American Ranch

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Not long after returning to the stands, Hans was led out with the other jockeys and racehorses riding the Bonebreaker.

However, the horse trainers are the ones who lead the horses, but when it comes to the bonebreaker, it is the staff
Moreover, look at other people's jockeys, all of them are thin and lean, although they look a bit wretched, but squatting on the horse's back, they are like sharp arrows ready to be fired, as if they will fly out at any time!

Then look at the Bone Crusher on the far side. Originally transformed by the blood spirit fruit, it is 178 cm tall. Coupled with Hans, who is of medium stature, he is much taller than the other seven participating groups in no time. It looks weird and different!
However, Bonecrusher's condition is really good. His spirit and quick-wittedness are obviously better than its competitors.

At this time, the three-year-old boy was looking at the arena curiously. Although it was the first time he saw so many people, he couldn't see the slightest bit of anxiety.

Even, its brisk swishing tail gives people a mischievous illusion!

However, many people in the stands were just watching the fun and didn't know much about horse racing. Therefore, the slightly weird combination of Bonebreaker and Hans attracted the attention of these people.

However, these people basically cast a suspicious look, talking with the "heroes who see the same thing" around them.

I was a little puzzled, did such an unusual jockey really come to participate in the competition?

Even in the first game, a low odds of 3-4 was given. Could it be that the horse racing betting company is blind?
Such a combination turned out to be the favorite to win the championship?

They naturally know that not only are the horse racing betting companies not blind, but they are all astute as ghosts, and they will never make a decision to lose money!

In this way, this weird combination should have its unique features.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is a smokescreen released by the gaming company.

But no matter what, the most attention-grabbing players in the arena at this time were Bonebreaker and Hans.

If there are those who watch the excitement, there will naturally be real horse racing enthusiasts!
Compared to the lively crowd, the fans saw the Bonebreaker, but it was like a senior investor seeing a potential stock, their eyes lit up!

When they took a look at the state of Bonebreaker, they knew that this was a very good racehorse!

Look at the graceful, explosive tendons, the slightly arrogant but spirited eyes, and the brisk and naughty little movements, this is simply a racehorse born to win the championship!
But unfortunately, for some reason, there was such a rookie jockey, look at the extremely unprofessional riding posture, squatting awkwardly on the horse's back, looking stiff all over, how can this work well with the horse? !
For a while, such a situation formed in the stands: the spectators were talking about it, and those who really knew horses were busy observing with binoculars, or taking pictures, or asking for information about the bonebreaker. For a while, the stands were quite lively .

However, the two sides agreed on the jockey Hans, and felt that this guy should really be taken down, even an apprentice jockey is more professional than him!
Qin Yi's family also saw the situation on the field.

An Qier sat in Qin Yi's arms, widened her big Shui Ling eyes, and looked around curiously.

As for Susa and Colo, they joked with Hans, saying that other jockeys were leaner, but he was "tall and handsome" in comparison!
Regarding this statement, Qin Yi also laughed heartlessly. At the same time, he felt a little regretful, because the first match of the Bonebreaker was a bit unsatisfactory after all.

But there is no way, who made the Bonebreaker not famous now, naturally he can't find a good jockey, so he can only let Hans, a half bottle of water, top the tank!

And the audience couldn't see that the "half bottle of water" at this time was already sweating nervously. In this winter, it seemed as if it had been exposed to the scorching sun for a long time!
Alas, it's about career, who can't be nervous!
At this time, the horse race had entered the starting gate, and the scene became quiet, waiting for the start of the 2000-meter race on the dirt track.

Without waiting for a long time, with the sound of a bell, the gates opened at the same time, and for a while, the racehorses rushed out reflexively, accelerating extremely fast, like a pouring torrent, watching the blood of the audience spurt!
The Bonebreaker was no exception. He stepped forward and immediately burst out with super speed. In an instant, he surpassed the seven horses by half a body. He continued to accelerate, and the gap in body size became wider and wider. !

Qin Yi felt satisfied when he saw the bonebreaker's excellent start.

It can be seen from this that Hans is really a good horse trainer, and he can train the bonebreaker who is playing for the first time to an experienced level.

Of course, this does not rule out the fact that the bonebreaker itself is clever.

As soon as the game started, the audience on the field suddenly burst into excitement. They held up their mobile phones and cameras, shouted while taking pictures, and the whole scene suddenly boiled!
Ten seconds into the race, Bonebreaker was already in the lead, surpassing the second brown racehorse named "Hippie Kid" by three positions!

For a while, this pair of weird big men caused the audience on the field to exclaim.

And the horse lovers with a relatively small proportion shouted hoarsely one by one. Looking at their posture, it seemed that the Bone Crusher in the competition was their relatives!
Angel naturally likes Bonebreaker very much, just like Xiao Hei.

At this time, the little girl was standing on Qin Yi's lap, leaning against Qin Yi's shoulder, clapping the chubby hands, cheering for the bonebreaker, her crisp voice was full of youthful vitality and pure childishness.

Susa has always been reserved and stable, just clenched her fists, stared at the bonebreaker who was running hard, and cheered silently in her heart.

And the lively and energetic Ke Luo yelled and cheered with Angel!

Qin Yi remained calm, supported the little girl standing on his lap, and stared silently, but unconsciously gritted his teeth, and his heart beat a little faster for the first battle of the Bonebreaker.

You compete for each other in the arena, but this is for the other seven horses, and the bonebreaker has a razor-sharp and sharp momentum, riding the dust!
At this time, the Bonebreaker had turned into the inside under Hans' control, about five positions ahead of No.2, and came all the way to the track facing Qin Yi's family.

But that extraordinary speed, in the eyes of Qin Yi and the others, just passed by in a flash, there was no time to fix their eyes and take a closer look!

Whoosh, go fast!

For a moment, Qin Yi and the others could only turn their heads and continue to follow the indomitable Bonebreaker!
However, when the time progressed to more than 40 seconds, it came to a bend, and here, a small accident occurred!

But when turning the corner, Hans suddenly lost his balance and was thrown from the horse's back, leaving only his right foot stuck in the stirrup!
It seems that because the Bone Crusher was too fast and the centrifugal force was too great, and Hans was inexperienced, he couldn't respond in advance, so he was thrown off the horse!
Fortunately, at the critical moment, he threw away the whip with his right hand and held the rein tightly with his left hand. Therefore, although half of his body fell off the horse, he did not fall to the ground!
Otherwise, at this speed, fractures are inevitable!
Fortunately, the Bonebreaker was strong, and Hans suddenly fell on its right side, which didn't cause him any discomfort.

Seeing this thrilling scene, the arena suddenly burst into exclamation, and the audience all stood up and looked over there.

From the time when the Bonebreaker took the lead, the huge display screen in the central garden gave Hans and the others a close-up shot. Now this situation has firmly attracted everyone's attention!
The passionate narrator on the radio also looks like it's not a big deal to watch the excitement, and makes follow-up reports on the current situation!
"Ah! Little Bones is about to fall!"

Angel was so frightened that she covered her big eyes, but she still observed through her fingers, curious and worried!

Ke Luo and Su Sa also exclaimed, and they couldn't help standing up, worried in their hearts. They didn't expect such an accident to happen after a good game!
Qin Yi was naturally worried, and immediately hugged Angel and ran over with the two girls.

(End of this chapter)

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