American Ranch

Chapter 35 The Farm Plan

Chapter 35 The Farm Plan
Susa asked Qin Yi to go in for coffee, and An Qier also pushed him into the house, and Qin Yi was no longer polite.After entering the room and chatting for a while, Qin Yi wanted to see what Susa thought of the wine, so he suggested that Susa drink half a glass to feel it.

Deceived by the illusion that the massage and medicinal soup healed the fracture the day before yesterday, she thought that Qin Yi possessed superb medical skills in China, so Susa was very interested in these wines.

After pouring two small cups, the two of them took small sips, and Angel, who was next to her, smelled the aroma of the wine and pouted, wanting to drink too!
Susa felt it for a while, and then said in shock: "Yi, it's amazing. After drinking this wine, I actually feel very relaxed and at ease."

Qin Yi smiled and nodded, "That's it. This kind of wine can relieve fatigue. Drinking it for a long time is good for your health, but half a glass a day is fine. Drinking too much is a waste!"

Susa nodded, her eyes were bright, and she drank in small sips.

Angel gnawed on the apple, looking longingly at the wine glass in her mother's hand with big eyes, Qin Yi looked cheerfully, "An Qier is still young, so she can't drink, and what's more, mother's wine is made of big apples, Angel will eat more big apples." alright!"

Susa also hurriedly instructed: "Anqier, children can't drink alcohol, they can drink when they grow up. Eat more in the future, so you can grow faster!"

Angel nodded fiercely, holding the big apple and biting hard!

Thinking of Susa eating the blood spirit fruit, how come there is no sign of physical improvement?

Qin Yi couldn't help asking: "Susa, do you feel that your strength has increased?"

When Su Sa heard this, she was a little excited, and looked at Qin Yi expectantly, "Yi, you did it, right? My strength has grown a lot in the past two days. I guess it may be because you helped me heal my fracture, but You asked me to keep a secret, but I didn't say it!"

Seeing Qin Yi's strange smile after listening to her words, Susa immediately knew that it was because of him. Although she thought it was miraculous, it wasn't just one miraculous thing, so she didn't think much about it.

"You don't even know that I broke several dishes while cooking yesterday. God, I can't control the direct force. Yi, can you tell me the reason?"

Qin Yi didn't expect Susa to be able to keep a secret so much, so he endured the fear and curiosity in his heart, and didn't say anything!
"Don't worry, Susa, it's a good thing, isn't it?"

Qin Yi comforted him first, and then slowly made up the reason, "It is indeed the aftereffect of the treatment of the fracture. Of course, it is a good aftereffect! I used medicine and massage to stimulate the potential in your body and make the fracture heal quickly. Of course, this will not It will have a bad effect on you, and the only effect is that your physical fitness has increased to twice that of ordinary people, including strength, endurance, physical strength, recovery speed, etc. "

Su Sa was very pleasantly surprised when she heard that, and the two chatted for a while, then Qin Yi got up and left, and had to talk to Ryan about the farm when he went back.

Back at the ranch, call Lane, tell him to come over and make some coffee.

After the coffee was ready, Ryan also arrived. In the morning, Qin Yi told him that he had something to do in the morning, so he didn't go out and waited at home. The workers' room was very close to Qin Yi's place, and it took only a few minutes to walk there.

Asking Ryan to sit down, Qin Yi poured two cups of coffee, "That's it, Ryan, I want to change the farm into a ranch, do you have any suggestions?"

Ryan was holding the coffee and was about to drink it. When he heard Qin Yi's words, he was startled. With a shake of his hand, the coffee spilled out, and he quickly put it on the table: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yi, your thought scares me a bit!" After a pause For a moment, Ryan organized the language, "Yi, you know, we now have a 2-acre farm, and the grains produced every year have a certain influence on the grain prices in the entire west. If we change to pastures, we will lose this advantage .”

Seeing Ryan looking at him, Qin Yi smiled, "Ryan, just say it, I invite you here, because I know you know more about these things than I do, and I just want to find the places that are easy to go wrong. Then figure out how to solve the problem."

Knowing what Qin Yi meant, and Qin Yi believed in himself, Ryan also felt that he could let go and said: "Yi, the situation of the farm is what I just said, and now I will talk about changing it to a pasture. First, we need to solve irrigation. The reason for building a farm is that there are fewer lakes and small rivers there, and pastures are different from crops, and pastures need more water. If you really want to convert them into pastures, the risk is not small!

Secondly, how do we choose our forage, should we use new forage for seeding, or buy it directly from the seed store?Also, if it is changed to a pasture, then our pasture will have to be re-divided. In fact, this is the simplest, the key is pasture and irrigation! "

After Qin Yi listened carefully, he also felt that he had neglected irrigation.

Although Sun River Ranch is known as the largest irrigated ranch in Montana, the irrigation system does not cover the entire ranch.Irrigation of large pastures mainly depends on natural rivers and lakes, and artificially dug ditches, which consumes a lot of money!
As for pasture grass, it's not difficult, and with Lingquan in hand, it's not a problem for Qin Yi.It seems that after calculating for a long time, the main problem is the irrigation system of the farm.

