American Ranch

Chapter 22 When fishing is in progress

Chapter 22 When fishing is in progress

When he arrived at the new pasture area, Ryan began to explain the advantages of the new pasture to Ye Fang as if he had found someone to confide in.

"Ye, look, this is the new pasture, and here is the original pasture. If you look at the new pasture, you can see many advantages just from the appearance! Obviously, you see, the new pasture has taller plants and leaves Bigger and thicker, you can touch it with your hands, it’s very fat and tender, right? That’s right, this means that the new pasture is more nutritious! And most importantly, the cows like it very much!”

Ye Fang smiled and touched the new grass, very interested, if he really settled down and set up a small ranch in the future, he would come to Xiao Yizi to pull the grass seeds!
Speaking of Ryan, he laughed and laughed, and Qin Yi couldn't help laughing. As soon as the new pasture was mentioned, Ryan completely lost his usual stability and became passionate.Qin Yi is very satisfied with Ryan's emotions, which shows that Ryan has a deep sense of belonging to the ranch!
After laughing, Ryan looked forward to the future again, "Think about it, if the new grass is stable in the future, if you use this more nutritious pasture to graze, the workload of the cowboys will be reduced, and the quality of the beef cattle may be better , and more cattle can be raised, so that the profit margin of the ranch will be greater, not only can Yi make more money, but the cowboys can also become rich!" Imagining that kind of life, Ryan himself was intoxicated!
Qin Yi said in a timely manner: "Of course, Ryan, I had an idea when I bought the ranch. I plan to take a percentage of the profit from the ranch as a bonus for the cowboys. However, you also know that I just took over the ranch. Things have to take their time!"

Qin Yi didn't make a temporary decision, but had this idea long ago. In fact, Qin Yi planned to talk about it at the pasture barbecue party last time, but he just raised the salary for the cowboys, so it's okay to think about it. Good things don't happen once. After finishing speaking, say one after a while, so as to stimulate employees' enthusiasm for work!
This is Qin Yi's own business experience!
"God, is this true? Yi, you are such a good person!" Ryan gave Qin Yi a hug. He just thought that his salary would increase in the future, but he didn't expect Qin Yi to be so generous!
After finishing the pasture, Qin Yi invited Ryan to go back for lunch, and Ryan nodded happily.The three rode home, Qin Yi poured coffee, let Ryan and Ye Fang sit and chat, and went to the kitchen to make lunch.

Americans are not used to having lunch that is too complicated. They usually simply eat a hamburger.Therefore, Qin Yi didn't intend to make it too formal. Too formal would make Ryan uncomfortable.In the United States, if you formally invite someone to dinner, you usually have to call a day and a half in advance to notify each other, and both parties will give each other time to prepare, so as not to appear rude.

When he arrived at the kitchen, Qin Yi had already thought about it. The handmade beef noodles made by himself would be very good. Let Ryan taste Chinese food!
But I'm not sure if Ryan is used to eating it. To be on the safe side, Qin Yi only made two big bowls of beef noodles and fried two steaks. After cooking, put the noodles in a small bowl. If Ryan doesn't like it, let him eat it Steak and beef noodles are handled by two Chinese men!

After working for a while, the food is on the table!

"Yi, are these Chinese noodles? I ate them at a Chinese restaurant in Great Rapids before. They are similar to spaghetti, but with more soup." Seeing the beef noodles being served, Ryan was very interested.

"This is authentic Chinese noodles. Try to see if you can get used to it. I also prepared steak and salad!" Ryan couldn't use chopsticks, so Qin Yi put a fork for him and taught him how to mix noodles.

In fact, the taste is not very good now, Qin Yi has not prepared big bone soup here, if he boils beef soup or mutton soup in the future, and use that soup to top the noodles, it should be more delicious.

My mouth is watering thinking about it, well, I will do it after a while!
Ryan took a bite and felt it carefully: "It's very special! It's different from what I ate in a Chinese restaurant before." After speaking, he took another bite, and then took a sip of soup, "This taste is so novel! But I think it's pretty good , better than Chinese restaurants!"

Just don't hate it!Qin Yi didn't hesitate, and greeted everyone to eat.In the end, Ryan ate a large portion of noodles by himself, and Qin Yi and Ye Fang each added a small bowl of steak. They didn't like the salad very much, and most of it went into Ryan's stomach!
After lunch, Ryan drank a cup of coffee, took a break and left.Qin Yi packed up the bowls and chopsticks, took Ye and put them in the warehouse to prepare fishing gear.

There are many wild trout growing in the rivers and small lakes in the ranch. The trout is not only tender and delicious, but also a delicacy on the table. Moreover, because trout are suspicious by nature and the fishing method is extremely particular, trout fishing has become a Interesting entertainment is very popular in Europe and America.

The ranch has such conditions, and Qin Yi has learned some knowledge about it. In the future, inviting some American friends to play at the ranch will be a good opportunity to get closer to each other!

This time I take the leaves to go fishing, I can have fun and enjoy delicious food at night, and I can also practice my trout fishing skills, because when fishing for trout, it is often necessary to throw the bait hook outward, and the length of the fishing rod is average They are all 4 or 5 meters long, so Qin Yi chose two sturdy, lightweight fishing rods with good elasticity, which are easy and labor-saving to operate.As for the bait, it is also particular about it. False baits are generally used for trout fishing in the United States. False bait insects should be very realistic, and the fluff should be very similar. The swing in the water is just like the real one. Fish take the bait.

