American Ranch

Chapter 216 Vegetable Course

Chapter 216 Vegetable Course
The next day, Qin Yi and Ryan went to inspect the fence again.

Angel went to school naturally, Susa went to Walker Farm, and including Ke Luo who was busy filming, it can be said that no one in the family was idle!

Susa ran to the Walker Ranch, not because she was idle and had nothing to do.

Because the tourists at Walker Farm are all provided by Angel Farm, the two farms have an agreement that Angel Ranch will account for [-]% of Walker Farm’s tourism income.Since there is a business relationship, it is necessary to understand the tourism development of Walker Farm. Although everyone has a good relationship, business is business.

Qin Yi entrusts Susa to do these things, one is to rest assured, and the other is because Susa was born as an accountant, and his vision is naturally not bad. Go to Walker Farm to investigate and see the consumption situation of the farm. Roughly estimate Walker Farms tourism revenue.

Although we will have to check the accounts at that time, let's have a general understanding now, so that we can have a bottom line in our hearts.

In this way, each was busy, and the day passed quickly.

It wasn't until evening that Qin Yi came back a little tired. Although he had been driving a quad bike, he had been driving, getting out of the car, repairing, and repeating these actions all day long. Surrounded by the same grasslands and mountains, he was mentally bored. , Even visually, I am tired of aesthetics.

However, when he came back with the quad bike, Qin Yi's spirit immediately improved a lot, not because he could rest immediately, but because he saw from a distance, a group of children were over there in the vegetable garden, all of them were like curious babies, Or squatting down, or sticking out the little buttocks, observing the vegetables in the vegetable garden.

Both Linna and Susa were there, and Susie was also talking.

Qin Yi parked the car and moved over curiously.

When he came to the vegetable garden, he greeted a few women and stood around watching with a smile.

Susa whispered to him about the current situation.It turns out that the children's learning content today is to understand the common vegetables in life, so Angel invites the children to come to the ranch to visit their own vegetable garden!

Linna also felt that this was a good opportunity for practice. After greeting the parents, she took the children to the ranch.

At this time, Susie is introducing various vegetables to the children, from the name and appearance, to the growth period and maturity period, and finally let the children speak freely, what kind of food can be used for what kind of food, what kind of food they like to eat etc.

Angel also raised her small hand to speak, pointing to a pool of leeks and said, "Grandma Susie, I like this dish! Uncle Yi can make delicious dumplings and pies!"

"Yeah, I like it too!" Becky, who was standing with Angel, also jumped up and down with her little hands up, pouted her little mouth while looking at the leeks, and rubbed her little belly. She was so hungry that she really wanted to eat dumplings and pies. !

The children around are all native residents of Augusta. They have never been exposed to the outside world. They have never seen dumplings, so naturally they don't know what they are, so they are all curious.

Qiao Qiao was a good student, so she asked, "Sister Angel, what are dumplings?"

Qiao Qiao is more than a month older than Angel, and is one of the best friends of Angel and Becky, and they call each other sister and sister.

After listening to Qiao Qiao's question, Angel and Betsy noticed that the children around them all looked puzzled and curious, so the two little girls chirped and explained to their friends, "The dumplings are from Uncle Yi's house." No one else can do it! By the way, Aunt Susa will do it!"

Betsy came to the ranch often and ate there many times.

"Yeah, dumplings are boiled pies, like boats! Only Uncle Yi and Mom can make them! It's delicious!"

"Yes, they are all delicious!"

The two little girls sang together and praised the dumplings like nothing else in the sky, even Qin Yi and Su Sa, but they were too young and didn't know how to describe what the dumplings were, so they could only repeat them over and over again. Repeat "delicious" and "fragrant"!
A group of children became even more curious. They are at the age that loves to eat and play, and they all imagined how to eat it!

Several adults were amused, especially Qin Yi and Su Sa. Hearing Angel's words, "Dumplings are boiled pies", the two looked at each other, a little dumbfounded.

After hearing so much, Lin Na also looked curiously at Qin Yi and Su Sa, "Sousa, are the dumplings really so delicious?"

Su Sa glanced at Qin Yi with a smile, intending to let him, an authentic Chinese, answer.

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and explained to Lin Na with a smile.

"Actually, it depends on personal taste. Angel and the others think it's delicious because they have adapted to the eating habits of China. Naturally, it's impossible for everyone to like a kind of food, so it's not me saying whether it's good or not, but It's up to you whether you like it or not!"

"Yi is right!"

Susa also had her own opinion. After Qin Yi finished speaking, she added: "Of course, for those who like it, dumplings are eaten in a fresh way, rich in taste, and delicious. They are indeed a rare delicacy."

"People who don't like it may not be hard to swallow, unless they are not used to a certain ingredient in the filling, like leeks, many locals are not used to it, and they don't like its pungent smell! Maybe change it If you add other fillings, such as seafood, pork, mutton, or even eggs and spinach, you will find that the dumplings taste pretty good!"

After listening to Susa's words, Qin Yi tilted his head and smiled. The dumplings she mentioned were all made at home. Her favorite was egg and spinach stuffing. Qin Yi also liked it more. Besides, he and Angel liked leeks the most. Stuffing, these are the two most commonly made dumplings at home.

After hearing what the two said, Linna nodded thoughtfully, then looked at them expectantly, and made a request: "Sousa, why don't we eat dumplings tonight!"

Lin Na and Qin Yi are very familiar with each other, so they are not worried that this proposal will appear abrupt at this time.

Qin Yi and Su Sa naturally don't care, since everyone wants to try, let's have a meal of dumplings!
So, Linna happily announced this decision. Under the cheers of a group of children, several adults cut a bunch of leeks and picked some spinach, planning to make two kinds of fillings, and everyone would eat whichever they like.

When they got home, the three women washed the vegetables, and Qin Yi went to make noodles. After a while, Ryan and Rachel, who were notified by Qin Yi, also came. Today, they have a small party, and the content is to eat dumplings.

And Ryan has been working hard to patrol the fence these days, so let's take it as a reward!

After the stuffing was done, Qin Yi and Susa were in charge of rolling out the dough. Susie and Rachel, who were fairly skilled in their crafts, taught everyone while making dumplings. The whole night was very lively.In the end, although the buns are in various shapes and shapes, they still taste the same when they are cooked.

Due to the pungent smell of chives, many children are not used to it. Therefore, dumplings stuffed with eggs and spinach are the most popular, but nearly one-third of those who like leek dumplings, like Qiao Qiao and Linna, like it very much .

All night, everyone was immersed in a cheerful atmosphere. I don’t know how much the children have learned about vegetables, but they are definitely full, and they all have round bellies. It was Linna who took them to play games on the lawn. Will digest.

At around 8 o'clock, the parents came to the ranch one after another. The adults chatted for a while, and then took the happy children home to sleep, and the ranch became quiet again.

After playing with the little girl for a while, Susa took her to take a bath. After a busy day, Qin Yi felt that he could finally take a rest, but just after drinking tea, Julie called.

He guessed that things about the reception should have progressed.

Last night, their husband and wife held a joint reception with Peter, and half of the drinks were morning light and running fire. Now it seems that there is a result.

(End of this chapter)

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