"I have also been to the farm, and there are many streams and lakes."

"Those are not connected, and some ditches need to be dug to connect them together to form an irrigation system covering most of the farm!" Ryan explained attentively.

"If it is built, how much money will it take and how long will it take?"

Ryan made some calculations before saying: "Yi, based on our current creek and lake, it will take 600 million US dollars to build a complete irrigation system, which can be completed in about a month. Then, we will transform it into a pasture, artificial and machine Not much is needed for loss, etc., mainly seeds, which add up to about 1 million US dollars."

After speaking, Ryan looked at Qin Yi, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"In other words, it will cost 700 million U.S. dollars, two months!" Qin Yi rubbed his nose. The 2 million U.S. dollars did not frighten him. Just now, after seeing the risks Ryan said, he thought it would take 700 to 3000 million U.S. dollars to get through the irrigation. .Qin Yi can still accept the total of 700 million US dollars, but it will take 2 months, which is a bit long!

"Can't we start sowing grass now?"

"Now? The farm is using rotation farming, and only planted in spring. Now the farm is empty, but I'm afraid it will affect the growth of pasture!" Ryan was a little worried. He was already affected by the drought. If the germination rate is low in the first month , Could it be sowing again?
"It doesn't matter, let's plant the seeds now. You are responsible for purchasing the ryegrass seeds. I'll contact the engineering team. The sooner the work can start, the better." Qin Yi clapped his hands, picked up the coffee and drank it in one gulp, looking very proud!

"Okay, the farm is sowing, and we still need to hire a few more temporary workers, and the boys on the ranch have to graze." Ryan remembered that there was not enough manpower, so he hurriedly said something.

"I leave it to you, you go find someone, $60 a day."

After Qin Yi's explanation, Ryan put on his cowboy hat and went out to act.

Sitting on the sofa, thinking about the engineering team, and thinking about it for a long time, I really don't know many people in the United States, Miles and Charlie, fortunately, both of them can introduce themselves.

Turn on Miles' phone and dial, "I'm Yi, hello, Miles!"

"Hello, Yat, I'm Sarah?
I slapped my head and remembered that I met in Los Angeles, Miles' youngest daughter, a very shy sister-in-law.

"Hi Sarah, isn't Miles at work?"

"Yes, Yat, he's making coffee, I'll call him." Then there was a shout: "Miles, Yat's on the phone!" Then there were footsteps.

"Hi Yat, I'm Miles."

"Well, Miles, I want to find an engineering team to build canals. You know, I just came to the United States and I don't know anyone. Do you have any recommendations?" Qin Yi stopped talking and went straight to the topic.

"Haha, Yi, you are asking the right person! I know there is a company called Juli Engineering in Great Falls. It's very good. I'll let him contact you!"

"Thank you, Miles, come to the ranch when you have time, the trout are fat!"

"Huh, I love trout fishing, looks like I'll be heading to Montana in a while!"

Not long after the phone call, Qin Yi's cell phone rang, but he didn't recognize it, it should be some kind of Juli project.

"Hello, this is Yi."

"Hello, Mr. Qin! I'm Bill, the manager of Juli Engineering. Mr. Swan told me that our company can help you!" This Bill seemed very polite, and from Miles' words, he knew that this was a rancher. The entrustment of a bit would not be a small project!

"That's right, Bill, I want to build some canals to connect my ranch to the river." Qin Yi briefly introduced the work to be done.

"Oh, God, this is really not a small project, but Mr. Qin, we have rich experience in this field and are fully capable of surveying, planning, construction, maintenance and other tasks in the construction of canals. You entrust the project to us Do it, it will definitely satisfy you!"

Bill doesn't care about just building canals, but look at what this big landowner means. It's all about building an irrigation system. This is a big project, and it must be taken down. If you are successful, raise your position further!
This guy was recommended by Miles. The strength of the company and the quality of the project are not bad. Qin Yi didn't say anything more, and asked them to send people to investigate and make a detailed construction plan.

Grass and farm renovations have already been arranged, and Qin Yi can't help, so he can only wait in peace.

At noon, Qin Yi stewed the salted duck that had been soaked for almost two days. He drank beer and ate the meat, feeling quite refreshed!After dinner, Qin Yi had nothing else to do and wanted to play with Angel, but he only came back from her house in the morning and went again in the afternoon?Those who don't know think what they think about Susa, although Susa is indeed very beautiful, and she is also a real person, who is both an accountant and a ranch worker!
Uh, well, let’s not talk about it, others really thought they had an idea after they found out!

What should I do?
Catch small fish and shrimp, and fry them at night!Haha, this is a good idea, I only ate it when I was a child, but later the water in the small river in my hometown was polluted, and I really couldn't find small fish and shrimp.Think about the fried crispy deliciousness mixed with batter, and then have a sip of wine, oops, my mouth is watering!
Qin Yi is a man of action, he can leave as soon as he says so!I went to the warehouse to get a small water bucket and a net bag, and was about to leave when the phone rang, but I didn’t recognize it. After thinking about it, I still connected. Most people don’t know their number!
"Hello, this is Yi!"

"What you want to know has a result!"

(End of this chapter)

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