American Ranch

Chapter 341 Nagging and Warning

Chapter 341 Nagging and Warning

*A chapter of [-] words, two chapters worth!
It was already one o'clock in the morning, and Qin Yi, who had been busy with Susa and Ke Luo in his arms for half the night, had just fallen asleep, unaware of the upcoming battle in the vineyard.

Of course, so what if he is aware of it, he can't help him even if there are thousands of mountains and rivers.

Besides, the vineyard was guarded by John and others, so he wasn't worried at all.

Don't worry really, although it's certainly an extraordinary night.

At this time, in the command room of the security brigade, John, whose legs and feet had recovered, was sitting on the desk, holding his chest with one hand, and pinching his chin with the other, watching the three intruders cautiously on the electronic screen, as well as the man lurking outside the vineyard. The two responders looked a little playfully.

Gary, a computer expert who has a language barrier due to a gunshot wound to the brain, is typing on an ordinary-looking computer in front of him, entering complicated passwords from time to time, and opening one network digital world after another. Find the exact location of the other party's technician.

McCain who was paralyzed, Odd who was blind in his left eye, Sessel with the prosthetic limb, and Turner and Rupert, the only two of them who were relatively normal, all bowed their heads in silence, while wiping the guns or tactical knives in their hands, Waiting for the results of Gary's work.

That's right, John and his team have already grasped the opponent's whereabouts. Even the small farce of changing the guard on the outside of the vineyard was planned by them alone, in order to create a credible opportunity for the enemy to sneak in, so as to encircle them inside and defeat them one by one. .

The only problem now is that the other party's technician, this computer expert who thought he had taken over the network of the security team, was hiding in an unknown location. For John and the others who wanted to catch them all, they would naturally not let this guy go!
Outside, the intruders were still sneaking in deftly. In the security team barracks, dozens of security team members were fully armed and silent. They would attack as soon as the order from above was issued!

In the war room, Gary was tapping on the computer, also racing against time.

Looking at the three intruders on the screen who thought they were perfectly sneaking into the winery, John was still expressionless, but he was thinking in his heart: Will the boss be unhappy if he destroys the boss's house later?

"Abandoned warehouse a mile west of the vineyard, where computer idiots hide."

At this time, an electronically synthesized male voice sounded, and it was Gary who caught the computer idiot in Qin Yi's mouth the moment three stupid thieves sneaked into Qin Yi's winery!

At this point, Gary has taken over the opponent's communication system to ensure that there is a battle here, and the computer idiot will not get the news within a few minutes.

Upon hearing this, Sessel and the others stood up immediately, put on the tactical helmet at the same time, looked at John, and waited for the boss's order.

Even McCain sat upright in his wheelchair, a sniper polished in his hand.

There is anticipation in everyone's eyes, and no one wants to miss this battle.

Let's not talk about the militant factors cultivated by soldiers, just making contributions to Boss Qin makes them look forward to it!
After all, Qin Yi has given them good treatment for so long, but their work has always been mediocre, as if they didn't show any value, which made everyone feel a little aggrieved.

Now is the best opportunity to show your value!

Moreover, they unconsciously glanced at Boss John's left leg, thinking about Boss's sudden increase in physique, and John's previous words sounded again in their hearts: "Do it well, guys! Follow the boss with peace of mind, this is your life. Best decision ever made!"

Yes, the wisest decision!
Several people expect more victory!

Seeing that they were full of expectations, John felt satisfied. He knew more about Qin Yi, so he wanted these brothers to follow Qin Yi wholeheartedly. This is the best for everyone!

Having said so much, in fact, in less than a second, John no longer delayed, and issued a combat order: "Gary, let the little bee fly, and find out the mouse responsible for the retreat! Ord took McCain to solve the winery. Three idiots inside! Sessel, those two idiots on the outside will be handed over to you! Turner caught the mouse, Rupert got the computer idiots out, and you are allowed to dispatch the Apache!"

Everyone received the order and started to act one after another.

John sat in the command room, looking at the phone in front of him leisurely. When the battle was over, he naturally had to notify the boss as soon as possible. The follow-up work was also a small trouble.

After all, in such a battle, the police must intervene in the end, and even the CIA may not necessarily take over.

But it's just a small trouble. The vineyard is a private property, and it's legally fine for someone to invade with armed forces and shoot him on the spot.

Gary issued instructions to his electronic warfare team. Afterwards, several flight detectors took off silently from several hidden positions in the vineyard, and quickly flew around. When the battle started, the mouse in charge of retreat would definitely show up. In this way, you can't escape the detection of the detector!
Aude pushed the wheelchair and sent McCain to the sniper point. He was good at close combat, and he happened to protect McCain who was handicapped.At the same time, a dozen team members quickly rushed out of the barracks and surrounded the winery under cover by issuing instructions through the headset.

