American Ranch

Chapter 3 Car Accident Rescue

Chapter 3 Car Accident Rescue
The blue Lingyuan grass has no taste in the mouth, but it feels a little cool, which makes Qin Yi feel relieved, after all, the taste of green grass or the bitter taste of medicine is not good.
Chewing slowly, Qin Yi, who finished eating the Lingyuan grass, didn't have any special feelings, but felt refreshed. The groggy feeling formed after staying up late for a long time was gone.

Qin Yi ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. There was no major change. He had short hair and was still 1.8 meters tall, but the dark circles under his eyes disappeared, his body became stronger, and he became more energetic and energetic. "Well, I'm only 25 years old, so I'm still young, so I should look like this." Qin Yi is very satisfied with his current state.

Then Qin Yi remembered that he had gained 10 points of physique after eating the blood spirit fruit. He didn't know whether 10 points of physique was more or less. Feeling that his strength was much greater than usual, Qin Yi decided to try push-ups. After more than 1 minute, Qin Yi did 100 and felt that he hadn't reached his limit, so he couldn't stop after doing more than 10 more.After Qin Yi's calculations, his current physical fitness is almost twice that of before. It seems that physical fitness is strength, endurance and other physical qualities.

Qin Yi is very satisfied. After exercising, he has twice the physical fitness of an ordinary adult.

After feeling the blood spirit fruit and spirit essence grass, I thought of snow ginseng again. This thing is the best. It is not very important in the game, but it is really a treasure in the real world.Qin Yi immediately entered the space, came to the side of the snow ginseng, saw things like white rice grains scattered around, thought that these should be the seeds of the snow ginseng, quickly packed them up, counted them carefully, 30 seeds, really good, one There are so many seeds in a snow ginseng.

Going to look at the seeds all over the ground, Qin Yi went back to the rental house, found some plastic bags, walked back to the space, and started to pick up the seeds.First the snow ginseng, then the spirit essence grass.

Like the snow ginseng, the seeds of Lingyuan grass were scattered around the plant, and the color turned blue. The number was correct, and each plant produced 30 seeds.Thinking about it again, the blood spirit fruit also bears 30 fruits. I saw it when I picked it just now. I took out the leftover core and smashed it open. There are almond-like seeds lying full. Okay, three kinds The spirit grass is really the same, the number of seeds has been negotiated.

The seeds are collected and stored in thatched cottages.

After doing this, Qin Yi turned around and dug out a snow ginseng.The snow ginseng is not big, 15 or 16 centimeters long, three fingers thick and thin, the whole body is as white as jade, emitting a faint halo.Just by looking at it, you know it's a good thing!
Qin Yi held it in his hand, he didn't dare to eat it, he wasn't afraid he wouldn't be able to chew it, this is fresh ginseng, and he didn't process it, he was afraid that after eating it, he would turn 10 years younger and become a boy, that would be a big joke!

Forget it, put it away first, go back and find a small animal, pinch some roots and feed it to try.Thinking about it this way, Qin Yi put aside the benefits of snow ginseng and began to harvest mature spiritual grass and spiritual fruit.Hurry up to harvest and plant the next crop is justified!

Qin Yi stored the picked spiritual grass and spiritual fruit in the thatched cottage.How to use these treasures, Qin Yi hasn't figured it out yet, anyway, let's put them away first, the thatched cottage is not afraid of damage, let's talk about the future road after planning.

After thinking about all this, Qin Yi's stomach growled.Look at the time, it's past 11 o'clock.Well, it's time to eat.From last night to now, I have been working hard, I have not had a safe life, and I am already hungry.Qin Yi, who won the grand prize, felt that he would definitely have money to spend in the future, so he decided to have a big meal.

However, Qin Yi also knows that the spirit grass in the space cannot be taken out casually. He has no strength and no background. If he is known to have so many good things, he will definitely end badly. This needs to be planned slowly.

"As for how to plan, well, um, go to eat first, and think about it after eating." Qin Yi muttered a few words, but decided to eat first. Qin Yi changed his clothes, put on his wallet, went out to take the bus, and went straight to the river. Daxixi Campus, planning to find a good restaurant nearby.Unexpectedly, just halfway through, I was still on Tianmu Mountain Road, and I saw a lot of traffic jams at the intersection ahead.

"There was a car accident!" The driver sighed solemnly, then pulled over and stopped to help.

Qin Yi got out of the car with everyone and walked into the crowd of onlookers, and heard everyone discussing at one go.

"I heard that one died?" The aunt next to her had a complicated expression.

"Yeah, I heard that he was drunk, alas, he drove while drunk, people these days don't have any sense of awe!" an old man interjected, lamenting the decline of the world.

"That young man is also unlucky!"

"Isn't it? It's a good thing to drive a car and get hit."

"It seems that the injury is not serious!"

"It's very heavy. I heard people say that the ribs are broken."

There was a lot of discussion.

Qin Yi looked at the scene while listening, the injured had been rescued, the dead was lying on the side of the road covered by clothes, a black commercial Mercedes-Benz in the middle rolled over on the side of the road, and a Volkswagen hit a flower bed not far away. On a big tree, railings were scattered all around, and the front of the car was sunken.

Take a closer look at the wounded, a young man with short hair, 1 meters tall, white short-sleeved T-shirt, black pencil pants, dressed in an urban fashion youth, can't see his face clearly, but overall he looks a little familiar.

"It's not like I know it!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yi became a little nervous, and hurried over.

