American Ranch

Chapter 330 Late Spring Morel Mushroom

Chapter 330 Late Spring Morel Mushroom

Returning to the room at night, Qin Yi roughly told the conversation with Scott and Baucus that they were nothing more than supporting the Democratic Party and their campaign.

Both women know what's going on, they just choose sides. From now on, they can participate in the Democratic Party banquet once or twice a year and donate a few thousand dollars in campaign funds. On weekdays, they can be as leisurely as they want without being disturbed !
Political intrigue is the business of politicians. No one is foolish enough to calculate the supporters of the other party, otherwise it will arouse the worries of their own supporters, and the gains outweigh the losses!
Qin Yi's move was also helpless.

It is natural to choose neither side, no one is forcing.

But this kind of approach sounds neutral at best, and makes enemies at worst, or makes enemies on both sides at once!

It is still more appropriate to do it at this time.

Choose one side and sit down, let the Democrats and the Republicans fight, and be a capitalist in peace and enjoy a leisurely life!
But there has to be some benefit.

The support is mutual. In return, Scott and Baucus will also provide a lot of policy-level support for Qin Yi's industry!

Qin Yi and his wife didn't take this matter to heart, they happily had sex
But there is another thing worth mentioning. Diana became the jockey of the Bonebreaker. In fact, Scott knew it all the time, but after all, it was his daughter's dream, and the Bonebreaker was really good, so he acquiesced.

However, this horse collision incident made him very angry. At that time, he also thought that someone was targeting the bonebreaker. As a result, he exerted some pressure and investigated again. The result was still an accident, which reassured him a lot.

During the conversation at night, he also told Qin Yi about this matter, which completely dispelled Qin Yi's doubts.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Qin Yi took everyone to see off Laura and Simon, and then set off for Montana.

Instead, Diana and Hans had already set off for the Preakness Championships.

In the second battle, Qin Yi didn't intend to go.

As the second round of the three major competitions, the status of the Preakness Championship is really embarrassing.

The Kentucky Derby has a grand start and has attracted a lot of attention. The Belmont Stakes is about the last leg of the Triple Crown and the one with the most failures. It is also eye-catching!

Only Preakness, the same top event, was caught between two major events with a difference of more than ten days, so it was a bit of a struggle, very embarrassing!

This was one of the reasons why Qin Yi didn't go to the scene.

In addition, even if the Bonebreaker is strong, the champion will not be able to escape, so Qin Yi will not be interested.

Qin Yi took the women and children home, Amanda went back to work on the farm together, and Sara had to go back to school. She won't be on vacation until early June!

Fortunately, Miles sent her back to San Francisco, so there was nothing to worry about.

Well, in fact, many of Sarah's peers have traveled to many places alone, but who made this girl too shy and graceful!
After some twists and turns, it was already afternoon when we returned to the ranch.

When friends heard the news, they couldn't help running over to congratulate him face to face again.

So there was another barbecue party in the evening. Everyone drank beer, and the barbecue was delicious. It was lively and enjoyable.

The next day, Qin Yi called Ryan over, together with Susa and Ke Luo, and everyone finalized the purchase of the calf.

He then called Charlie at Wells Fargo, and after some gossip, he outsourced the calf work to Wells Fargo's livestock company.

Charlie was naturally overjoyed when he received a big business deal, and he made promises, thanked him for his trust, etc. Qin Yi said a few words, and then hung up the phone.

At this time, the pasture on Wobe Lake Ranch has just been harvested and is growing tillers, so the calves will naturally not be sent to Wobe Lake Ranch.

Now it is just for Wells Fargo to prepare first, and then send them to Wobe Lake in a unified way after [-] days.

After a few days, Qin Yi discussed several times with the representative of Wells Fargo Bank who came to the ranch. After reaching an agreement, with the help of the legal advisory group, the calf entrustment contract was successfully signed.

After this matter is settled, the family is free again.

