version of off-road. It happened that Qin Yi and his party were fully seated.

Without delay, I went all the way back to the holiday villa I rented before, washed and rested, ate the dinner cooked by Qin's mother herself, and enjoyed the cool on the beach, or chased and played, and even Amanda and the others smiled coquettishly Run to swim!

In the private beach bathing place under the darkness, there were occasional sounds of playing in the water and fighting. In this atmosphere, Qin Yi and his wives were lying on the deck chairs together, whispering love words.

Seeing that the aunts were having a good time, Angel and Becky also wanted to join in the fun. They changed into their swimsuits and brought duckling swimming rings, but when they rushed towards the sea with screams, they were given by Qin's mother. Got it!

She was worried that the girls were too young, afraid that a wave would come over and swamp them, and she didn't want to let them swim at night.

The girls were naturally pouting and unhappy, but Mother Qin had her own way. She took them to sit on the beach, letting the waves kiss their feet while telling stories to the girls. Now, the little girls were happy.

Kicking your calves to feel the gentleness and coolness of the waves, and grandma telling nice stories, then well, let’s not go swimming!
After playing like this for a while, Angel patted the swimming ring under her little butt, and came up with another idea, so she asked the storyteller to stop first, led Becky and ran back to the room, and after a while, giggled again ran out.

But at this moment, the duckling's swimming ring was tied by the girls with a rope they found somewhere, and dragged behind them!
The girls each dragged a duckling swimming ring, running around on the beach, giggling non-stop!

Such a simple thing brought so much joy to the children, and Qin Yi and the others who had attracted their attention couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

The adults stopped playing around, and concentrated on watching the girls running happily on the beach, feeling their joy seriously, and wanting to experience the childishness that has long been lost.

After ten minutes, the girls, who were tired from playing, huddled around grandma again, begging grandma to continue telling the story.

How could Qin's mother refuse!

So, the three of them, old and young, sat in rows by the beach again.

Mother Qin touched the little girls' heads and told stories, and the girls giggled and threw the duckling's swimming ring into the sea, holding the rope still in her hand. Whenever the swimming ring was washed back by the waves, she kicked it Push out, send the swimming ring into the sea water again, reciprocate once, laughing non-stop
Not long after, Sara and the others were tired from swimming, and went ashore one after another, and ran back to the house wearing absorbent towels. After rinsing with fresh water, they ran out wearing cool hot pants and a small T-shirt, and chatted with Qin Yi and the other three. .

In fact, the weather in Sanya today is still good, but it may be that the city lights are too bright, covering the starlight, so only a few stars can be seen faintly in the sky, which is a pity.

After all, there is less starlight in the warm summer night, and I always feel that there is a lack of romance!
In this way, the time slowly came to more than ten o'clock, Angel and Becky were on time, and began to doze off in a daze, leaning against grandma with their little heads tilted, and the little yellow duck swimming ring that they had been holding in their hands had already been taken away. Washed ashore.

Qin's mother called everyone over gently, and asked the girls' respective mothers to carry them back and wash them briefly, then sent the girls back to their little beds.

The adults didn't stay long, and went back to the room one by one.

The laughter stopped, and the villa area became quiet, only the slight rustling of the wind blowing the vegetation, and the rhythmic rushing of the waves.

On the second day, Qin Yi took everyone on a simple tour of Sanya's scenery again.

They have already toured roughly, and this visit is mainly to show Qin's mother a taste of the beautiful scenery of Sanya.

Speaking of which, this is the first real trip for Qin's mother. It doesn't count as going out to work. She just went to Lin County with the villagers before, and that was to pray for her family.
The son and daughter-in-law are filial, so Mother Qin is naturally very happy. She also thinks that Sanya's beach style and unusual attractions are eye-opening, but she just visited for a day, so she won't go anymore. She doesn't want to be delayed because she is alone. Time for everyone!
Qin Yi was also helpless. As a son, he couldn't understand his mother's stubborn temper, so he stopped persuading him. After playing for a day, when he returned to the villa at night, he called John and asked him to Make arrangements for the return trip.

The personnel of the Venus were summoned by John when Qin Yi and his party arrived in Sanya the day before yesterday, and they were always waiting for the instructions to set sail.

That night, the crew went out to purchase fresh ingredients and fresh water. Even if they were ready, other things had already been prepared.

So the next morning, everyone packed their luggage, and after Qin Yi retired from the holiday villa, everyone went to Hongzhou Wharf together.

(End of this chapter)

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