Of course, you can use real bait, Qin Yi likes to use real bait, so Ye Fang has something to do, dig red earthworms!
Asking Ye Fang to dig earthworms is purely Qin Yi's bad taste. He wants to see what a grand occasion it is for this rich and well-clothed young man to dig earthworms!

Ye Fang accepted the task with a look of great interest, digging earthworms, which has never been experienced before!
"Where is the wow? What do you use to dig?"

Qin Yi handed him a small shovel and a bait box, and pointed out that under the pine tree outside, the pasture is never short of earthworms, and the cow dung in the pasture is all decomposed by this thing!

Ye Fang took it over, and went in a hurry!
Qin Yi was not idle either, he drove out the pickup truck, moved the fishing rod and bucket to the back of the pickup truck, went back to the house to get a few cans of beer, and carried a basket of fruit. I didn't stop you, don't get bored if you stay at home all day!

It's a pity that when I went fishing by the Sun River, there wasn't a shepherd dog by my side to keep watch. Qin Yi didn't like the shepherd dogs in the pasture very much. They were long-haired and sharp-nosed, and they were too ugly, so the main house didn't keep them.After a while, I will go home and go to the neighbors to buy some puppies. They are still farm dogs. They look comfortable and get used to them!I also need to buy some chickens, ducks and geese, and they will be stocked by the stream not far from the main house. There is no shortage of eggs and duck eggs. If you want to eat meat, it is easy to do. Just catch them directly. They are all free-range things, and the taste should be good. !

A slap on the head, far away!
Since there is no shepherd dog on guard, let’s row a boat to fish, and row a boat to fish on the Sun River, looking at the clear water, enjoying the scenery on both sides of the river, and the various water birds that fly up from time to time, it is absolutely better than simple Fishing is interesting, Ye Fang came here just to play, but please treat him well!
Qin Yi called Ryan, and the boat was parked at the small pier in the north of the living area. You can see it not far after driving out of the living area, and it is very conspicuous.In fact, there is a motorboat in the warehouse, but the trout are too suspicious, and they walk, talk, and throw their hooks lightly. If you drive a motorboat, all the fish will run away!
Good job, look, Ye Fang is still digging earthworms, under the pine tree, there is a lot of potholes!

Qin Yi laughed. This young man from a noble family digs earthworms with his ass pouted. It's funny just thinking about it!The evil taste in Qin Yi's heart!

"How much have you dug?"

Ye Fang didn't know if it was enough: "Half a bait box, is that enough?"

"Enough is enough, go back and wash your hands, we still have to go to the small pier over there, and row a boat later!" Qin Yi took it and covered it, and put it in a small bucket.

"That's good, I've never rowed a boat by myself before!" Ye let go of the small shovel aside happily, rowing is a novel activity!

When we arrived at the pier, we could see a flat-bottomed boat parked on a gravel beach from a long distance away. The hull was painted in two colors, red on the top and white on the bottom, and there were two wooden paddles on the side of the boat.

Parked at the pier, the two of them moved all their things into the three-meter-long boat and pushed it into the river. Qin Yi picked up the fishing rod and sat down, while Ye Fang rowed.

Although it was a pair of oars, there was no big problem with the direction, but after all, Ye Fang had no experience, and the boat ran very slowly, so Ye Fang didn't care about it. He rowed the boat with great interest, watching Qin Yi throw the hook to catch trout.

Now the waters where the two are located, the water flow is slow, Qin Yi adopts the deep fishing method, puts the earthworms through the hook, throws them out, makes the bait sink quickly, and then touches the bait from time to time, so that the bait looks like it is alive, which is more attractive Trout bite.

Ye Fang stopped the boat, stood on the other side, and imitated Qin Yi's movements and started fishing.

"Third brother, when the fishing line is suddenly tightened, quickly lift the rod and hook the fish. Be quick, the fish will unhook and run away if you slow down!" Qin Yi reminded in a low voice.

Ye Fang nodded to express his understanding, the two didn't talk much, Trout was too suspicious, don't say too much to scare the fish away!

Fishing is a recreational activity that tests patience, so the two of them are not in a hurry. While looking at the scenery on both sides of the strait, while pulling the bait, and pointing out the distant or near scenery from time to time, they are also happy and leisurely!


Ye Fang was watching two unknown white and beautiful waterfowls in the distance. He suddenly felt that the fishing rod in his hand sank.

"Hey, I ran away!" Ye Fang gave Qin Yi a bitter look. It was his first time fishing for trout, and his reaction was slow!
"Ha, just run away, let's change another place." This time Qin Yi rowed the boat much faster than Ye Fang. Qin Yi went down the river to fish when he was a child, so he had some experience!

A fish ran away, and Ye Fang lifted the pole just now, the trout may have become more vigilant, this area is not easy to bite the hook!Trout fishing is such a hassle, but that's part of its appeal.This time, Qin Yi paddled for more than ten minutes and turned into a tributary of the big river, which is a small stream. There are many rocks at the bottom of the river, and the water hits the rocks, forming small waves.

This is great trout fishing!
"Just fish here, such a location is a better fishing spot!"

Qin Yi rowed to a big rock, Qin Yi took out a rope and tied it to fix the boat!
"We must react faster this time!" Ye Fang nodded, encouraging himself with a firm face. The one that ran just now made him very depressed!
If you can pull that one up, you can show off to Qin Yi arrogantly: "Look, we don't know anything, but we can catch fish first!"

Alas, what a missed opportunity to show off in front of my brother!He thought about it and sank the bait to the bottom of the water.

(End of this chapter)

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