American Ranch

Chapter 24 Let's Go Hunting

Chapter 24 Let's Go Hunting
Cut a piece with a knife, Ryan was not afraid of being scorched, and ate it with big mouthfuls. Everyone came forward to try Qin Yi's first barbecue, besides, they were all hungry!

"How about it, Ryan?"

Qin Yi felt relieved when he saw Ryan eating big mouthfuls, and he didn't have any bad reactions. Cowboys are straight-minded, and if it's not good, it's not good, and it's basically not flattering the boss.

The cowboys waited to see Ryan's reaction, but Ye Fang was not polite. He had absolute confidence in his brother's craftsmanship. He picked up a plate and went up to put a big piece on it and started to chew on it. In the end, he did not disappoint his love for Qin Yi. Believe me, a layer of fast-burning fat on the outside locks the moisture inside. It tastes charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

"I think it's delicious, you all should try it, it will definitely not make you want to eat a second piece!"

After hearing this, Qin Yi felt relieved. Ye Fang had some requirements for food. He said it was delicious, so it was fine!
"It should be delicious. Look at Ryan eating non-stop, can this be bad?"

Burke also came over early, and when he heard Ye Fang's words, he laughed and teased his father. After speaking, he didn't wait for Ryan to respond, and he put a piece on a plate and ate it!The others didn't care about Ryan anymore, they found a plate by themselves, shared a portion between the two, and tasted it first!
At this time, Ryan had already finished eating that small piece of meat. Seeing that everyone was eating, he shook his head and said to Qin Yi: "Yi, it seems that I don't need to say anything. You can tell that the barbecue is not bad. It's just a bit old!"

The other cowboys eating barbecue also nodded, agreeing with Ryan's point of view.Qin Yi laughed in his heart when he heard it. In fact, he did it on purpose. Laomei eats barbecue and likes it to be ripe at 7 or 8. It looks cooked on the outside, but in fact there is still a little blood inside. Although the taste is good, Qin Yi is not used to it .I think Ye Fang also likes to be older, but he is giving a thumbs up!Forget it, today I will follow Laomei's habit, and I will bake a little older if I eat it by myself in the future!Continue to roast meat, let Ryan also roast together, otherwise one person really can't supply so many mouths!
After a while, Susie’s grilled fish was ready, 6 pieces of fish were divided among three people, everyone can eat, although the portion may be a little smaller, but I don’t expect to be full with this, the main thing is to enjoy it Delicious fish.

The grilled fish is divided well, and Qin Yi doesn't have any grilled meat anymore. I will give it to Ryan, and he will go to get his own share. Seeing Ryan laughing, "Yi, you have to hurry up, I am busy with so many barbecues." Don't come!"

The cowboys looked at Qin Yi who came running over, and they were heartless and happy. They felt that the boss was approachable and comfortable working on the ranch, and their sense of belonging became stronger unconsciously!Qin Yi didn't care so much, he brought the grilled fish and Ye Fang together, and discussed while eating.

"Yeah!" I couldn't wait to take a bite. It was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and it was delicious, which made Qin Yi very satisfied. "Look, it's golden on the outside, but it's still white and tender on the inside. It seems to have soup. It's completely delicious. It’s not as dry as I imagined the grilled meat will be.”

It may be that trout itself has more fat than carp such as grass carp, so it is smoother and tenderer when roasted, with more delicate meat and no fishy smell.However, I feel that the condiments on Laomei’s side are a bit poor. Most of the barbecue here is the freshness of the ingredients themselves, which is not as good as that in China. With the addition of various aniseed ingredients, the ingredients and condiments complement each other, and you can eat a fresh, fragrant, hemp, Spicy, the taste buds of the eaters are wide open, and there are thousands of words in the hearts of the eaters, but only one word comes out of the mouth: cool!

"It is indeed better than farmed trout. The meat is firmer and has a good chew, but it does not affect the tenderness. It seems that the whole afternoon has not been hard!" Ye Fang stopped talking and ate in small bites.