Turner and Rupert are assault and reconnaissance players, and immediately boarded their respective teams. After a while, two Apaches equipped with monitoring and night vision systems took off with a whimper, and each selected a target. attack.

The most domineering one is the prosthetic Sessel, this black giant, ran out with a thick Gatling!

The team members in charge of the patrol also received orders at this time, and after sneaking into the bunkers in the dark, they sealed off the entire vineyard!

For a while, the insects hid and the birds rested. Except for the whirring of Apache propellers, the entire vineyard was silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely dignified.

The security team is like a precision instrument, running rapidly, crushing all enemies!
The security team acted quickly and silently, but the three intruders in the winery who were about to decrypt the safe still noticed the movement outside. After all, the whirring sound of Apache was quite loud!

The three of them became tense all of a sudden, quickly separated to look for cover, and then looked out through a corner of the window, only to find that they were already surrounded by an army!
For a moment, the three of them broke out in cold sweat!
"Snakehead, snakehead, plan B, call for backup! Repeat, plan B, call for backup!"

The three immediately reported the situation to their "computer experts" and at the same time looked for loopholes to break through.

But he called a few times, but there was no response at all. He immediately knew that everyone had been exposed, and his complexion turned pale with nervousness.

At this time, Gary's electronic voice came out through the loudspeaker: "Guys, do you need us to come in and ask you to come out? This is a rapid response force of dozens of people! Oh, not yet, because we don't have infantry vehicles, if Hummers don’t count!”

"Shit! You dumb, what are you talking about!"

Although Blind Odd was impatient and wanted to rush in with everyone, but he had to consider the safety of his brothers, so he could only wait patiently.

At this time, the big man felt that it was better to be a soldier in the past, only responsible for the assault, and John was responsible for all the headaches!

"Bang bang bang! Chug chug!"

At this time, several violent gunshots suddenly sounded, which shocked everyone who was already nervous, and almost raised their guns to shoot!

It was the two responders on the outskirts of the vineyard who discovered the anomaly when the patrol team hid in a hurry. Knowing that the incident had been exposed, they raised their guns and fired, trying to create chaos and let the companions inside have a chance to break through!
After a few shots, both of them knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so they alternately took cover and retreated to the rear.

However, the prosthetic Sessel had already led someone to touch it. After a few silent gestures, the team members split into three groups and started to pursue under cover.

At this moment, an Apache whizzed over and searched for the distance, where the computer idiots were hiding.

Suddenly, a responder had a sudden whim and stopped abruptly. The cat was behind a small mound, and shot at Apache: "chug chug"


This idiot yelled while strafing, consciously domineering, but a little carried away, ignoring the anxious shouts of his companions!

The leader on the Apache was Rupert. Seeing that the idiot below seemed to be going crazy, he cursed secretly and ordered everyone to fight back. For a while, there were loud gunshots nearby.

"! Rupert, you damned, don't snatch my prey!"

Seeing this disordered posture, Cecil, who was leading people to pursue him with the prosthetic limb, immediately cursed, not caring that Rupert was just fighting back!

This big black man picked up the Gatling he was carrying, and the violent gunshots lasted for more than ten seconds. The bullets stopped before they were swept away, but the small mound where the crazy idiot was hiding had been shoveled away. One floor!
And the idiot, half of his head had already been thrown off, twisted and fell to the ground!
The other responder was terrified, jumped up and ran into the dense vines, trying to cover everyone's sight and increase the chance of escape, but he didn't expect to be shot down with a "bang" just after running a few steps fall!
But the sniper who had been aiming for a long time showed his power!

But before this guy was happy with his shot, Seth turned his head and stared at him, shrinking his head in fright!
Cecil naturally frightened him. Seeing that his goal was achieved, he grinned with big thick lips, feeling a little naive: "Well, it's not bad, keep working hard, soldier!"

The other team members laughed and came up to pat the young sniper one after another. The atmosphere among the team members was harmonious.

Seeing the situation below, Rupert hurriedly urged the crew to speed up. The brothers had already completed their task. If they were to escape from their prey, they would not be laughed to death!

But here in Gary, as soon as the gunshot rang out, the mouse in charge of the retreat moved. It drove an old pickup truck and rushed to meet it, but was caught by the flight detector!

Turner immediately took another Apache to chase after it. The mouse found the helicopter that was chasing, and knew that there was nothing to do, so he turned around and ran away!