At this time, the sun is shining and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. It is officially a good time for spring, so on the weekend, Qin Yi took the girls and children out to play.

The end of spring is a good time for the growth of morels, so this time out, spring is the biggest purpose, but collecting morels by the way is also what Qin Yi hopes.

Qin Yi has never eaten this kind of precious edible fungus with a wrinkled net shape, like a light white or yellow honeycomb. He only saw it once in his hometown in the countryside when he was in elementary school!
At that time, some people went to the countryside to buy wild morels for seven or eight yuan a catty, which was a sky-high price in the era of two popsicles for one cent!

Therefore, many cats, adults and children, are looking for this kind of thing that does not know its purpose in front of the house, behind the house, and under the roots of barren trees!

The only time Qin Yi saw it was when he was very good at the same table in the neighboring village and showed it to him.

At that time, the deskmate secretly and carefully took out a delicate morel the size of an egg from the desk drawer. Qin Yi still remembers the precious look on his face!

The family drove quad bikes, brought black rice and wheat, talked and laughed, and ran all the way to the small woods deep in the pasture.

On the way, Qin Yi suddenly praised the deliciousness of the morel mushrooms, which made Susa and Ke Luo very interested.

Especially Angel, the little girl is very interested in delicious food, listening to Qin Yi's random boasting, her mouth is watering!

She also clamored to pick a lot of morels, and asked my dearest Uncle Yi to help her stew chicken!
Well, let's make chicken soup today!
After An Qier said it, Qin Yi was also greedy!
As the most delicious morel among the ascomycetes, it is widely distributed and is also a well-known edible fungus in North America. Many people will go to collect morels at the end of the second spring when they hear that there is a wildfire, because In the two or three years after the wildfire, morels were the most.

Under the expectation of the family, after more than half an hour, two four-wheeled motorcycles came to the small woods where they often hunted.

Everyone took a shotgun and a small pannier, and just went in.

The groves are lush, the streams are tinkling, the weeds are crisp and tender, the flowers are delicate and beautiful, the birds are singing in the forest, the squirrels are jumping on the branches, the breeze is floating, the vegetation is slightly shaking, and it is a peaceful and peaceful spring landscape.

From time to time, there will be rabbits and herds of deer passing by not far in front, coupled with the comfortable temperature, colorful but soft scenery, the family strolls among them, feeling refreshed, as if they forgot to collect morels for a while This thing!
The bright and colorful spring has created their joyful feelings.

Of course, forgetting is only for a moment. For a snack like Angel, he will only be fascinated by the beautiful scenery for a while, but not for a lifetime!
"Wow, Uncle Yi, is this a delicious morel?"

The three adults were still admiring the beautiful spring scenery, but they came back to their senses when they heard the little girl's surprise cheer.

Seeing the little girl pointing expectantly at a fat and delicious boletus under her feet, all three of them laughed lightly. Susa stepped forward to pick it and explained to the little girl: "This is a delicious boletus. It's delicious!"

Hearing that it was delicious, the little girl was still very happy, she took it and put it in the small back basket, and the chubby hand patted the back basket twice, looking very satisfied.

Reminded by Angel, the adults also began to look for morels, and they could enjoy the scenery by the way, so they felt at ease.

There was a harvest soon, and Qin Yi found a pale yellow morel growing quietly in the shade not far ahead.

"Hey, babies!"

Well, wives and children are treasures, one sentence sums it all up!

Susa and Keluo enjoyed it very much, and happily agreed to come over.

But Angel doesn't care so much, all the snacks' thoughts are on the morels, seeing that the most powerful Uncle Yi found one, he immediately jumped up and ran up.

But when he saw the wrinkled morels, he immediately pursed his lips: "Well, it's so ugly."

"It's okay, Angel, as long as it's delicious!" Susa and Keluo comforted her.

After hearing this, Angel immediately became happy again, and nodded, "It's all good if it's delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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