Qin Yi looked at it and shook his head. After a few mouthfuls, he went back to barbecue. If there is anything good, I will go fishing if I want to eat it another day!But thinking about Ye being released back to the country, he would have no chance to eat if he wanted to, so he laughed in his heart.Today's grilled fish is indeed very good. Of course, not only the quality of the meat is good, but also the craftsmanship. Therefore, Chef Suzie received a series of compliments and smiled happily!

This batch of roast meat was distributed, Qin Yi asked Burke to come over to help roast some more, and see for himself how the fish bone soup was stewed.

The pot is a large pot that Qin Yi found from the warehouse. It has a diameter of one meter, and half a pot of soup has been stewed. No one of the cowboys can have enough for a bowl!At this time, the meat on the fish bones is all stewed, scattered in the thick white soup, exuding a tempting fragrance.

Seeing that the soup was ready, Qin Yi went out and called Ye Fang and Burke to help, and lifted the whole pot to the lawn. Everyone exclaimed, probably never seen such a big pot for cooking, and this pot Fish soup is very different from the thick soup that is often drunk in the United States.

"Yi, is this Chinese cooking? It's spectacular! And it smells so good." Ryan filled a bowl by himself, looked at the clear soup for a while, and took a sip: "Aha, Suzie , I think you should really learn how to make this Chinese soup, it’s much better than thick soup!” He joked to Susie with a smile, then waved his hand to signal the cowboys to taste it quickly.Qin Yi filled a bowl for each of them, and he also took a bowl to drink.

Ye Fang took a sip, frowned, and said to Qin Yi in doubt: "It's not fresh enough, didn't you add pepper?"

"It's not in the ranch. Go to the Chinese supermarket in Great Rapids another day."

Qin Yi only put green onions, ginger and garlic. Recently, Qin Yi lived alone and didn’t cook soup or meat. He didn’t notice that there were no such big ingredients as prickly ash, star anise, fennel, etc. in the ranch. Forget about it this time, and go to the big one another day. I went to the Chinese supermarket in Falls City to buy it. If there is no one, I will bring some seeds to plant in the pasture next time I go home.

After a while, everyone drank a bowl of soup, half of them went to serve the soup again, and the other half probably didn't like it very much, so they went to drink beer.Qin Yi didn't care, it's just like this, if some people like a certain food, it's a success!Ryan drank a bowl and ran back to barbecue again. Now that the cowboys have almost eaten, it should be enough to bake this one last time.

"Rachel, is the salad ready?"

Vegetable and fruit salad is still so popular. This is the third time I have made it. Before, I ate it up after a while. I can only trouble Rachel and Suzie to make it again and again!
"Okay, Yi, it seems that the most popular thing tonight is salad!" Rachel giggled, and served the salad to the expecting cowboys.

The cowboys were eating delicious salads, thinking in their hearts, it would be great if they could eat such vegetables every day, but it would be great if the boss provided vegetables for free, and they were ashamed to ask for so many!Qin Yi can also guess some, it's human nature, let's explain it today, we can't let the cowboys feel that the boss eats well every day, and they are reluctant to give it to themselves!
"Hey, guys, do you want to eat this vegetable salad every day?" Qin Yi smiled and teased them first.

"Of course, Yi, I dream about it!"

"Oh my God, you don't even know how delicious this salad is!"

"This is simply a gift from God!"

"Yi, aren't you making us happy? Such good vegetables must be very expensive. It's very generous of you to provide us with vegetables!"

Qin Yi waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Of course, we can't eat it now." Seeing everyone disappointed, Qin Yi changed his voice, "Because our vegetable seedlings have just grown!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, did they just grow up?
Susie quickly reacted, a little excited: "Yi, you said that this is the kind of vegetables we grow in our vegetable garden? Oh, my God, this is really good news!"

Qin Yi nodded with a smile, a little reserved and a little proud, Ye put it aside and looked at it and wanted to punch him, but the cowboys felt very cordial when they saw it, and they were full of happiness thinking that they would not be able to eat it all in the future salad!

