American Ranch

Chapter 29 The First Meeting at the Hospital

Chapter 29 The first meeting in the hospital
Sure enough, as if to test Qin Yi's damn premonition, when the police car arrived at the intersection, it wanted to turn and drive towards the small farm, but turned back halfway through the turn and stopped in front of the two of them!
Qin Yi led the nervous Angel to stand up, watching two police officers in police uniforms, a man and a woman, getting out of the police car.There was some timidity in Angel's eyes, she held the teddy bear with her left hand, and tightly held Qin Yi's hand with her right hand, her little hand turned white due to too much force!
Qin Yi patted Angel's small head to comfort him, and looked at the two police officers. The male police officer was about 35 years old, with a serious face and neat uniform, and looked at Qin Yi seriously while walking; the female police officer casually tied her ponytail and looked at Angel. , looking at the photo in his hand, his eyes were full of pity, and his face was a little regretful!
Qin Yi's heart sank when he saw it, it seemed that something really happened, and it had something to do with Angel.Step forward and speak first: "Hello, two police officers."

The male police officer interfaced: "Hello, we are from the Great Rapids City Police Department, I am Broad Gary, and this is Janet Charles." Then he took out his police officer ID and showed it to Qin Yi, and the female police officer also showed it in cooperation Credentials, same Great Falls Police Department.

"Excuse me?"

After Qin Yi saw it clearly, the two took back their documents. Brod looked at Qin Yi with some doubts. According to the information, Sophie Susa is a single mother who lives with a 4-year-old daughter and has never had any contact with anyone. Who is this Asian guy who seems to have a great relationship with the little girl!
"Oh, hello, I'm Yi Qin. My home is in the nearby Sun River Ranch. On the way home, I saw Angel waiting for her mother here alone, so I stayed here and waited with her. What happened?" Qin Yi explained briefly, and was anxious to know what happened.

Brod knew about the Sun River Ranch. Some time ago, the ranch changed owners, and there was a lot of trouble. He heard that the new rancher was a Chinese, but he didn't expect it to be the young man in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, sorry, please wait a moment!"

Brod glanced at Qin Yi again, and instead of answering in a hurry, he turned to Angel, "Hello, are you Angel? Mom hasn't come back yet?"

Angel didn't answer, but looked up at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi patted Angel's little hand, encouraging her and giving her a sense of security.

Feeling Qin Yi's encouragement, Angel turned her head and whispered to Brod: "Hello, I'm Angel. I'm waiting for my mother to come home!"

At the end, Angel's voice choked up again, and in her little mind, she also realized that something might be wrong with her mother!The little man leaned against Qin Yi, wanting to rely on his Uncle Yi!
Qin Yi quickly hugged Angel, wanting her to feel his care.

Brod confirmed that the little girl in front of him was Angel, and he didn't delay any longer. With a look of regret, he whispered to Qin Yi: "Mr. Qin, it's like this. Angel's mother had a car accident on the way back and is currently in the hospital. receive treatment."

Janet glanced at Angel, who was crying silently on Qin Yi's shoulder, and said casually, "Of course, Angel's mother is just sick, and it will be fine if she stays in the hospital for two days, and then she can play with Angel again." Already!"

This sentence seems to be speaking to Qin Yi, but it is actually comforting Angel!It seems that this police officer named Janet is very delicate and kind.

Qin Yi also quickly spoke to comfort: "An Qier, don't worry, mom just fell down, and Uncle Yi is the best doctor in the world, wait for Uncle Yi to help mom treat her illness, and mom will be fine in two days!"

Alas, another car accident, I hope the injury is not serious!

After hearing Qin Yi's words, An Qier immediately raised her little head, shedding tears, and looked at Qin Yi expectantly, "Uncle Yi, you can cure mother, right?" The little man twitched his nose and cried But sad!
"Of course, Uncle Yi won't lie to the lovely Angel!" Qin Yi helped Angel wipe her tear-stained face, and assured her in a very affirmative tone.

After listening to Qin Yi's words, An Qier felt much more at ease. Although her nose was still twitching, she didn't cry anymore.

"Uncle Yi is the best person in the world, as good as mother!"

Listening to the childish and childish words of the little girl, Qin Yi felt very warm in his heart, and he felt more pity for poor Angel, and he became more determined in his heart to cure Angel's mother, if the spirit grass is useful!

Looking at poor Angel, Brod, who had always been very serious, also looked sad at this moment. God, how could this damned guy make a 4-year-old child suffer so much!

Now that Angel has been found, let's take her to the hospital to see her mother as soon as possible.Janet smiled, and her voice was full of caring, "An Qier, let's go see mother! Mr. Qin, could you please go with Angel?"

Although she knew that Yiyi must go with her because of her love for Angel, but out of politeness, Janet still asked.

