American Ranch

Chapter 249 When Playing Leisurely

Chapter 249 When Playing Leisurely

While pulling the sleigh with McGee, Qin Yi told stories to Angel and led everyone to go back.

After getting rid of the insidious and cunning coyote, everyone's mood returned to light and bright. They discussed the harvest of two big deer and the production of deer head specimens, or simply chatted casually, and even their steps became much lighter.

It's just that Susa and Ke Luo couldn't bear to watch Qin Yi do hard work after all. Although he looked relaxed, he still followed them to help each other.

On the contrary, Ye Fang and the other three men, carrying big bags and small bags, didn't look relaxed. Who made their physical strength so poor!
The little girl was sitting on the sleigh, listening to the story while teasing Teddy, smiling at Mimi's little girl, making people happy.

Back at the camp, everyone worked together, the women cooked, the men handled the prey, and packed up the tent along the way, so that everyone had a place to rest.

When dealing with the prey, Angel was naturally avoided, and Ryan and Hobbs did it. They randomly selected a head and peeled it, and took off the two hind legs. After roasting, it was everyone's lunch.

Several people did not continue to deal with the remaining prey, which was somewhat inconvenient in the wild.Just like that, it was buried in the snow, and when I went home tomorrow, I took the whole thing back with me.

Qin Yi and Ryan still have to do the barbecue. Both of them have good craftsmanship. Moreover, barbecue is generally a job for men, because women don't like it because of the heavy oily smoke.

In this way, the work of Susa and Keluo is actually to light a fire, and then melt snow water to prepare a pot of hot soup.

The drinking water brought yesterday has been frozen, and it is still a lump of ice!
Fortunately, I used some of them yesterday, otherwise, several plastic buckets would have burst.

There was no time to marinate, so Qin Yi cut a few knives on the deer leg, spread the prepared seasoning on it, and then roasted it like this.

Hunting and playing in the wild in winter, the weather is freezing, and it is very satisfying to be able to eat hot rice and drink a bowl of hot soup. Therefore, no one minds the unappetizing barbecue.

The current camp is located inside the fence of the ranch, so there is no need to worry about predators. Everyone eats, drinks and plays, and has a leisurely and happy time. After the meal, they go back to the tent to rest for a while.

In the afternoon, Qin Yi changed his plan and planned to drive the sled directly up the gentle slope to the Rocky Mountain.

Anyway, there are two big deer with more than ten forks as the base, even if you can't find suitable prey in the future, it's not a waste of time.

During the time before going back, we should play with all our heart.

This decision was supported by several women headed by Ke Luo and Susa. Compared with hunting, playing is more interesting.

It doesn't matter to the remaining three men, especially Ye Fang, anyway, he has already won a twelve-pronged prey, and the trip is complete.

So, everyone was busy, packed up their things, and set off in a ox-drawn sled.

Along the way, we frightened the birds, chased the rabbits, and met a herd of white-tailed deer. Even though there was no suitable prey inside, everyone still rushed up with the ox cart, scaring them so that they scattered and fled, but the hunting team was heartless. Ha ha laugh, a classic villain's face!

When you get tired from the car, you will change into a skateboard, get off the car and go for a while. The smooth arc at the foot of the Rocky Mountain is very suitable for skiing.

Speeding up, the feeling of flying against the wind makes people feel refreshed.

They even held an international competition for skiing enthusiasts. There were two Chinese people, Qin Yi and Ye Fang, and Americans like Susa and Keluo. They spanned two countries, so it was considered international!
Everyone was having fun, and it took nearly an hour to get the result. With everyone's intentional concession, the champion was taken by Angel, who was very good at skiing.

Qin Yi carved a crude trophy with a piece of wood on the spot and awarded it to the little girl. The little girl was so happy about it, and handed it to Susa to keep it for him. He said that he would keep it in his small closet after returning home. inside!

On the way, Ying Da Ying Er returned to the team and brought back some pheasants and hares, all of which had been pecked to death by them.

Seeing that the two guys still know how to get game to honor themselves, Qin Yi will not pursue the crime of running away during the hunt in the morning, but it is still recorded on the account.

At that time, the funny scene of Qin Yi counting down Eagle and Big Eagle II made everyone smile.

Driving a carriage, the speed is faster, and the range of running in the afternoon is also very wide. Although everyone's mind is mainly for fun, but perhaps good luck has come, they still found a prey for them - a nearly four hundred catties black tail deer!
This black-tailed deer is one meter tall at the shoulder and two meters long, but its antlers only have 8 prongs. Of course, this does not mean that this deer is young, because the antlers of a black-tailed deer can only be 8 prongs at most.

In fact, this size and weight are already particularly robust among black-tailed deer.

The black-tailed deer was hunted not for the antlers, but simply for meat.

In the past two years, the number of white-tailed deer and black-tailed deer in Montana has become somewhat overwhelmed. Last year, the US government allocated 180 million US dollars to recruit hunters to hunt these two deer species.

For white-tailed deer alone, the goal within five years is to hunt 2800 head.

Therefore, Qin Yi didn't mind hunting a huge black-tailed deer after hunting down two white-tailed deer with more than ten forks.

It's not for making a contribution, he just wants to taste the taste of black-tailed venison!
He's going to be hunted anyway, so he might as well kill and eat meat himself!

