American Ranch

Chapter 202 Thanksgiving Chapter Dinner

Chapter 202 Thanksgiving Dinner

"Yi, why didn't you see Hobbs and the others?" Ryan sat next to Qin Yi, waving to the crowd while chatting with Qin Yi.

"Hobbs told me that they didn't prepare floats, there are too many tourists! They will organize tourists to play this year." Qin Yi looked at the audience on both sides, but he didn't see Huaxia's face, it should be still in front .

The parade lasted until noon, when Qin Yi's three families gathered together, found a piece of grass in the town square, and began to enjoy a picnic.

Naturally, the carnival will not just disappear. There are various activities in the afternoon, but there is no organization for this one. Everyone is free to move around and enjoy their favorite programs.Qin Yi also found a parking space to park the float, and took a few women, big and small, to wander around.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was gloomy for a day, and it began to snow, not the light rain as imagined.

For a moment, the town was full of cheers, and the first snow of this year came just like that.

The fluttering snow, not only did not affect everyone's interest in playing, but made the festive atmosphere more intense, and a touch of romance added warmth to everyone's joyful hearts.

Dance, drama, cowboy show, etc., the activities were diverse and exciting, and each program attracted a large crowd and won bursts of applause.There are even on-site cooking and free tasting. Many big and small foodies surrounded the event site three times inside and outside three circles!
Naturally, Angel and Amanda are also part of the foodies. Qin Yi took Susa and Ke Luo to play with them, and his belly was swollen too!

On the way, I finally saw the Chinese tourists on the farm. Everyone had smiles on their faces, and they were obviously very satisfied with this Thanksgiving trip.

During this period of time, with more and more Chinese tourists, the economic benefits brought by them have been increasing, and the residents of Augusta town have become more enthusiastic about Chinese tourists, and consciously understand some knowledge about China.

Even some old Americans who are in the souvenir business can simply say some daily expressions such as "hello" and "goodbye". Although the pronunciation is weird, it is still helpful for attracting customers.

Qin Yi chatted with Hobbs for a few words and then left. Hobbs continued to take the tourists to experience exotic customs, and he also took a few girls who had fun along the way.Until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, they watched all the programs in the town, and they were satisfied.

I contacted the families of Walker and Julie, and we all went back together. There was a Thanksgiving dinner tonight, so there was no further delay.

At this time, the snow is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that the first snow since the beginning of winter will not simply end.

When they got home, Susa had no time to rest and started preparing dinner. Colo and Amanda followed suit; while Angel ran upstairs and said that she would prepare gifts for everyone, which made everyone look forward to it.

Everyone knows that the little girl has a small wallet, and she has heard her muttering that she wants to buy gifts for everyone, but there has been no movement, thinking that the little girl hasn't bought it yet, but they don't think that on Thanksgiving night, there is really Gifts are waiting for you!

Only Susa at home knew that Angel had bought gifts. A few days ago, Linna called and said that Angel and Becky took her to the supermarket to help choose gifts.But Linna didn't say what the specific gift was, so Susa naturally wouldn't ask, and of course the surprise must be saved until the end!
Qin Yi had nothing to do, so he just watched TV in the living room, and let a few women do the kitchen work.

Susa put the prepared turkey in the oven and hurried to make pumpkin pie, Colo was in charge of vegetables and fruit salad, and Amanda was in charge of dessert.

Fortunately, the kitchen is big enough, otherwise the three of them would be too crowded to work together.

"Uncle Yi! Come and help me, the gift is about to drop!"

Qin Yi found an NBA replay program and watched it for a while. Angel's shouts came from upstairs. Looking back, the little girl was carrying four boxes downstairs. The gift boxes were stacked together, from her belly to the With such a high chin, she wobbled as she went down the stairs, as if she was about to fall to the ground at any time.

Qin Yi hurried over to help her move the presents to the living room. Seeing her cute look, he smiled and touched her little head, "Anqier, are you going to give out gifts now?"

"Yeah!" The little girl patted a few gift boxes, nodded and said, "I'll give you a gift first, but don't open it yet! We'll open it when we want to eat, and we'll be together."

