American Ranch

Chapter 310 After Arriving at the Ranch

Chapter 310 After Returning to the Ranch

Time flies, Qin Yi has been back to the ranch for several days with his woman and child.

After the separation in Miami, Captain John led the crew and drove the Venus around the Panama Canal, all the way to Los Angeles.

This is not a short journey. After a few days, we are still sailing on the sea.

Qin Yi has already made an arrangement, and the Venus will be docked at the private pier in Los Angeles in the future, usually guarded by the captain of the guard, Ben Xiong.

John returned to the vineyard to be responsible for security and the normal operation of the security company until the next time he went to sea and returned to be his captain.

In addition, Qin Yi also asked John to pay attention to the helicopter.

On the one hand, the ranch also needs to be equipped with a helicopter. On the other hand, considering the helipad on the deck of the Venus, it must not be wasted!
For Master Qin, who now has a lot of working capital, but suffers from no suitable investment projects, buying one or two helicopters worth 600 million dollars is a piece of cake!
Whether it was the transfer of the home port of the Venus or the choice of the helicopter, John helped him take care of all these, and Qin Yi didn't have to worry about it. Therefore, what he was thinking about in the past two days was about healing the old injuries of John and the others.

At that time, I was thinking about this matter on the yacht, but in Miami or on the yacht, there were too many people and it was always inconvenient, so I just dragged it down.

Perhaps, after John has settled the matter of the Venus and the helicopter, he can be called back to the ranch and try to heal his left leg. mind.

He thought about it, and the matter was settled first.

In the past few days, life has returned to its usual state: Angel goes to school, Susa and Colo, sometimes auditing accounts, sometimes inspecting farms and pastures.

When I’m free, I’ll help Susie grow vegetables, help Rachel take care of Sandy or the pregnant dog, and my daily life is always fulfilling and satisfying.

Now, since all the land on Angel Farm is planted with vegetables, Suzie's job has a new change: vegetable garden manager!

The sub-manager of the vegetable garden is a position designated by Qin Yixin. He is responsible for managing the entire vegetable base. His work includes: guiding the planting, picking, and preservation of vegetables, planning the planting area of ​​various vegetables, managing the workers in the vegetable garden, and so on.

It can be said that everything about the production of the vegetable garden is under Susie's management!

At that time, this appointment made Suzie excited and worried.

The excitement is because she has been a cowboy all her life, and this is her first time as a manager. For her, this is a great affirmation and a new height in her career!
The worry is naturally because it is the first time to be a manager, and I am afraid that I will not do well and live up to Qin Yi's trust!

But in the end, under Qin Yi's comfort and encouragement, Xizizi took over the job. Since then, he has been full of energy, spending all day in the vegetable garden of the farm, and even let Ryan send his meals over!
While this pleased Ryan, he also complained to Qin Yi: Susie has a job, and she doesn't even plan to have a family!
Naturally, I was joking. Ryan is happy to see that Susie has a higher pursuit in life. I don't see Susie now, and I live a fulfilling life all day, and my mood is better!
In fact, Susie was only busy for ten days and a half months, because there were machines for plowing and sowing, and the entire vegetable garden was less than a thousand acres. If a few temporary workers were hired, one day would be enough.

The real thing to be busy is planning the planting area of ​​various vegetables to facilitate centralized management in the future.

The mid-term weeding, catching insects, fertilizing, etc., and the later picking are all done by long-term vegetable garden employees, and Susie is responsible for guiding and supervising.

In terms of planning, Susa is also good at managing finances, so after returning to the ranch, checking the accounts and checking the operation of the slaughterhouse, she and Colo helped Susie plan the vegetable garden all day long.

After arranging the work of the vegetable garden, Qin Yi was not idle. First, he called Ryan and Hobbs over, listened to their work reports, and then arranged for their next work direction.

The focus of Ryan's work is to further cultivate the Qin's beef cattle on the ranch to create a better breed of beef cattle.

It's a long-term job, but always take the first step!
As an old cowboy, Ryan naturally has his own methods for these things. As long as Qin Yi arranges it, it is Ryan's own decision on how to cultivate it.

Of course, he will also pay attention to this issue, and take out spiritual spring water from time to time to speed up his cattle breeding work.

As for Hobbs, Qin Yi also has arrangements to let him put aside the matter of joining the tourist farm and start building a small equestrian troupe on the farm!
This is an outreach initiative targeting local tourists.

After things were arranged, the people in charge of all aspects began to be busy, and Qin Yi was tinkering with things he was interested in at the ranch.

Compared with wine, shopkeeper Qin still prefers beer, because beer is simple and casual, and you can take a sip anytime, anywhere. Relatively speaking, it is more applicable than wine!
So he decided to brew a batch of beer for his family to drink.

For several days, malt was made, roasted, fermented with dry hops, and of course, some spiritual spring water was also added.

He has been busy with these things, but fermentation takes time, and he still needs to wait to drink pure beer.

"Uncle Yi! I'm back! Sister Betsy is here too!"

Qin Yi was on the phone with his elder sister in the living room, and just after discussing something about the fish pond, Angel's voice came from outside the house.

The little girl is out of school.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the little girl led Becky and ran in.

The faces of the two little girls were flushed. It seemed that they got out of the car and ran all the way back impatiently.

"Hi, Betsy! Come and see Little Yellow Dog?"

"Hello, Uncle Yi!"

Becky said hello obediently, and then ran in with Angel, put down her schoolbag, climbed onto the sofa in two or three steps, and sat down next to Qin Yi.

The little girl is too familiar with Qin Yi and the others, like a family.

"I'm here to see the little yellow dog, Uncle Yi, is the little yellow dog doing well today?"

Recently, after Angel came home, Becky often ran over. On the one hand, she wanted to play with Angel, and on the other hand, she wanted to see the puppy who just opened her eyes!

The yellow puppy had already agreed to be given to Walker, so it belonged to Betsy's family.

The little girl likes the little yellow dog very much, and she has to come and see it every day after school.

"Very good! When the little yellow dog grows up, he must be an obedient, well-behaved, smart and majestic big dog!"

Qin Yi laughed and praised, in fact, he never went to see the puppy today!

But he is not talking nonsense, the dogs have always been very good, and after opening their eyes, after getting enough sleep all day, they seem to be restless, chasing and playing in the barn non-stop.

They are fat and cute, and it is no wonder that the two little girls have to run to play with the puppies all day long.

After hearing Qin Yi's words, the two little girls giggled and seemed very satisfied.

Angel hugged Qin Yi's knee and shook, then ran to the kitchen and poured two glasses of juice, brought them over obediently, and handed a cup to Becky as a treat.

This scene made Qin Yi laugh, he was a little bit older, but he knew a lot, just like a little adult!
The two girls grumbled and drank the juice after a while, and then planned to go to the barn to play with the puppy.

"Uncle Yi, do you want to go with us? Puppy is so fun!" The two held hands and looked at Qin Yi expectantly.

Qin Yi nodded, and followed the two happy little girls to the barn.

Naturally, he didn't go to play with the little dog, but thought of the other two big pregnant dogs, and planned to see if they were fattened up by Rachel again!

(End of this chapter)

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