American Ranch

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

The calves that Qin Yi mentioned were calves and half-grown cattle, because he knew that the most precious bulls and cows in the ranch would not be sold by Old Nord.

Not all the cowsheds in the Helm Ranch collapsed. The remaining small part could just accommodate the more than 2000 bulls and cows on the ranch, and those calves stayed in the grove.

Originally, when Qin Yi turned around and looked at him, Old Nord had guessed, but now that he heard this sentence with his own ears, he naturally had a different feeling in his heart: joy?gratitude?Relieved?
All of these are there, but it is undeniable that the trace of regret in my heart also passed through my heart without the slightest mercy!
But soon, he let go. Under the current situation, it is the best result to resell the cattle and sheep at a suitable price and minimize the loss as much as possible!
"Of course! Yi, I will give you the most suitable price!"

The most suitable rather than the most favorable, Qin Yi secretly laughed in his heart, he really is a businessman!
But as long as the price is the most suitable, anyway, the highest price will not exceed [-]% of the market price. Otherwise, let alone Qin Yi turn around and leave, all the ranchers present will start to scold the old man!
The ranchers who came to help had a good relationship with Qin Yi. Not to mention Walker, Jones, and Marcus, other ranchers would also uphold justice. As a cowboy, I still have the minimum sense of generosity and loyalty in my heart!
Everyone is here to help for the sake of the neighbors. If you are greedy, then wait to become everyone's laughing stock!

Fortunately, Old Nord was not greedy. After calling the ranch manager to mutter for a while, he quoted his own price: [-]% of the market price!
It was lower than expected, Qin Yi nodded secretly, and signaled to Ryan that he could accept it, so Ryan took the information on cattle and sheep from the old Nord, handed it to Qin Yi, and then helped the staff at the side .

Now the market price of calves is more than 700 US dollars, and the half-sized calves are generally around 1500 US dollars. There are about 5000 calves in the woods. After 350% of the market price, the direct price is 150 million US dollars, and the price of the remaining thousands of lambs is even lower. , After a bargaining discussion, the deal was directly sold for US$[-] million.

In the end, Qin Yi calculated in his mind that if he could safely transport the calf and lamb back to the pasture this time, he could earn almost 150 million US dollars!
Of course, the old Nord is not considered a loss in this transaction, not to mention a loss, it is just a profit less than in previous years.And as long as there are more than 2000 cows and breeding cattle, the Helm Ranch will not collapse, and it will be able to restore its current scale within two years.

Therefore, in this transaction, both parties have their own gains, and everyone is happy.

Of course, this kind of happy event is a good thing for Qin Yi, but it is a last resort for old Nord. If he can, he will never want to have such a happy event again in his life!

Qin Yi called the bank on the spot and paid a deposit to the Helm Ranch, and settled the balance after the cattle and sheep were driven back to the ranch.

He didn't delay either. If he delayed at this time, the calves and lambs would be in danger of getting sick or even freezing to death. He immediately began to gather the cowboys from the Sun River Ranch to drive the cattle and sheep home on the road.

Several others came to help the ranchers, and they also summoned their own cowboys to help drive the cattle and sheep. The most important thing now is to drive these cattle and sheep back to the pasture safely. In all, Helm's cowshed is second best!
Anyway, there is still a small part of it that has not collapsed, enough for cows and bulls to live in.

At the same time, Qin Yi also called Susa and asked her to organize the cowboys to receive them.

In this way, the mighty vehicles and cattle and sheep are on the road.

As usual, the big tractor is in front, the cattle and sheep are in the middle, and the cowboys are also walking. While comforting the cattle and sheep to prevent the herd from blowing up, they are rushing forward. From time to time, people get out of the car, and they get on the car to rest and warm up.

During this time, Ye Fang just watched Qin Yi doing business with others, and kept silent. When talking about business, he was still very measured and didn't interrupt indiscriminately.

At this moment, tens of thousands of cattle and sheep were bought, and they spread all the way in a mighty way. The spectacular scene opened Ye Da's eyes when he saw it for the first time.

"What the hell!"