Everyone worked together to load the black-tailed deer onto the sleigh and continue heading southwest.

On the way, they also met a small team of Angel Farm Camping Brigade. Thirty tourists were camping here. The team was led by Diesel, who was trained by Hobbs. Cowboys with shotguns go along for protection.

Qin Yi led the crowd, greeted the tourists, and didn't stay long, because many tourists were very interested in Maggie and Teddy.

I can't meet anyone, so let McGee act cute and obedient. In order to avoid accidents, it's better to separate early.

Playing around, after one afternoon, the hunting team had gone deep into the woods at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. At this time, it was getting late, and everyone began to set up camp.

After choosing the campsite and setting up the tent, everyone started cooking.

Similar to lunch, two fat venison legs are used for barbecue, and the pheasant and hare contributed by Ying Daying Er are also roasted, and then a pot of venison soup is stewed, with some vegetables in it, which makes you feel sick when you drink it in cold weather. Khan, it makes people feel comfortable.

Each of the animals also had a large piece of meat, and the meat and bones naturally belonged to them, and each of them ate their belly round.

Qin Yi also took out a bottle of flaming brandy from his backpack, which he made himself in the small wine cellar in the basement of the main house, and it tasted pretty good.

He intends to ask Old Pete to make a batch, which will be auctioned together with the Collector's Edition.

The adults enjoyed the snow-covered mountains at night, and each drank half a glass, feeling that the trip was exciting and refreshing.

And Angel wrinkled her small nose and sniffed the high fire, and immediately curled her lips: Hmph, I have tasted all the delicious drinks, sour and astringent, not good!
Ever since, the little girl continued to eat her own big apple.

With the cold wind blowing, everyone sat around the fire and talked and laughed loudly. Finally, the conversation got excited, and there was a Winter Night Bonfire Golden Melody Grand Prix.

The rules are very simple, everyone takes turns to sing a song, and the one who is most recognized by everyone is the winner tonight.

As for the prize, it is that you can sleep until dawn, instead of getting up in the middle of the night to watch!
Susa's singing voice is a little delicate, but it is very similar to her temperament, but Naihe is not a professional, let alone Ke Luo, Qin Yi has been taught a long time ago, and she is very out of tune!
Sara was relatively quiet along the way. This girl was shy and couldn't let go in front of unfamiliar people. However, she sang "waiting for you" well and was very emotional, which won everyone's applause.

Amanda is not bad either, "gold is a gile" has a great feeling under her heroic singing.

But to say that the one that fits the current atmosphere best is "Where Will You Be" sung by Ryan and Hobbs.

This is a piece of country music, sung by two tacit understanding old men, whether it is vigorous and rough, or high-pitched and exciting, it makes Qin Yi and the others who are admiring the empty night sky and the vast snowfield feel an ethereal feeling!

For a while, listening to the bright and melodious song, the troubles seemed to have been thrown away, and the feeling of free and easy freedom made everyone enjoy it.

But the final winners are not Ryan and Hobbs, but everyone's little sweetheart, Angel!
The little girl thought for a long time, and sang a kindergarten children's song for everyone. It was not that it was very pleasant, but that the little girl was jumping and dancing. Her cheerful appearance and brisk tune made everyone feel happy. I felt a simpler and purer happiness.

Moreover, the main purpose of tonight's singing contest is not to win the spot where you don't have to watch the whistle, the most important thing is to have fun and be happy.

Besides, the little girl didn't have to stand up and watch!

After playing around until 9 o'clock, the temperature drops at night, the whistling mountain wind blows off the snow on the branches, and the thick cotton clothes can't resist the cold invasion, and the coolness hits my heart.

After playing around for a day, everyone was tired, and under Qin Yi's instructions, they went back to the tent to rest.

The four women and the little girl lived in the largest tent, Qin Yi and Ye lived together, and the remaining tent belonged to Ryan and Hobbs.

Naturally, women and children don't need to watch the night. Qin Yi and the other four men roughly said that after they made a decision, the two of Ryan would watch the first half of the night, and the two of Qin Yi would watch the second half of the night.

Naturally, it is better to watch the first half of the night, so that you can sleep well, but Ryan and Ryan are both 60-[-]-year-old old men. After running in the ice and snow for two days, if they don't take a good rest, I'm afraid it will be bad for their health.

They will be required to manage the ranch in the future, so Qin Yi naturally doesn't want to tire them out!
At the inner door of Susa's tent, the black rice and wheat curled up quietly, as if they had fallen asleep. Only their ears swayed from time to time, indicating that they were still listening to the movement around them.

The McGee mother and son didn't care, and lay in Qin Yi's tent, already sound asleep. Fortunately, the tent was big enough for the two of them to lie down just right.

In the tent, Qin Yi and Ye Fang slept in their sleeping bags with their clothes on, listening to the rustle of the wind blowing the branches and shaking the snow, and the sound of the trees being under the weight of the snow and being blown by the night wind. With the creaking sound, the two gradually fell asleep.

It was very quiet in the first half of the night, and Qin Yi slept until the agreed time, and then replaced Ryan and went to sleep.

After rubbing their faces with the accumulated snow, Qin Yi and Ye Fang drank coffee around the fire and chatted casually. Finally, they didn't know how to talk about the youthful years of university. .

Time passed quietly, and at about three or four o'clock in the morning, an accident happened!
(End of this chapter)

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