Susa, who was cooking in the kitchen, also gathered around curiously, wanting to see what gifts the little girl would prepare for everyone.

"Anqier, can we give out gifts now? Auntie really wants to know what kind of gift it is!" Ke Luo leaned beside the little girl, looking expectantly at the four gift boxes on the table, trying to guess which one was his own.

"Okay, you guys sit here, I'll share the presents!" Angel pointed to the couch, let Qin Yi sit in a row, and then clapped her little hands, ready to distribute presents.

This was the first time she gave gifts to others in such a formal way. The little girl was still very happy. She tapped the gift box with her little hand, selected a rectangular box and handed it to Susa, "Mom, this is a gift for you!"

As he spoke, he leaned over to kiss Susa.

Susa took the gift and smiled brightly. This was the first time the little girl bought a gift for her, so she was naturally very warm in her heart. Although the past few years have not been stable, but with such a cute and cute daughter, all of this is also worth it. It's all worth it.

The others looked at this scene with smiles on their faces, wishing secretly from the bottom of their hearts, hope that all the good things will last forever!

The little girl giggled, and handed the remaining three gift boxes to Qin Yi and the others one after another.

Everyone frolicked for a while, and the Thanksgiving dinner was ready to be served. Adults and children joined the battle, and after a while, the entire dining table was filled.Then it was time to distribute gifts. Everyone took down the gifts and distributed them to everyone, and then unwrapped the gifts together in the living room.

Qin Yi first gave Amanda a beautiful scarf, then took out mahogany beads and gave them to Ke Luo, Susa and Angel, and told them the meaning.Although it is not a valuable thing, Ke Luo and Su Sa are very satisfied. The bracelet they made by themselves, and Qin Yi's wishes are entrusted. For them, there is nothing better than this!
Angel didn't have any idea, she just liked it, and immediately put it on her chubby wrist, raised her little hand to look left and right, smiling, full of joy.

Amanda is also a little envious, although the scarf is pretty, but where is the bracelet that was made with so much thought!

Qin Yi also received gifts from Susa and Keluo. The two agreed on what they had agreed upon. Susa gave a business card holder and other four-piece business suits, and Keluo's gift was a pair of razors.Amanda knew that he likes to fish and gave him a pair of fishing rods.

He happily accepted them all.

At this time, the four of them also unwrapped the gifts from Angel, Qin Yi's teacup, Susa's scarf, Ke Luo's sunglasses, and Amanda's cotton gloves. Driving a quad bike in winter is the coldest hand, but this pair of gloves timely.

The little girl's gifts are all suitable for everyone, and it seems that she has spent a lot of thought.Everyone was very happy, and naturally praised it, the happy little girl was very happy.

Of course, what makes the little girl even more happy is the gifts that the adults gave her. Little train toys, electric duckling toys, and airplane model helicopters are all powerful tools to coax children. She is so happy to touch this and look at that. !

"Anqier, put away the presents quickly, we are going to have dinner!" Susa smiled and pinched the little girl's flushed face, and led her to the dining table.

"Wow, fat turkey!"

Everyone sat around the dining table. In such a combination, the owner of the house is naturally Qin Yi. He respected the customs of several people and took them to be grateful: "Thank the gods for giving us relatives, friends, and food. I hope this moment of happiness, Happy to live with us forever!"

After making the wish, everyone looked at each other and smiled, then Qin Yi got up, and as the head of the family, shared the turkey with everyone.

"Uncle Yi! Can I have a turkey leg? I like to eat turkey legs!" Angel stretched out her small head and looked at the two fat turkeys on the dining table, swallowing so greedily!

"Of course, of course, Angel will have it if she likes it!" Qin Yi cut a chicken leg and put it on the dinner plate in front of her, then divided the meat between Keluo and Susa, and joked at the same time: "Amanda, chicken Do you want ass?"

"NO! I want to eat the chicken neck, the chicken butt is yours!"

The living room was full of laughter. In the end, the chicken butts belonged to the small animals for dinner. Others included grilled fish, fruits, and vegetables, which were equally rich!

(End of this chapter)

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