"Ye Fang? Damn it, is it really you?" When he got closer, Qin Yi yelled and rushed forward, his face full of nervousness, "How is it, where is the injury? Is it serious? Why hasn't the ambulance come yet?"

Hearing the cry, the young man raised his eyes, and a smile appeared on his pale face: "Xiao Yizi, why are you here?" Just after saying a word, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and Qin Yi hurriedly motioned for him not to speak any more. , looking at the injury carefully.

Ye Fang, Qin Yi's university classmate and four-year roommate, is a third-generation red-rooted young man, handsome and spirited, and he is low-key and loyal.

There are four people in the dormitory of Qinyi University. The eldest Wang Xixi has ideas and dares to think and act, and is good at communication. The second child is not tall but has a high IQ and novel views. The strategy is that people are a little lazy.The four were best friends in college.

Of course, Qin Yi's nickname Xiao Yizi, like Fang Yue and Wang Xixi, was often used as a joke at first, but he gradually got used to it.

Qin Yi looked at it for a while, only to find that his left arm seemed to be broken, and his chest was covered with blood, and he didn't know if his chest was injured.

At this time, the old man who was helping at the side explained: "This young man was driving forward. By chance, a car came running to the left. He was driving drunk and speeding. He hit the young man directly. Look, the door of the car was deformed!"

Qin Yi managed to squeeze out a smiling face to greet the enthusiastic old man. The old man had gray hair and was dressed in casual clothes. There was a birdcage next to him. He probably lived nearby and came out for a walk.Qin Yi looked at Ye Fang's car, and indeed, the car rolled over, the doors were deformed and could not be opened, and the front window glass was broken. I think everyone dragged Ye Fang out from there.

"Your friend is seriously injured. His left arm is broken, and his ribs on his left should be broken as well. He hurt his internal organs, otherwise he wouldn't be vomiting blood all the time. I hope the ambulance will arrive soon."

Qin Yi became even more nervous when he heard that he had hurt his internal organs. This thing is not a joke. It's okay to break a bone, but it's not certain if it hurts an internal organ. If it's serious, it's bad.But it can only be accompanied by nervousness, which can't help.

But suddenly, Qin Yi thought of the blood spirit fruit in the space. This thing can not only improve his physique in the game, but also restore his health. It should be useful to Ye Fang!

Thinking of this, Qin Yi couldn't stay still, "Lie down and don't move around, I'll be right back after going to the bathroom."

After speaking to Ye Fang, he got up and ran to the nearby supermarket, regardless of other people's suspicious eyes.Qin Yi ran to the bathroom of the supermarket, stepped into the space, went to the thatched cottage to get a blood spirit fruit, and ran back when he got out of the space.

Qin Yi went back to Ye Fang and sat down. After waiting for a while, he touched the bloody fruit from his pocket, intending to feed it to Ye Fang.Seeing Qin Yi take out a red fruit for him to eat, Ye Fang joked leisurely: "A few fruits are not enough. If you don't have enough, you will still be a starving ghost."

"What time are you still joking, don't talk!"

Qin Yi's voice was rarely harsh, but Ye Fang seemed very happy. It was also a happy thing to have brothers nervous about him when he was in trouble.

Qin Yi looked at the blood spirit fruit in his hand. It was really difficult for Ye Fang to eat the fruit. He thought about going to the crowd to borrow a plastic bag to put the fruit in. He smashed it with a hammer and beat it, and turned around and squatted down. , Feed the leaves and put a little bit to eat slowly.The uncle next to him opened his mouth to say something, looked at Ye Fang with a determined face and opened his mouth to eat, but finally said nothing.

Ye Fang didn't think too much about it. Although his brother is lazy, he never does useless things. He eats whatever he asks, and he can even hurt himself.

"The taste is really good. When you recover from the injury, you have to ask Xiao Yizi what kind of fruit it is. It doesn't taste like this!" Ye Fang is also a rough nerve, eating hard while thinking wildly.

After struggling to finish eating, Qin Yi sat down with him and waited for the ambulance while observing Ye Fang's condition.After waiting for another 3 minutes, the ambulance finally arrived. Qin Yi saw that Ye Fang's expression had improved a lot, and he thought that the blood spirit fruit had taken effect.

As for Qin Yi's imagination, Ye Fang's own feeling is more specific.Not long after eating the red fruit, Ye Fang felt that the pain in his chest and left arm had eased a lot, and the fracture site was hot with slight itching, and even the feeling of powerlessness that he always had after the car accident disappeared. Mostly.

"It can't be the effect of that fruit, the panacea is so amazing!"

Ye Fang thought this way but didn't intend to ask more questions. If it is really the effect of the fruit, then there will definitely not be many such good things, as long as you have something to eat.

The situation has improved a lot, at least Ye Fang, who no longer coughed up blood, called home and briefly explained his situation, and the family would greet the hospital and make arrangements.

Qin Yi watched Ye Fang being carried into the car, and followed him to the hospital.In the ambulance, the doctor judged that the left arm was fractured, the chest was fractured and the heart was slightly compressed, and the lungs were slightly damaged based on the situation at the scene and the state of Ye Fang.

When they arrived at the city hospital, the dean, who had been notified earlier, personally arranged to check the injury and prepare the operating room.Qin Yi sat and waited, thinking that the surgery would take a long time.Unexpectedly, Ye Fang was pushed back to the intensive care unit just after the examination.

Qin Yi scratched his head, not knowing what was going on.
(End of this chapter)

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