American Ranch

Chapter 259 Breakfast Discussion

Chapter 259 Breakfast Discussion

In the living room, Angel was still running around looking for presents, when she saw them coming downstairs, she raised her face and called softly, "Mom, Uncle Yi, Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas! My baby!"

The two responded with a smile, greeted her and kissed her one after another, and then they were "revenged" by the little girl, leaving their faces full of saliva.

"Mom, do you need me to help you find gifts? I know how to find gifts. Look, I found these gifts!"

The little girl proudly displayed a pile of gift boxes on the sofa, and those were all her presents.

"Santa Claus really came to give me presents!"

"That's right, Santa Claus came to our house yesterday!" Susa glanced at Qin Yi with a smile, and then said to the little girl, "Anqier, let's find your own gift, Mommy's gift has been found!"

"Is that right?"

The little girl was very interested, and chased after Susa, who was about to cook, and asked, "Is the gift from mother beautiful? Can you show me it? I guess it must be a big doll, isn't it?" Mother!"

"No, it's not a rag doll, but it's very beautiful! I'll show you after dinner, mom has to cook first!"

When the little girl heard that she was going to cook, she immediately rubbed her belly, she was hungry!

"Okay then, Mommy has to cook first!"

Looking at the gifts is not as important as eating them, let's eat first.

Susa rubbed her head, smiled and went to cook, leaving the little girl to look for Qin Yi, "Uncle Yi, do you want me to help you? I'm very good at finding gifts!"

"Yes, uncle still needs a gift, let's find it together." Qin Yi, who was about to go out to the stable, decided to accompany the little girl to find a gift first, and he was also curious about what Susa would give him.

So, one big and one small two people started the big homework of finding gifts.

But Susa in the kitchen heard Qin Yi say that she was short of a gift, and suddenly remembered last night, and wondered if it was true that Ke Luo gave the two of them as gifts!
If it is true, doesn't that mean that Qin Yi only received half of the gift?

She spat secretly and continued cooking.

Qin Yi and Angel fumbled in the living room for half an hour, and finally found a gift from Susa in Lai Pi's Apple House: a Patek Philippe watch!
There is also a shopping invoice in the box. It seems that Susa is very thoughtful, and after-sales service is only possible with an invoice.

But when he unfolded it, he was surprised: this watch is worth more than 3 US dollars!

It wasn't that he was intimidated by the price, there were many more expensive watches, but it still surprised Susa to spend so much money on a gift.

You know, even though the income from Angel's farm has been divided into hundreds of thousands of dollars in Susa's hands in the past six months, Qin Yi has never seen her buy any brand-name items!
Except for some daily necessities, she didn't even buy cosmetics, and Qin Yi bought her formal clothes when she went out!

I didn't expect that it would cost tens of thousands of dollars for just a gift!
"Uncle Yi! Is this a watch? Who gave it to you, Mom? Or Aunt Kolo?"

Seeing Angel's curious look on tiptoe, Qin Yi squatted down and showed it to her, while smiling happily, "Is it beautiful?"

"Yeah, it's so beautiful!" An Qier smiled brighter when she heard that her mother had delivered it, and clapped her little hands in praise, "I'll help Uncle Yi wear it!"

Qin Yi smiled and handed her the watch, watching her help him put it on clumsily, without urging him, just smiled quietly.

This made the little girl feel great encouragement, she put on a watch awkwardly while pouted and smiled.

At this moment, the morning sun of winter poked its head out, and the first ray of sunlight blew past, covering the two people, one big and one small, emitting a golden light.

The quiet and peaceful scene made Susa in the kitchen smile unconsciously.

It took several minutes for the little girl to buckle the watch strap, her shoulders suddenly collapsed, and she let out a breath, looking exhausted, which made Qin Yi flick her face, but the little girl ran away laughing up.

The little girl ran to unwrap her gift, Qin Yi came to the kitchen, looked at the busy Susa, walked over and hugged her from behind, kissed her flushed face, then stretched out her left wrist and held it in front of her eyes , smiled and asked: "Is it beautiful?"

"Angel will see!"

Susa was both happy and scared. She looked back at Angel in the living room like a thief, and was relieved to see that she was still preoccupied with unwrapping the presents!

Then he turned around and wanted to push Qin Yi away, "You scared me to death! Well, it's very beautiful! Let go, Angel saw how bad it is!"

"An Qier won't see it! Okay, okay, I'll go to the stables to see Xiao Hei!"

Qin Yi saw that she was extremely nervous, but he still kissed her again before letting go of her soft waist.

Seeing him say hello to Angel, who was busy unwrapping presents, and leave the door, Susa touched her hot face, turned around and continued cooking, but the smile on her face couldn't be stopped no matter what.

At this time, Keluo went downstairs and came to the kitchen with a shy face. Seeing Susa looking at him jokingly, she blushed and spoke first: "Don't make fun of me! I saw it all, Susa, Yat just now Also in the kitchen!"

Susa was taken aback by these words, and then she stepped forward and hugged Ke Luo, her tone was sincere and affirmative: "Thank you, Ke Luo! If one day you feel that I am not suitable to stay here, you have to tell me! I am very Really saying these things, you know mine!"

"Of course I know!" Ke Luo sighed, feeling a little helpless, she hugged Susa's back and patted it twice.

"But you know, I was really unwilling at the beginning, but after these days, aren't we all very happy? That's enough! Besides, who told Yi to know you first!"

"I know, no woman will be willing! That's why I want to thank you even more." Susa murmured, her words were full of gratitude.

"Okay, Susa, it's all Yi's fault, who made this guy so amazing!" Ke Luo joked, complaining about Qin Yi.

But even if Qin Yi knew about it, he wouldn't care, since boyfriends are used as shields anyway!
"Hurry up and cook, Susa, the dishes are going to burn!" Keluo patted Susa on the shoulder and said.

Surprised, Susa quickly let go of Kolo, wiped the red circles under her eyes twice, washed her hands again, and hurriedly looked at the breakfast in the pot.

Putting aside these topics, Ke Luo became interested in breakfast again, and continued to follow along to learn how to cook. Now she is about to learn how to cook!

But when she saw the vegetarian fried okra in the pot, she couldn't laugh or cry, "No, Susa! You want to make this for Yi Chi? Are you worried that he won't be able to handle it?"

Stirring the okra, Susa blushed immediately: It's fine if you know about it, why say it, it's somewhat embarrassing!
Ke Luo looked at Susa, who was a little embarrassed, and suddenly became a little crazy: "Oh, my God! Why do you think so? Well, it seems that you are really fine! But you should ask me first, he always He can torture people to death at night! Susa, just wait for him to torture you!"

Too many things happened in one Christmas, Susa lost her mind, she just wanted to help Qin Yi recuperate her body, how could she know so much!
But Qin Yi has always been as strong as a cow, it seems that he really doesn't need it!
Well, she admitted that she was affected a little bit, and her brain reaction was a little slow!
"Then what should we do now? Why don't we dump it!"

Susa was holding the frying pan and turned around to pour it into the glove box, but was stopped by Ke Luo.

I saw that she was still a little depressed, but after a while, she was already much better, "Forget it, Susa, just do it, I think for Yi's physique, it's okay to have more of this!"

Immediately, she yelled at Susa again: "If he wants to torment others, let him torment you! Just wait and see, Susa!"

And Susa could only smile wryly, but
(End of this chapter)

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