Susie covered her mouth in surprise. She will manage such a vegetable garden in the future. This vegetable is more delicious than organic vegetables. It seems that she will spend more time in the future to manage the vegetable garden well!
Qin Yi saw the cowboys jumping and jumping happily, and then said: "Guys, our friends, Fang Ye, come to our ranch to play, who of you can dance, come up and dance for a while, let him feel our enthusiasm! ".

As soon as the words fell, the cowboys drank the beer in their hands in one gulp, and they all gathered in front of the fire, and danced the enthusiastic cowboy dance, which made the atmosphere of the scene reach its peak!Bringing two glasses of beer, I came to Ye Fang and handed him a glass. The two watched while drinking. After a while, they were also infected by the warm atmosphere and joined the dancing team. At first, they deliberately imitated the dance moves. Just jump and be happy!

Drinking beer like this, chatting and dancing, the scene continued until 9:[-].

Back at the house, the two sat down and drank a cup of coffee, and went back to their houses.

After taking a bath, Qin Yi was about to go to bed, and remembered the fruit that the space was full of, alas, originally he wanted to plant a few fruit trees to eat at home, but it turned out to be a good thing, the space is too large, and the long fruits can't be eaten!Put on your clothes and go to the wine cellar. There are two sets of brewing equipment, one set of beer equipment and one set of wine equipment, all left by the Moore family.

Qin Yi first cleaned up the equipment, took the big baskets into the space, sorted and sorted the fruits, transported them out of the space, poured them into the cleaning equipment and washed them, then peeled, crushed, and squeezed the juice. Fortunately, all the machines were in operation, otherwise Qin Yi would have to be Can't be exhausted!When the apple juice is ready, put it in a container, add an appropriate amount of pectinase and SO2, and wait for it to clarify for 24 hours before fermenting.Following the same steps, Qin Yi squeezed all the plums, big pears, and peaches in the space, and waited until tomorrow to clarify.

After finishing the work, it was already 12 o'clock, so I hurried back to take another shower, and went back to the house to sleep.

Waking up at 5 o'clock the next day, Qin Yi was in high spirits, and then practiced unshakably.Just halfway through the practice, Ye Fang also got up, looking very energetic. When he came outside the door and saw Qin Yi practicing boxing, he sat under the porch and watched curiously.He knows that Qin Yi can punch and kick. He heard about it when he was in college, and asked him to demonstrate it to everyone, but at that time he was not as powerful as he is now!
After a while, seeing Qin Yi withdrawing his punches, he asked curiously: "Xiao Yizi, you didn't punch so powerfully before!"

Qin Yi didn't hide it from him: "It should be because of the fruit, the physical strength has increased, and the explosive power of Xinyiquan has appeared."

"So awesome? Then have you developed that inner strength?"

Ye Fang is looking forward to it, if he can develop his inner strength, then he will have to find a set of kung fu, and he has already eaten the fruit, so that in the future, he will be so handsome if he flies over the wall and crosses the river with one reed!
"Fucking internal strength! It's just that it's more lethal, nothing else." Qin Yi also wanted to develop internal strength, but unfortunately he didn't feel it at all!
Ye Fang was immediately discouraged when he heard it, he couldn't train his internal strength, he couldn't get up his energy!
Qin Yi didn't say any more, and took Ye Fang for a walk.Going hunting today, Qin Yi has already made plans. After breakfast, he will set off, ride a horse towards the Rocky Mountains, and start returning in the afternoon. On the way, there will be hares and pheasants.It was fun to set up a tent in the wild and go camping, but unfortunately there are no hounds now, and it is too dangerous at night.

After breakfast, Ye returned to his room to pack his things, and Qin Yi went to the wine cellar to look at various juices, added some pectinase, and went back to his room to pack.Take two fruits from space and put them in your backpack. In case of an accident, they can be used as healing medicine. Put on a thick denim jacket and long leather boots, bring insect repellent, open the safe, put the shotgun and bullets in the backpack, and wait until you go to the kitchen. Some water and beef jerky, and you're good to go.

(End of this chapter)

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