American Ranch

Chapter 266

Chapter 266

*It may be a little late today!
But for everyone on the ranch, it was a welcome thing for Susa to come to the end of all hardships.

Especially the few old people who have a good relationship with Qin Yi, such as Ryan and Hobbs, Walker, Viviera, etc., have lived a long time, and they understand better in their hearts that it is not easy to live together for a lifetime.

If each other feels that happiness is far greater than sadness, that is happiness, even with some small flaws!

But what is perfection?
Therefore, Qin Yi's friends, silently wish in their hearts!

In fact, everyone in the ranch had expected this.

In everyone's minds, Susa has always been the hostess of the ranch, because she has always lived here and managed Qin Yi's property, which is more like what a hostess should do!
In comparison, Kolo will be at a disadvantage. He spends less time on the ranch and has no specific involvement in the management of the ranch. Therefore, the impression given to everyone is not as deep and specific as Susa.

But Ke Luo will come back soon, and the beef cattle sales job that he officially took over will inevitably have more contact with everyone on the ranch. I believe everyone will gradually change their impressions and promote Ke Luo to the same position as Susa.

Waving at Ryan from afar was a response, and the two planned to continue enjoying the scenery leisurely, but the rattling stairs told them that Amanda was coming up.

That's right, Amanda went home for Christmas and New Year's Day. After a holiday that lasted for more than half a month, she finally came back to work!

Although Amanda's styling design house is more of her own interest, the ability to make money is also very good.

In addition to the share of the farm, she still has an income of more than 5000 US dollars every month, definitely more than Sister Linna earns on the farm!

Her daddy Miles was rich, but to her, it belonged to Miles, and she had to support herself with her own hands.

This made Miles gratified and disappointed, but he knew that the children's choice was right, after all, they couldn't live on their father for the rest of their lives!

This kind of independent personality is very common in American society, and Qin Yi has always been very emotional about this.

Amanda was so careless, she stomped the stairs every step of the way!
Sitting sideways on Qin Yi's lap, Susa heard the movement, and immediately wanted to get up and stand up.

She knew that if Amanda saw the intimate actions of the two of them, she would definitely make fun of her!

Because Amanda returned to the ranch yesterday and just learned about the current situation.Although he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help teasing Susa.

From yesterday to today, I don't know how many times Susa has been teased by Amanda!

But Su Sa wanted to get up, but Qin Yi didn't intend to let her up.

The guy continued to wrap his arms around her soft waist enjoying it, waiting for Amanda to come up, admiring the pasture swaying in the breeze in the distance.

Susa could never disobey Qin Yi's decision, which made her a little helpless, so she could only continue to hug his neck and sit on his lap.

As if anticipating Amanda's teasing, she felt a little uncomfortable.

But she was happy in her heart, because Qin Yi had never thought of hiding anything since Christmas, which meant a lot to her!

Looking at the grass, Qin Yi thought of the batch of low-priced cattle and sheep bought by Feng Xuetian.

After the snow melted some time ago, the sheep were sent to the small hill in the northwest corner, where the shepherd Ludi and his two sons were responsible for feeding them.

The cattle are divided into a separate area and have been taken out to graze. I don't know if they are used to life on the ranch.

Check it out another day!
He had just made up his mind when Amanda was on the patio.

"Hey! It seems that I came at the wrong time, didn't I bother you?"

Amanda raised her eyebrows and smiled. Even though she said this, she didn't have the slightest sense of disturbing others, and she still approached with her arms folded.

Walking in front of Susa who was blushing slightly, she intentionally put on a cute look with her hands holding her heart, she couldn't learn to lose sight, so she could only try her best to blink those big eyes, looking at the distant scenery, and sighing with emotion stand up:
"The winter sun is so warm, and the scenery in the distance is so beautiful! Especially when you enjoy it with your loved ones!"

After finishing speaking, she stretched her head with a smile and stared at Susa, "Am I right, Susa?"


As soon as the words fell, the three people present laughed at the same time!

Qin Yi and Su Sa naturally laughed at her awkwardness of pretending to be coquettish. Thinking about a carefree girl who suddenly transformed into a coquettish girl, the sense of disobedience makes people laugh!
And Amanda laughed because of her attitude and rhetoric!

My family members know about my own family affairs, although I can't see this kind of behavior that doesn't fit my personality, I can guess it, it must be very funny!

Amanda failed to make fun of others, but made fun of herself, making the whole scene full of laughter.

Qin Yi lay lazily halfway, reached out to touch the purple sand pot on his right, and poured a cup of warm tea, but the cup was too far away, so he couldn't touch it!

Susa helped him pick it up with a funny face, and seeing how sweet his drink was, she also poured herself a glass.

This purple clay pot is one of Ye's old man's collections. The last time Ye Fang came to the ranch, he asked Ye Fang to give it to Qin Yi.

In his words: How can good tea be without a good pot!
At that time, Ye Fang casually mentioned that it was a top quality teapot in China, and his words were a bit sour.

Qin Yi immediately seized the opportunity to show off.

In fact, he doesn't understand purple clay teapots, but Ye Fang wants it too, and it's inevitable that there will be jokes and funny words among friends.

But having said that, even though he didn't understand, after drinking tea for so long, he still found some ways to do it. It is indeed as the rumor spreads, to preserve the original taste and gather the fragrance of tea!

Even his space tea can add a little flavor.

This purple clay teapot is really good for making tea.

Of course, to Qin Yi, this thing is just a tool for making tea, and he doesn't have the consciousness to collect and enjoy it.

He was carried around by Angel all day long to pour tea and make tea for him, without worrying about breaking it at all!

If you fall, you will fall. At worst, you can ask Mr. Ye for another one, and you will just give two taels of tea leaves. That thing, crops once a week in the space, is like cutting leeks!
Seeing their husband and wife drinking tea and chatting everywhere, Amanda was naturally not far behind. She made enough food and clothing by herself, poured a cup, lay on the rocking chair on the other side of the table, and looked casually at the blue sky and white clouds.

Having lived in the ranch for a long time, my friends are inevitably influenced by Qin Yi, and coupled with the charm of space tea, all of them like this drink quite a lot.

But the favorite is space coffee, which is more in line with their long-standing habits.

The three chatted for a while, and Amanda didn't bother them too much, and went downstairs to play with the small animals.

The big cat and the kitten came to the ranch for a short time, and she stayed home for so long, so she didn't play with them all the time, and she was still very curious.

Time soon came to the evening, and Angel came back from school, but today the little girl came back riding McGee!

From a long distance, Qin Yi and Su Sa saw it, and hurried downstairs to meet it.

A brown bear is carrying a four-year-old baby on its back. That scene is a bit weird!
The little girl walked and sang all the way, riding on Maggie's back, her two calves were dangling, and she was waving a twig in her hand, which I didn't know where to break it.

This scene made the two of them very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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