A chase begins.

On the winery side, McCain and Odd waited for a minute, but the three intruders never came out, so they couldn't bear it anymore.

First, McCain, while a guy was looking through the corner of the window, made a decisive attack and shot him in the head!
Then under the suppression of firepower, Odd rushed in with his team members and blocked the remaining two intruders in the house.

However, even though Odd and McCain were outside the house and inside the house, they were both thinking about the same question as John: What is the difference between a gunfight in a house and demolishing a house?The boss is afraid to be angry!
So, Odd had to be patient and continued to shout: "Hey, man, you know you can't escape! Die, or go to prison for a few years? Think about your family! Do you have children? Are they still alive?" Go to school, I don't know who will accompany them to the prom!"

The two intruders who were hiding in the bathroom had already been frightened by the headshot and lost their fighting spirit, and indeed, as Odd said, there were dozens of special service personnel from the security company who were like soldiers guarding outside, and they would run away no matter what they said. not drop.

If you drag it on, the police will come soon, and you won't be able to run away!

Or go to squat for a few years and let the child have a father?

No need to think too much, anyone with a little sense of responsibility knows how to choose!

"We surrender! We will throw our weapons first, and hope you don't hurt the unarmed!"

Odd naturally agreed, and then the bathroom door slowly opened, revealing two intruders with their hands held high, they slowly put down all the weapons on their bodies, then turned around, lying on the wall, and were restrained by the swarming security team live!
Ao De and his party kept their promises, but tied them up instead of beating, scolding or ill-treating them.

It's not kindness, but that there are no casualties on our side, and everyone is in a good mood.

But he said that he was a computer idiot. This guy saw the three people "successfully" hacked into the winery, so he didn't contact them again. He only focused on monitoring the deployment of the surrounding security teams, but he didn't expect that his computer had been hacked by Gary. Naturally, he couldn't see anything unusual!
It wasn't until the sound of whirring propellers came from outside that he realized something was wrong. He called twice, but he didn't hear the response from his teammates, but he got ridiculed by Gary's electronically synthesized voice.

With a yell, he tore off the headset, raised his gun and ran outside, only to see the security team members on the Apache, skilfully descending from a height of more than ten meters!
Although they didn't understand how they found themselves, they didn't dare to delay, let alone shoot, turned around and ran into the warehouse, and ran out through another escape exit.

But where can soldiers go when they are chasing soldiers on the ground or in the sky?

After running a few tens of meters, he was locked on by Apache's searchlights. With no cover around, he had to raise his hands and surrender!

The mouse that Turner was chasing was a bit more troublesome, but it was only a waste of dozens of bullets. Who knows who hit the wheel with one shot, the broken pickup truck rolled over, hit a big tree, and the mouse had to get out of the car and surrendered with his hands up!

So far, less than 10 minutes before and after, three deaths and four falls, the entire invader team was wiped out!
Security Brigade, the first battle, win without loss!

Although this is a home battle of dozens of players against seven players, a victory is a victory!

Ever since, the team members were elated and cheered!

Only John in the command room reluctantly picked up the phone, first called the police, and then called Qin Yi.

Although the battle with gunshots was not very intense, after all, people were killed, and it was inevitable to listen to the nagging of the police station and the warning of the government!
Although they can't do anything but nag and warn, who wants to listen if they can't!

In fact, at this time, the police were already halfway there. After a shootout, the neighbors were so frightened that they had already called the police!
And Qin Yi, who was sleeping soundly with Susa and Ke Luo in his arms, was still a little confused when he received the call, but he was surprised when he heard what John said!
However, Qin Yi had anticipated that someone would steal the formula, and he didn't make a big fuss. It was just as John thought, after all, it was a gunfight and a shooting, so it was always troublesome!
He glanced at the two girls who were already exhausted after being tossed about for half a night, and pinched their fair and tender faces heartlessly, then quietly got up and went downstairs.

During the time he went downstairs, he had already thought about it, and arranged for John to report the situation to the police truthfully, cooperate with the police investigation, and not resist even if the police arrest him!

Immediately afterwards, he called Scott and Box again, told the matter briefly and truthfully, and then hung up.

Both of them are federal congressmen, and Scott is the president of the Montana State Senate. Although he is from Montana and Baucus is from Kentucky, the high-level government will inevitably communicate with each other and can still exert some influence.

I don't want to withdraw the investigation directly, as long as the police's attitude can be made fair.

After thinking for a while, Qin Yi called Daniel again and asked him to contact his contacts in California to minimize the negative impact of this incident.

(End of this chapter)

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