American Ranch

Chapter 37 Angel at the Ranch

Chapter 37 Angel at the Ranch
In the end, Angel brought three dolls and a bicycle to the ranch happily.

Qin Yi arranged them all in the main house. There are more than 20 rooms here, and the sky is empty all day long. There is a little girl running around, so it will be much more lively!
Originally, Susa thought the guest room was very good, and didn't want to cause too much trouble for Qin Yi, but when Angel saw the main house, she was very happy. She insisted on living with Uncle Yi, and she didn't want to go to the guest room. Besides, Qin Yi also persuaded them to live in the main house.

In the end, Susa understood that Qin Yi really didn't mind, so she stayed here with peace of mind.

Susa took Angel to decorate the room, and Qin Yi had nothing else to do. The farm work had just been arranged in the morning, and the work hadn't started yet, and the foreman couldn't do it.Go to QQ, I haven't contacted you for a long time, let's see what the friends from high school and university are doing!
Go back to the house and pull out the notebook, and log in incognito.Qin Yi stared blankly, so many people are online, don't they have to work!
The avatars of the university group flicker, click in and have a look.

Liang Jiankui: "Boys, do you have a senior with an accounting certificate? The company is urgently recruiting!" There were quite a few speeches, and the discussion was very heated. , it is the middle of the night, which is a bit weird, because Qin Yi's watch shows that it is only past two o'clock!
I slapped my forehead, I realized, Nima, they are in domestic time, there is jet lag!

Qin Yi replied: "I don't sleep at night."

As soon as Qin Yi bubbled up, some people who hadn't been in touch for a long time stopped diving, and they all came up to say a few words, which can be regarded as exchanging feelings with classmates.

Li Xuan: "Hey, our little Yizi has cheated on his corpse, come and watch!"

Zhang Keke: "Brother Yi, where are you messing around, please fuck!"

Wang Xixi: "Sister Keke, Xiao Yizi is now an authentic big local tyrant, with eight stars and eight diamonds, you have to hold on to your big thick legs!" The big brother in the dormitory came up and teased Qin Yi, and Qin Yi shook his head.

Zhang Keke: "Really? Don't fool our little girl!"

Fang Yue: "It can't be true anymore! National Day organized a group to fight local tyrants, come and sign up!"

Ye Fang also came up: "You bastards, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, and you don't go to work tomorrow!"

There was another burst of discussion. Everyone has confirmed this local tyrant, and they must fight if they get the chance!
Qin Yi saw that Fang Yue had already started forming a group, so he didn't hide it from everyone, so as not to say that he was stingy in the future!Send the picture of the ranch to the space, and leave a sentence: "My buddy won the lottery, and now I am a farmer in the United States, with exotic farmhouses, food and housing, and air tickets!"

Everyone went to the space to see, well, he didn’t run away, he really became a local tyrant, so there was a burst of screen swiping in the group, saying that this kid quietly conquered a whole country, but fortunately he didn’t forget everyone, he knew the treat, Ever since, everyone decided to forgive this kid once, and treat him to dinner to make amends when he returns home!If the air ticket is tens of thousands, forget it!
The people were very enthusiastic. Qin Yi chatted with everyone for a while, but he couldn't delay everyone's sleep. After saying a word, he dived.

Seeing that the second sister, Qin Feng, was online, she sent the photo to Qin Feng. Within a few seconds, Qin Feng sent a message: "Xiao Yi, where are you? Our mother can't tell!"

Qin Yi: "In the United States, don't worry! Did you see those photos? That's my ranch. Now I ride horses and graze cattle every day. It's easy to make money. Your brother is the real boss, haha!"

Qin Feng: "So many cows are yours?" followed by a shocked expression.

Qin Yi turned on the video, walked around the house with the computer, and said as he walked, "That's right, you are rich anyway, and you don't break the law. You and my brother don't do decorations, go home, and I will help you during the New Year." Find a way to make money."

Qin Feng laughed over there: "Okay, I'll be home in a few days, and the baby will be born in two months!" Speaking of the baby, Qin Feng smiled brightly.

"Call me in those few days, and I'll go back to see the baby. Go to bed early, if you stay up late at this time, you won't be afraid of harming the baby!"

After turning off the video, Qin Yi has been thinking about the matter of his eldest sister Qin Li, but he still didn't ask, and now it's useless to ask, let's talk about it when we get home, and now that the photos are passed, Qin Feng will definitely let everyone see, as long as everyone agrees I have a good idea of ​​my ability, no matter how loud the quarrel is, it can be resolved easily.

But the elder brother-in-law Yang Bin, Qin Yi really can't stand it, he messes around every day, doesn't do anything serious, and concentrates on doing business to make a fortune, but he hasn't saved any money for more than ten years, and the house has been lived in for decades Qin Li is the only one in the family's field, and he still feels how capable he is!
This time the quarrel was so severe that they almost called for divorce. Qin Yi was so angry that he wanted to beat him up!
This time, I uploaded the photos and got the video again. I think Yang Bin will stop. This is not to say that anyone is snobby, but that it is the same everywhere.Let it be like this now, or you have to wait until you get home to solve it completely!

Shaking his head, putting aside these unhappy things, Qin Yi casually threw the notebook on the sofa, got up and poured a cup of coffee, and remembered the coffee tree. After buying the coffee tree seeds, Qin Yi has already planted them in the space. Like planting fruit trees, it is still in the growth stage. If he wants to drink space coffee, he still has to wait for ten days.

