American Ranch

Chapter 339 The Gentleness of Summer Night

Chapter 339 The Gentleness of Summer Night

"I want to sleep with Daddy!"

The birthday party made the ranch lively all day, and it also made Angel happy all day!

At night, after a day of playing around, the tired little girl was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes after taking a bath, but Susa came out of the bathroom after changing her pajamas, but she still ran downstairs in a daze, Lai If she can't come out of Qin Yi's arms, she must sleep with her father!

At this time, Ye Fang and the others had also returned to the guest room to rest, and their family was left in the main house. The tranquility after the noise made people feel more and more warm.

Regarding the little girl's shamelessness, Susa and Ke Luo, who were sitting on both sides of Qin Yi, seemed a little helpless at the same time as being funny, but it made Qin Yi laugh. The child is close to him, which is also true for a father. Great happiness!

Susa stretched out her fingers to fiddle with Angel's bangs, looked at her cute chubby face, and tried to persuade her: "Children only sleep with daddy! Angel has another birthday today, and she has grown up. You have to get used to it." Sleep by yourself!"

Both Qin Yi and Ke Luo watched with smiles, secretly praising Susa for understanding the little girl's thoughts, this girl likes to be treated as an adult the most!

But today's grand birthday party made the little girl feel Qin Yi's unreserved love. At this moment, the field is full of happiness and happiness. She just wants to embrace her dearest uncle and father, and sleep beautifully. I feel that I don't care if I grow up or not!
Therefore, the excellent weapon against the little girl in the past has failed for the first time today!

"But... I just want to sleep with my father in my arms"

Angel tried to open her big eyes a little, and looked at the three of them one by one with cute eyes, muttering eagerly and innocently.

Short words, with deep nostalgia!
Qin Yi can naturally feel Angel's attachment to him. At this moment, he seems to be unable to think, and there is only great happiness and warmth in his heart.

Hold the little person in my arms tightly, and kiss her lightly on the head, the love is boundless.

Seeing Angel's anticipation, Susa and Keluo couldn't bear to refuse. One caressed her little face, and the other lightly shook her chubby hand, with loving eyes in their eyes.

Qin Yi looked up at the two girls, and saw that they looked like you were in charge, he chuckled immediately, and got up upstairs with the little girl in his arms: "Well, today, parents are holding the most precious Angel to sleep, and our family will sleep together sleep, okay?"

"Well, Angel wants to sleep together."

The little girl was already exhausted, and when she heard Qin Yi's words, she was immediately happy, but she just hugged his neck and her little head was softly pillowed on his shoulder.

Susa and Keluo smiled gently and followed slowly, leaving the exhausted little animals in the living room to sleep soundly.

When the sound of going upstairs disappeared, the lights in the living room were dimmed, and the living room, which had been bustling all day, fell into a complete silence. It was not the loneliness after the bustling, but the quietness and peace in the gap between happiness and happiness, which quietly gave birth to more joy!
Back in the room, Angel, who was relieved, had already fallen into a deep sleep. The three laughed secretly, and quietly put her on the bed, changed their pajamas, and lay down quietly.

Qin Yi hugged the little girl, Susa and Ke Luo lay on both sides with his arms in his arms, the family was silent but warm, their minds calmed down, and they fell asleep soon.

However, Angel seemed to have dreamed of something beautiful, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, from time to time she would "hee" a slight and vague dream language, which added a lot of childlike interest to the scene.

The night wind in early summer, like a pair of cool little hands, makes the curtains shake slightly. On the grass covered by the moonlight, insects chirp. A little far away, the singing of robins and cuckoos can be heard from time to time. There is no noise, but it is more prominent. The stillness of the night!

The sounds of wind, insects, birds, and faint frogs weave a lullaby for summer nights. The gentleness brings comfort, and the gentleness reveals demureness. It takes everyone's thoughts and sinks into the beautiful ideal land!
That is a sweet dream!
In the dream, the family held hands, laughed and laughed, stepped across the cool stream, strolled in the sea of ​​flowers in the forest, and sang brilliantly all the way to the beautiful Rocky Mountains. to the distance.

That is the direction of happiness!
The night was silent and warm, and the morning came in a blink of an eye. The chirping birds outside the window changed the lullaby at night, and became light, energetic, and energetic. Angel, who opened her eyes early in the morning, stretched her little arms comfortably. calves!
The little girl, who had slept soundly, sat up from Qin Yi's arms, looked at the sleeping parents, smiled happily, then pouted her mouth, and kissed the faces of the three of them one by one!
But just after the kiss, the little girl touched her little mouth again, wrinkled her delicate little nose, and muttered softly: "Oh, that stinks! Angel has become a little bitch!"

After muttering, the little girl quickly got out of bed and ran back to her room to brush her teeth
Wash it in a few minutes, put on children's skin care products, smell it, um, it becomes fragrant again!
He ran downstairs, quietly returned to the adults' room after a while, and happily called his parents to get up!
First, wake up Susa and Keluo, "shush" a few times in a funny way, telling them not to talk, then under the funny eyes of the two women, lying on Qin Yi's chest, took out the slender grass leaves that had been prepared, Gently touch Qin Yi's nostrils!



There was an unbearable itching in his nose, which made Qin Yi sit up all of a sudden, rubbed it hard a few times, and after a while, he saw his smiling wife and child in front of him!

Well, being a man is hard
Looking at Angel who was holding the blade of grass and smiling happily, Qin Yi immediately knew who the "culprit" was, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab the little girl into his arms!
"Ha, you naughty ghost, let's see how Dad will deal with you!" Qin Yi pretended to be vicious, like a big devil, and after finishing speaking, he raised his chin and was about to rub the little girl's delicate face with the stubble of his beard. The little girl smiled coquettishly and dodged the pushing!

Susa and Keluo sat quietly by the bed, watching their father and daughter play with warm smiles on their faces.

"Oh, daddy stinks! You have to brush your teeth to smell good!"

While pushing Qin Yi's chin, the little girl smiled coquettishly and muttered, at the same time she tilted her head back vigorously, as if she was afraid of being smoked.

Qin Yi deliberately teased her, pretending to want to kiss her, but every time he was "avoided" by the little girl, the two of them played happily.

A happy day has just begun.

In the morning, after seeing off Daniel, Miles and others, Qin Yi's family, Ye Fang and others returned to the ranch and asked them to ride horses and wander around by themselves. Prepare for the next play.

Driving a yacht to Huaxia South Island is a long-established plan.

Now that the horse racing has come to an end, and Angel's birthday has also come to a successful conclusion, there is nothing else to do, so naturally it should be put on the agenda.

But it takes a long time to go on vacation, so it is natural to make some arrangements for the property under his name.

Especially the Wobe Lake Calf Project that is currently underway, Ryan must be carefully watched so that no mistakes can be made.

The adults are working, and Angel is not idle. The little girl received dozens of gifts yesterday, but she just opened them and looked at them, and they haven't had any fun yet!

So, the little girl sat on her little bed, fiddled with the presents in the room, and her happiness was broken!

A happy day passed, and in the evening, Qin Yi's family had already arranged all the work and packed their luggage. They only waited for tomorrow morning to take Angel and her friends and set off for Los Angeles to drive the yacht out to sea!

However, in the middle of the night, Qin Yi received the urgent news from John, which shocked and surprised him, but took it for granted!

(End of this chapter)

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