American Ranch

Chapter 360 Ruthless and cruel

Chapter 360 Ruthless and cruel

No matter how speechless the guards were, Qin Yi kicked out the two eunuchs, and immediately felt a lot better.

He punished the chief culprit, and he didn't delay any longer. After all, in at most ten minutes, the reinforcements from the bandits would arrive. If they hit him, it would be another trouble.

"John, you arrange for everyone to deal with the scene, we will leave immediately!"

He greeted John, and wanted to go back to the car first, but was stopped by John again.

I saw John asked meaningfully: "Boss, these natives."

Qin Yi paused for a moment when he heard the words, turned his head and glanced at the honest natives on the ground, pondered for a moment, then walked forward, and then came an indifferent voice: "You need to lose your leg."

John was not surprised, turned around and started to arrange.

If these damned guys were killed with a single shot, the impact would be too great, and Qin Yi is not a real demon, so he is naturally not that vicious.

But it’s not enough to just let them go, there must be some lessons!

After a long time of contact, John naturally understood Qin Yi's temper, and he could also understand what he meant at this time, so he asked the guards to tie up the natives, gag their mouths, and then broke their hamstrings one by one!
In this way, they were punished and lost a leg, so they would not be able to do evil in the future.

As for whether they can survive in this sinister society after losing a leg, that is their own business. Whether they go home to farm or be sought by others, it is their due ending and retribution!
Everyone has no sympathy for these vicious bandits. If it were unarmed ordinary people today, these bandits would not have the slightest sympathy when they kill, abuse, and ruin others!

The world is like this, the guards and John, including Qin Yi, don't think it's killing harm for the people, it's not that noble, it's just resistance to threats and punishment of offenders when things fall on their own heads That's all!

Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the car. Susa and Ke Luo didn't ask about the fate of the natives, that's a man's business!

"Yi, can we leave?" Sara couldn't help asking, she didn't want to stay in this poor place for a moment longer!
Amanda and Rachel also looked at Qin Yi expectantly. Today is really terrible. In their opinion, today is the worst day of the whole trip!
"Well, let's go right away, John and the others are packing up." Qin Yi sat back in the driver's seat, looked out, saw that John and the others were already busy, waved them to get in the car and leave.

Soon, the two cars started, along the broken road by the sea, quickly disappeared in the shade of flowers and plants, leaving behind a few broken cars, as well as a local native, all kinds of disabilities!
A few minutes later, another five broken cars drove over. The roaring engine and the bang of the bumps broke the tranquility of the beach that had just been maintained for a long time.

It is the natives who are reinforcing.

These people got out of the car amidst the uproar, observed carefully, and found no enemy, so they leaned over in a mess with shotguns and bows and arrows.

Seeing that the ones tied up on the ground were their own people, they laughed and cursed, and ran up to rescue them in a swarm, but they didn't expect that as soon as they got close, they heard a "boom", and a huge thunder exploded!

All of a sudden, fear, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, etc., all kinds of bad feelings flooded into my mind, making me dizzy!

Most of the people couldn't stand steadily, and immediately fell down a lot!

Especially the first group of bandits, the first blast bomb made them stunned, and their bodies were weak after being injured. After being frightened by Qin Yi, they were already at the critical point, so the second blast bomb The attack made them unable to hold on any longer, they rolled their eyes and passed out!

For a while, there was constant wailing and cursing at the scene. Some people even thought they were being ambushed, and didn't even look at it. They struggled to grab the shotgun and shot indiscriminately, scaring others to follow suit and making the whole scene even more lively!

The bomb was naturally a prank by the guards, but Qin Yi and the others couldn't see such a lively scene.

In this chaotic country, in such a suburban place, let alone a camera, there is not even a good road, so there is no speeding or non-speeding, so Qin Yi drove the car into the air, slightly bumping, and shifting to some extent everyone's attention.

"Yizi, seeing the roads on the outskirts of big cities in this country, I am suddenly full of pride in China's modernization and development! This broken road is not even as good as the roads in the countryside!"

Ye Fang, the co-pilot, moved his buttocks and changed to a more comfortable position, but he couldn't help complaining about PNG's infrastructure construction.

"Ha, that's how they are. I heard from John that the distance between their capital, Port Moresby, and the second largest city, Lae, is about the same as Guangzhou and Shenzhen, but there is no road for such a short distance. How do you compare it with domestic ones!"

Qin Yi answered with a smile while driving, Ye Fang also smiled and nodded, obviously satisfied.

Well, although the other party is a closed and backward country, it is a bit cheap compared to it, but anyway, it feels good to see that other countries are not as good as yourself!

Liu Qimeng and Sara didn't care about the Ah Q-style self-entertainment of the two, they just wanted to leave this land at this moment, and let this damned country and damned aborigines go to hell!

Of course, the roasted whole pig for lunch is not bad, thanks to the girls, when Yi learns how to make roasted whole pig, you must try it!

At this moment, Angel and Betsy had gained complete freedom. They sat on the children's chairs, turned their little heads to look at the scenery that flashed outside, and murmured to each other "this is beautiful" and "that is beautiful" from time to time. , completely indifferent to the conversation of adults.

"By the way, Yizi, how did you deal with those bandits?" After thinking about it, Ye Fang still asked about this matter.

Susa and Ke Luo don't care about this because they know Qin Yi best and know that with his stinginess, he will definitely vent his anger on them!
So, just know that those people are not going to end well, and more specifically, they, as women, don't care about that.

But Ye Fang was a man, and he still wanted to go out and beat those people up, but at that time Liu Qimeng was frightened, so he had no choice but to stay and comfort him.

Consciously missed a good show, which makes him quite regretful.

"Ha, the one who shouted has become a eunuch, and the others have lost their legs!"

Qin Yi's voice was flat, but Susa and Ke Luo were surprised when they heard it. Their Chinese already knew what eunuch meant.

It's just that they thought it was enough for Qin Yi to beat up those damned guys, but they didn't expect that they would be crippled immediately, and those natives, each with one leg
But these guys should all go to hell, so they didn't have the slightest pity. After being surprised, their hearts were filled with joy, because Qin Yi, who has always been peaceful, would hit such a heavy hand, naturally because he cared about them and wanted to vent his anger on them!
This made them very useful, unconsciously, a smile appeared on the corner of their mouths.

Amanda and Sara are also satisfied.

Only Ye Fang was surprised: "You are too cruel!"

Qin Yi looked at him strangely and contemptuously, and said with disdain: "This is still cruel? Dare to hit my wife's idea, this is light!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Amanda said coquettishly: "Yi, don't talk nonsense, we are not your daughter-in-law!"

Qin Yi's head was full of black lines immediately, and he couldn't help but burst out his poisonous tongue attribute, he curled his lips and said, "Well, I'm mainly venting my anger on Susa and Keluo, and you're incidental!"

As soon as the "vicious" words came out, not only Amanda's teeth itch, but even Sara couldn't help but snorted, even though she knew he was joking!

Only Rachel and Jenny smiled lightly, especially Jenny, a woman who was already married and started a business, so she would never have a chance to see Qin Yi.

To say that they are truly satisfied, there are only Susa and Ke Luo. Qin Yi's blatant show of affection made them feel sweet.

At this time, Ye Fang couldn't wait to speak again: "I don't mean you are cruel, I mean you are cruel! Why don't you call me such a fun thing!"


(End of this chapter)

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