After sitting down and taking a sip, An Qier ran downstairs with her mother, giggling along the way, saw Qin Yi who was sitting on the sofa, and rushed over with open arms, Qin Yi put down the coffee, lifted the little man up in the air, After shaking it twice, the happy Angel screamed, her little face flushed.

Sitting in Qin Yi's arms, Angel looked up at Qin Yi, looking forward to it: "Uncle Yi, can Angel eat burritos tonight? And duckling soup!"

Susa smiled and sat aside, watching quietly.

"Of course, there will be burritos and duck soup, Angel can eat as much as she wants!"

An Qier happily kissed Qin Yi, thinking about the burrito and soup at night, she smacked her mouth!Turning his head, he saw the Apple House, and immediately came down from Qin Yi's arms, ran over, stretched his head to look at the rascal inside, his big eyes flickered and stared round.

And Lai Pi was sleeping there with his head stretched out, completely unaware that he was being targeted!

Qin Yi looked at An Qier and didn't care about it. Anyway, Lai Pi was very smart and didn't bite. Moreover, Qin Yi believed that Angel would not abuse Lai Pi.But Su Sa was a little nervous. After all, it was the first time to come to Qin Yi's house. She was worried that the little animals in Qin Yi's house were not familiar with Angel, and that it would be bad if Angel provoked it and scratched it!
"Angel, you greet it, but you can't touch it, unless it wants to make friends with you!"

Seeing Susa's appearance, Qin Yi shook his head and smiled without saying a word. It would be great if he found out about Laipi's cleverness in a few days.

"I see, Mom, I will make friends with it!" After finishing speaking, he remembered that this was Uncle Yi's little animal, and he hadn't asked Uncle Yi's opinion yet, so he turned his head and looked at Qin Yi longingly, "Uncle Yi, can I play with the little rabbit? We will get along well!"

Few people cared about her since she was a child. She hasn't seen her father since she was 1 year old. She grew up on a farm and didn't meet many people. She didn't have any friends, so she developed a withdrawn and timid character!Only small animals play with her, so Angel likes animals very much.

"Of course, Angel and Lai Pi will become good friends!" Qin Yi looked at Angel and nodded, "By the way, Lai Pi is the name of the little rabbit, it likes to eat big apples, can you go to the refrigerator and get an apple for it? It will thank you very much!"

"Really? I also like big apples. It seems that we have common hobbies!" Angel was delighted, she stood up and nodded, imitating the adults, and then hurriedly ran to the refrigerator to find apples.

Qin Yi looked amused, turned to Susa and said, "Don't worry, Susa, Laipi is very smart and sensible, and will not hurt Angel."

Having experienced healing fractures and increasing physical fitness, Qin Yi has become synonymous with mystery in Susa's heart. After listening to his words, he no longer worries in his heart. He smiled and watched Angel make friends with Lai Pi with a big apple!
Sure enough, it was Lai Pi who loves to eat apples. Angel took the apple back to Lai Pi, smelled the aroma, raised her head slightly, and twitched her nose before she woke up. The cute appearance made Angel giggle.

"Laipi, let's be friends, okay? I'll give you a big apple!" Angel put the apple in front of Laipi's nose, said a few words softly, and looked at Laipi's reaction expectantly.

Lai Pi was finally awakened by the scent of apples and Angel's soft voice. He opened his small eyes, looked at the little man in front of him who had never seen him before, turned his head to look at Qin Yi, pointed his paw at Angel, and screamed, That appearance, as if asking who this little girl Qin Yi is!

"This is Angel, this is Susa, our good friends, we need to get along well in the future, you know!" Qin Yi pointed to Angel and Susa, and introduced to Lai Pi.

After hearing this, Lai Pi yelled at the two of them, and then looked at the big apple in Angel's hand. Angel had already let out a wow in surprise, covered her mouth, and looked at the smart Lai Pi in surprise.

At this moment, Lai Pi pointed at the big apple in his hand and squeaked, and hurriedly handed the apple to Lai Pi, "Lai Pi, this is the apple I gave you. We will be friends from now on, right?" Lazy.

Lai Pi hugged the apple and gnawed, yelled a few times casually, and went to gnaw the apple with all his heart, but the happy little Angel blushed!

Seeing Laipi's humanized performance, Susa was surprised, of course, but when she thought that this was the miraculous Yi's pet, she slowly calmed down, happily looking at the cheerful Angel over there, and from time to time He glanced at Qin Yi unconsciously.

Seeing that Lai Pi was delicious, An Qier wanted to eat it herself, "Uncle Yi, can I have a big apple?"

"Of course, Angel can eat as much as she wants, no need to ask uncle, uncle agrees!"

The little girl cheered and thanked, ran to the refrigerator to get an apple, ran back to Lai Pi, and gnawed it together!

Seeing that it's only 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I must find something to do!After thinking about it for a long time, I still can't forget the deliciousness of this childhood, so I want to take Angel to the small lake to catch small fish and shrimp!

It happened that Lai Pi had played for a while and went to bed again. Qin Yi told Angel that he would make small fried fish at night, and told Angel how delicious it was. The greedy little girl stopped playing with Lai Pi and pulled Qin Yi Yat is about to go!
(End of this chapter)

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