Ye Fang lay on the back of the seat, looking back with his eyes wide open, the densely packed cow and sheep heads were quite weird and alternative beauty, "Today is an eye-opener, so many cows and sheep walking on the road, the scene is shocking! "

As he said that, this guy raised his eyebrows and smiled at Qin Yi: "I will have the capital to brag in the future!"

"Haha, you didn't see it when you bought calves last time. The scene of [-] calves standing together is shocking! I was a little scared at the time. You said you were going crazy, and you didn't care if you trampled people to death!"

Qin Yi glanced at the cattle and sheep through the rearview mirror, but he didn't have any special feelings. Perhaps, this is the sea once upon a time.

With the comfort of experienced cowboys, the chances of blowing up the group are negligible.

After hearing this, Ye Fang was a little worried. It's freezing cold now, shouldn't he go crazy?
But he immediately realized that he was sitting on a big tractor, he was crazy and couldn't step on himself, so let him go!

So, the guy continued to lie there and look back.

Driving cattle and sheep in the snow, the movement is even slower, more than an hour has passed, and only a quarter of the distance has been covered!
At this time, in the distance, a convoy of pickup trucks, carts, and a water tank truck came in front of them. When they got close, they found that there were hay piled on it. It seemed that someone from the Sun River Ranch came to pick them up.

Qin Yi ordered to go down through the walkie-talkie, the team slowly stopped, and the cowboys ran back and forth to appease the cattle and sheep.

When the convoy in front stopped, it was Susa and Susie who got down, and even Angel and Sarah came.

Even the program team that received the news, after seeking Susa's permission, also followed, and was running back and forth to film the scene, planning to take pictures of this huge scene and use it as broadcast material!
Now is not the time to chat, Qin Yi didn't say much, and ordered the cowboys to feed the cattle and sheep with fodder and warm water.

The warm water was in the water tanker. After Susa received the call, she urgently ordered the cowboys to boil it. They rushed all the way here, and it was just warm.

With forage and warm water, the cattle and sheep have a stronger sense of security, so they are quieter, eat grass and drink water, and replenish their physical strength. Even the originally sluggish cattle and sheep regain their spirits after eating the improved forage. some.

Qin Yi saw this situation and felt that Susa came in time, otherwise some cattle and sheep would get sick.

Susa then talked about the preparations for the pasture.

Because the cowshed near the main house is already in use, this batch of cattle and sheep can only be sent to a cowshed in the north. When she came, she had already informed Hobbs that there was nothing on the farm that required him to come forward in person. Booth, is in charge of this matter.

After hearing this, Qin Yi was relieved. Hobbs, like Ryan, was an old cowboy, and his work was reliable.

Not only the cows and sheep had something to eat, Susa also prepared a lot of hot coffee and hamburgers. Everyone had been busy all morning, and it was just to fill their stomachs.

A simple meal in the ice and snow made everyone satisfied, replenished their physical strength, and became more motivated. They drove the cattle and sheep that had also recovered their physical strength to go on the road again.

Susa and Susie drove back to the ranch first.

More than an hour later, when Qin Yi led everyone to drive the cattle and sheep close to the pasture, Susa drove over again with the team, prepared the fodder and warm water again, and fed the cattle and sheep to their fullest.

Later, the cowboys who stayed behind in the ranch came to pick them up, and just sent the cattle and sheep to the cowshed in the north of the living area.

Under the caring care of the cattle and sheep, they arrived at the Sun River Ranch smoothly and overcame a difficult time.

Under the arrangement of Hobbs, the electric fan had already been turned on, and the temperature in the entire cowshed was more than ten degrees, which was nearly twenty degrees lower than that outside.

The warm environment, the kind cowboys, and the prepared warm water and fodder, let the frightened cattle and sheep who have changed to an unfamiliar environment calm down. After eating and drinking, they lie down on the soft and warm hay for a nap .

Qin Yi and the others looked at this scene and showed happy smiles. This time the accident passed so smoothly.

Of course, when the cattle and sheep settle down, it is necessary to thank the ranchers and cowboys who helped along the way. It is already afternoon, and everyone has not had a good meal. So, at Qin Yi's suggestion, everyone came to the worker's room. In the cowboy entertainment hall, we sat down and had a meal together, chef Susa and Suzie, it was very sumptuous!

(End of this chapter)

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