American Ranch

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Looking at the different scenery on both sides of the road, Qin Yi felt a little proud. If he hadn't taken over this pasture by himself, it would be no different from the opposite side now.

Ryan is not surprised, he is not the same as Qin Yi, Qin Yi is a big shopkeeper who throws his hands away, and he is leisurely all day long, but he is busy every day, patrolling the pasture, observing the grass calves, receiving nearby farmers who come to inspect, etc. The length of time is variable every day, but you have to run a few laps on the pasture to know the growth of pasture best.

But if you don't have a little pride, that's naturally impossible!
Not only him, but every cowboy on the ranch felt happy seeing the high-quality pasture far surpassing other pastures, and even worked more vigorously.

The two drove quad bikes and ran along the fence for more than ten minutes, chatting loudly from time to time, quite relaxed and happy.

After running forward for a while, Ryan in front slowed down and stopped, and Qin Yi braked accordingly, guessing that Ryan must have discovered the situation.

So he looked along the fence and found that not far ahead, the barbed wire beside a wooden pile was a little loose, but it didn't seem to be caused by external force, it seemed to be in disrepair, after all, the fence on this side looked old .

Because this side is close to the road, under normal circumstances, no one will approach here, and the direction of the fence is perpendicular to the Rocky Mountain area, and large herbivores and carnivores generally do not pass here, so this side Fences are more durable.

The more durable result is that there is no need for in-depth maintenance for several years, and it will only age slowly over time.

Ryan got out of the car with pliers, wire and other things, and Qin Yi followed and helped him repair the fence.The dogs were the most dedicated. When the quad bike stopped, they jumped out of the car, wandered around within a dozen meters, and ran back to stand beside the two of them.

This well-behaved appearance made Qin Yi rub their heads and praise them a few words.

He guessed right, and Ryan explained to him while tightening the loose fence with wire: "The fence here has been used for several years, and it has to be repaired like this every year, but generally speaking, it is relatively easy to use. After all, the cost of replacing a fence is very high!"

Qin Yi nodded and didn't speak. He stretched out his hand and shook it. The wooden stake didn't move at all, and the barbed wire swayed slightly, which seemed to be very strong.

After repairing the damage, the two got on the car again and continued to drive towards the Rocky Mountains.Just stop and go like this, two hours later, the two came to the edge of the ranch near the Rocky Mountains.

Along the way, the two repaired a total of seven or eight such damages.Most of them are aging, and only one is more serious. It seems that it has been hit hard, and a hole has been broken in the barbed wire. I don't know if it was man-made or a wild animal touched it.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the ranch, and the two of them had nothing to worry about.It took them a lot of effort to repair the big hole of more than 20 centimeters.

The south side has been repaired completely, and the only fence that needs to be inspected in the entire ranch is the side close to the Rocky Mountains, but this side, according to Ryan, is more time-consuming and labor-intensive than the other three directions combined.

Because this side is close to the Rocky Mountains, animals on the mountain want to enter the pasture to find food, and they must first hit the fence on this side. Therefore, although the fence on this side is the strongest, it is the most damaged part.

But it was too late today, it was already 4 o'clock, and it would take about an hour to get back to the living area from here, and it would be dark at 6 o'clock, so it wouldn't be long anyway.

So at Ryan's suggestion, Qin Yi made a decision to come back to continue working tomorrow morning and bring lunch so that he can work throughout the day.

Back in the living area, the two separated, Qin Yi returned to the main house, and Susa and Angel had already returned.The little girl is running around cheerfully with a colorful windmill, and Teddy and two little foxes are following behind, jumping and jumping, making the whole scene full of childlike fun.

Now the two little foxes are fat from eating, and in winter, they have more hair on their bodies to keep warm. They look round and bulging, like a small light red fireball.Recently Angel likes to hug them all the time, they are small and furry, cuter than Teddy.

The mother fox, Luna, lay on the porch and watched her two children play, but Maggie, who is also a mother, could not see it, which surprised Qin Yi, who used to be sleepy How did you run out today?

"Uncle Yi! Look at my windmill, isn't it beautiful? Mom bought it for me!" The little girl waited for Qin Yi to get out of the car, and held up the windmill like a treasure, her face was full of joy.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Qin Yi exaggeratedly praised, looking at the colorful windmill, as if he was lucky enough to witness the masterpiece of God, his expression was a bit fake!
But children only like this, so, after hearing Qin Yi's praise, An Qier was even happier, and smiled and invited Qin Yi to play together: "Hee hee, does Uncle Yi like it too? Let's play together!"

"Of course, Uncle likes it!" Qin Yi hugged the little girl with one arm, took the windmill, and blew it hard, and the colorful windmill immediately spun in the wind, like a round rainbow.

"Wow, Uncle Yi is really amazing, I can't even brag about it!"

The little girl looked at Qin Yi, her big cute eyes were full of admiration, which made Qin Yi feel relieved.After finishing speaking, the little girl puffed out her small mouth and blew two breaths at the windmill that was slowly stopping. Unfortunately, the wind blowing out was too weak, and the windmill didn't turn at all.

Qin Yi carried her into the house, and handed the windmill back to the little girl. He is an adult, he just needs to play with toys to make the children happy. If he keeps playing with them, it will definitely have a great impact on IQ!

The little girl took the colorful windmill and blew it twice, but it still wouldn't turn. She pouted her mouth and waved her little hand. Now, the air passed through, the windmill whirled, and a round rainbow was formed again. The small mouth that made the little girl pout, grinned again, and crisp laughter spread throughout the living room.

In the living room, Susa was sorting out a few documents, and noticed that two people, one big and one small, came in, smiled at them, and continued to work on things in hand.

Qin Yi didn't bother her in the past, and carried Angel to the Apple House next to the fireplace, which was the home of Lai Pi and his wife.

That's right, Lai Pi found a wife in the vegetable garden a few days ago, but she is still very young, she is a child bride!

Since it was brought back by Lai's belt and looked very precious, Qin Yi let it stay and named it Baixue.

Baixue is different from the gray and white hares that are common here. It is a pure white little rabbit, very clever, which makes Susa, Ryan and others very surprised.

Qin Yi suspected that it was a mutated species, so he happened to stay and observe.

In fact, some time ago, Lai Pi's home was almost lost!
After Luna moved in with her two little foxes, she often bullied Lai Pi, scaring him so much that he hid in the vegetable garden and dared not come back. In the end, Angel found that Lai Pi hadn't come home all day, and told Qin Yi that Lai Pi was lost. I paid attention to it, searched around, and finally brought it back from the vegetable garden!

At that time, the little guy was hugging Qin Yi's trouser legs, his pitiful appearance made everyone laugh, and when he returned to the main house, he had someone to support him, and he even pointed to the three foxes nesting in the apple house to complain!
In the end, Qin Yi ordered the three foxes, mainly Luna, to stop making trouble for Rapi.

After getting along for a long time, Laipi has adapted to Luna's existence just like Xiao Hei adapted to Maggie, and enjoys the apple house with the two little foxes, Harry and Jasmine.

(End of this chapter)

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