American Ranch

Chapter 354 The Naughty Hula Skirt

Chapter 354 The Naughty Hula Skirt

*In the last chapter, the Republic of the Marshall Islands became independent in 86, and Papua New Guinea was 75. I made a mistake yesterday, so please forgive me!
After a few days on the yacht, everyone still misses the land a little bit. After all, no matter how stable the yacht is, it still feels different from stepping on the solid ground.

So, taking advantage of the time when the Venus was replenishing supplies, Qin Yi took everyone for a walk around. Although there was no special scenery, it was quite relaxing to step on the beach with bare feet and let the waves kiss your feet. Way.

Catherine and the others followed behind. Apart from Qin Yi and Ye Fang, the rest of the team were all beauties. Even Angel and Becky were cute little beauties. Therefore, this group of people attracted the attention of many locals.

However, John followed with the guards from afar, even if he didn't reveal his weapons, it played a great deterrent effect, but no one came to harass him blindly.

After strolling for more than an hour, everyone was finally tired from playing, and the Venus had already finished resting, so Qin Yi and his party boarded the yacht and continued to drive towards the set goal.

After a few days, everyone had seen enough of the sea, and they were no longer interested in swimming. Qin Yi asked John to drive the Venus at full speed on the sea without stopping. Finally, on the morning of the third day, he crossed the Bismarck Sea, arrived at Wewak, Papua New Guinea.

This time it was a bit troublesome to land at the port. First, when applying for landing visas at the port immigration bureau, the passports of Qin Yi and his party were checked several times by the staff, and their attitude was not very friendly. Then they went through the security check and customs counter. The procedures are also very strict.

Fortunately, everyone's things are on the yacht, only the women bring a small bag to store small items such as mobile phones and makeup boxes. If you carry a big bag, it's not too troublesome.

There is no way to meet such a country. On the way, Qin Yi learned about the general situation of Papua New Guinea from John.

Papua New Guinea was originally a territory managed by Australia after World War II. It became independent in 75. Except for its close relationship with Australia, Papua New Guinea basically has little contact with other countries. In addition, the roads and shipping lanes are blocked, which can be said to be very closed and backward.

Moreover, the country's economy is facing collapse, with an employment rate of only 5%. The remaining [-] to [-]% of the population is a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy.

Taxis are basically black cars. When foreigners come here, the first thing they do is to hire a kind of bodyguard called a "guard dog".
It is said that there are cannibal tribes here!

Based on this situation, although the animal and plant resources here are very good, it is a very good tourist destination, but Qin Yi and the others did not plan to stay here for a long time, and set off for the Philippines after a short replenishment of supplies.

How to say there is also an old American ally, and the place where Filipino maids are produced is much safer.

John had arranged for the crew to go shopping, Qin Yi didn't want to come down, but the women were very curious about the new country, even Ye Fang encouraged them to come out for a stroll!
Qin Yi thought about it, and felt that in broad daylight, the streets where people come and go can still be robbed?
Therefore, this took everyone to apply for visas, customs registration, and left the pier.

Old, this is everyone's first impression of Papua New Guinea.

Due to long-term rolling and lack of maintenance, the road looks very rough. The road surface is covered with fine stones, and there are small pits and small cracks from time to time. Coupled with the dusty two-story roadside small shops, outdated style Antique cars, a bit messy and rough.

This made Qin Yi feel the post-apocalyptic desolation in old American blockbusters. Of course, it's just a feeling, not that it's really dilapidated to that extent.

In fact, there are still many relatively modern high-rise hotels, and one of the three- and four-star hotels can be seen from a distance, especially in some beautiful and clean areas, which have a ranch style.

However, there are really few people, which is also in line with the taste of the beautiful ranch.

The architectural style here also has a strong local tradition. The relief stone pillars in front of the modern hotel and restaurant are based on the local traditional culture.

Such as corn, fish, feather headdresses, bows and arrows, masks, etc., and even traditional images of women, the kind wearing rags and topless!

But it's a pity that the depiction is a bit exaggerated. The body of the figure on the stone relief is full of unknown patterns and decorations, and there is even a mouthful of sharp teeth. It is quite terrifying and has no aesthetic feeling at all!
Qin Yi and Ye Fang, two big men, really can't appreciate that kind of beauty!

On the contrary, Angel and Becky, the little girls who didn't understand anything, ran over, raised their heads and looked at it for a long time, and said to their respective mothers with a smile that they were not as good-looking as their own paintings!

Naturally, everyone smiled and praised a few words such as "Awesome, really powerful", which made the little girls even happier.

Of course, these words are to avoid the locals, although there are more than 800 languages ​​in this place, the official language is English.

After hundreds of years of colonial life, the popularity of English is still very high. It is hard to guarantee that the local people will hear Qin Yi and his group's "speaking rudely", and what kind of disputes will be brewed!
After wandering around for a few times, John came over with a few team members. This guy has been a soldier for more than ten years. Although he is a bit dirty with some people in the army, he always has a lot of connections.

No, just half an hour after disembarking, this guy got a few cars from somewhere, and they were modified cars that looked ordinary but were armed inside!
These soldiers of the escort team had already sneakily got their weapons out of the yacht, Qin Yi took a few glances and didn't pay much attention.

Half of the guards are special forces, and it is not difficult to infiltrate a port in a country like Papua New Guinea.

Well, Qin Yi greatly praised John's ability to handle affairs. After all, in this place with extremely poor law and order, having such a means of transportation still provides a lot of security.

So Qin Yi took the women and children and Ye Fang, took an extended version of the off-road with a protective iron net, and continued to wander.

John took another car and followed behind for protection.

Walking around, all the way to the city, in front of a coffee shop called Deli KCs, I enjoyed a local performance.

Qin Yi didn't know the name, anyway, a group of women who couldn't tell if they were 20 or 40 or [-] years old, wearing grass skirts (like curtains), topless, shell necklaces, and a red and black folk hat. Hats, on the roadside grass, dancing bold and unrestrained folk dances!
That bouncing and jumping, the grass skirt is also very naughty!


Good guy, domineering nation!

But still the same sentence, tropical island countries, and even local residents in Southeast Asia, look very different from Chinese people, with big mouths, thick lips, and dark skin. Anyway, Qin Yi and Ye Fang can't appreciate it!
On the contrary, the soldiers in the car at the back were unscrupulous, sitting in the car one by one, dancing with their upper bodies dancing, looking happily!

Qin Yi glanced casually for a few times and then lost interest. Susa and Ke Luo glanced at him, watched with a smile, and said nothing.

Amanda, Sara, and Rachel are more attracted by the unique folk customs, especially Rachel, who saw the colorful world outside for the first time, and she was interested in everything along the way. look!

Therefore, they didn't feel much. Of course, as more traditional women, Sara and Rachel would inevitably feel a little embarrassed when they saw these bold and unrestrained female men, especially when there were men present!
They said nothing, but it doesn't mean that everyone has no idea!
As the most conservative in this regard, Liu Qimeng from China, when she saw that scene, she subconsciously paid attention to Ye Fang's reaction, and looked back at him after seeing him for a few moments, feeling a little satisfied, but still, she took a few glances. !

Why a few glances, not just one glance?

A certain beauty is a little tangled up, so someone is out of luck!
(End of this chapter)

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