"Of course, just call me Yi, let's go now. An Qier, I'll take you to see your mother!" Now An Qier relies on Qin Yi, Qin Yi feels that he can't live up to the trust of a child, and An Qier is very cute , very sensible, Qin Yi likes it more and more!
An Qier hugged Qin Yi's neck tightly, and nodded on Qin Yi's shoulder.

Just about to put Angel in the passenger seat of the pickup truck, Janet first took out a child seat from the police car and helped Qin Yi fix it on the passenger seat, while explaining to Qin Yi seriously: " Yi, Montana law stipulates that children under the age of 6 must sit in a child seat when riding in a car!"

by law?Qin Yi really doesn't know, but looking at this children's chair, it seems that children are safer sitting in it.

"Thank you, Janet, I almost violated the law!" Qin Yi looked rejoiced, if he entered the palace to drink tea in this way, wouldn't his reputation be destroyed in one lifetime!
It seems that we need to buy a children's chair and keep it in the car.These thoughts quickly flashed through Qin Yi's mind, and Qin Yi said to Janet and Brod seriously: "Janet, Brod, I just came from China, and the laws here are not clear about some details, if you find If there is anything wrong with my behavior, please remind me!"

Janet had already fixed the child chair, motioned Qin Yi to put Angel on it, and said with a smile: "You already know about the child chair, and also, pull over and stop early when you see the school bus, and start it after the school bus passes by."

Broad also added on the side: "There is also a child protection, you can't let a child run around without a guardian, of course, this is the same as a hunting license, not very strict, except for those child protection organizations and People from animal protection organizations will make trouble for you!"

"Thank you, you have helped me a lot!" Qin Yi helped Angel fasten her seat belt, patted Angel's head again, closed the car door, and asked Angel's mother Sophie in a low voice.

"Yi, can we talk about the details at the hospital? Ms. Susa is awake, her mind is clear, and her life is not in danger. Otherwise, we would not dare to take Angel to see her mother. This is too cruel to the child!" Janet said, There was some redness in front of my eyes, and I remembered that this 4-year-old girl lost her father, and now her mother was in a car accident again, how pitiful it is!

Without further delay, Qin Yi drove behind the two, telling short stories from time to time to distract Angel.

After another hour, the two vehicles finally arrived at the hospital.Qin Yi held Angel in his arms, and quickly followed the two of them. On the way, Broder sent someone to notify the attending physician, John, and went directly to the ward without delay.

This is an ordinary ward. Standing at the door, you can see a beautiful young woman lying on the bed. Her face is a little pale, and the bandage wrapped around her head is stained red by blood. Looking out the window.

Janet pushed open the door, looked at Qin Yi, and motioned him to go in.Qin Yi looked at the startled woman on the hospital bed, and walked in holding Angel. The woman looked at her precious daughter, tears streaming down her face, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Putting down the little person who had been quietly lying on her shoulders since entering the hospital, squatted down, and whispered in her ear: "Anqier, mom is there, go talk to mom!"

An Qi'er trembled, lying in Qin Yi's arms, slowly turned her head, saw her mother lying on the bed, cried out with a cry, jumped on it quickly, and called mother with sobs!
Seeing the crying baby girl, the woman couldn't bear it any longer, and finally cried out, struggling to sit up and hug her daughter, but every time she moved, the heart-piercing pain made her forehead sweat, just now John, the attending physician who came to the ward, hurriedly stopped her when she saw this, and the woman also remembered her injury, so she could only lie down helplessly, stretched out her hand to pat the crying baby lying on her body, and comforted her crying: "An Qier Mom, mom is fine! Angel, don’t cry, mom will just rest for two days, when the time comes, mom will cook something delicious for Angel, and play with Angel, okay?"

Angel's shoulders twitched, she was so crying that she couldn't speak, she sucked her little nose, raised her head to look at her crying mother, stretched out her little hand, and gently wiped away her tears!

"Ms. Susa, you'd better control your emotions. The current state is not good for the recovery of the injury!" John saw the poor mother and daughter hugging each other and crying, and didn't come out to stop it immediately. After a while , I was really worried that it would affect the patient's injury, so I had to stand up and be an annoying villain!
After listening to the doctor's words, Susa tried her best to control her emotions, and comforted Angel with a smiling face: "An Qier won't cry, she won't cry when she sees her mother, she's fine, she'll be fine in two days!"

Qin Yi saw that his eyes were red, and he also stepped forward to touch Angel's head, comforting softly: "An Qier must be happy, your mother's illness will recover quickly if you are happy! Angel must be a strong and good child!"

"Woooo, Angel. Be happy, woo, Angel will not cry, please get well soon!" Angel is very obedient, although her shoulders are still twitching, but she is not crying, and she is talking intermittently On the way here, Uncle Yi told me a story to make my mother happy!
Susa smiled gratefully at Qin Yi, held Angel's little hand, and listened carefully to Angel's storytelling.

ps: Thank you friends for your recommendation votes. Xiaochong has the cheek to ask for another recommendation. If you have a ticket for children's shoes in your hand, please vote for it. Thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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