American Ranch

Chapter 189 Uncle Yi is Cool

Chapter 189 Uncle Yi is Cool

The cowboys around the herd found the old ranch plane in the sky, and then contacted Qin Yi's recent learning to fly the plane, and immediately understood the current situation, and cheered towards the sky, but unfortunately the noise of the engine and propeller filled the sky, Qin Yi and the others are destined not to hear it.

But it doesn't matter, seeing the action of the villain riding around and waving, everyone on the plane still knows what the cowboys mean.

"Mom, mom!" Angel naturally also saw the situation below, trotted to Susa's side, lay on her lap and giggled, "Are the cowboy gentlemen saying hello to the flying white swan?"

"That's right, they are all saying hello to the lovely Angel!" Susa stroked the little girl's blond hair, admiring the magnificent scene of thousands of cows grazing leisurely below.

Susie was as excited as Ryan. It was the first time in her life that she looked down on the cattle from the sky. The Moore family had used helicopters to drive away the wolves before, but they didn't have the opportunity to join in the fun!
"Wow!" Rachel cheered in a rare way, and even whistled.

Ryan and Susie naturally paid attention to their daughter. Seeing her happy, the smiles on their faces became brighter. The two silently held each other's rough hands, feeling the happiness that belonged to them!
Qin Yi glanced back inadvertently, and also noticed Rachel's reaction, and felt a little happy. This was the first time he saw this hardworking and simple girl showing passion of her age.

But that's okay, it's Rachel's first time on a plane!

That's right, the first time!
This girl grew up on a farm since she was a child. Although she did a good job on the farm, she only had a junior high school education level. She had only been to Helena as far as she could go, and she had never taken a plane.Even when I went to Helena, I followed Burke to the annual rodeo a few years ago!

Other than that, she never traveled far!
As far as Qin Yi knew, in the past six months, she hadn't even been to Augusta National. Every day she cleaned the stables, took care of the horses, or helped Susie take care of the vegetable garden.

That's what makes her happy.

Of course, there is another entertainment item that is indispensable, and that is a computer that Burke bought her. Unfortunately, this girl can only use it to watch movies and download country music. Even Facebook was taught to her by Sousa of.

Living with a hardworking and simple girl like Rachel, life might be boring and dull, but if you really want to live a lifetime, Qin Yi thinks this is also a good choice!

Of course, he has no chance. He only hopes that this girl with excellent qualities can find a good home!
The thought was just for a moment, he glanced at Sean, the former Air Force pilot, who has been paying attention to various flight data, turning a blind eye to the scenery below, perhaps this pilot who has flown a modern jet fighter has seen various geographical wonders, I am no stranger to these prairie scenery!

"Passenger friends, how about we take a flight at an ultra-low altitude?" Qin Yi quickly glanced at the cowboys who were still waving on the ground, without turning his head, he just shouted to the passengers behind him.

After listening to what he said, Su Sa smiled and shook her head, thinking that Qin Yi really liked to play around more and more today, maybe this is due to the excitement of just getting his pilot's license!

She grabbed Angel who was lying on her lap, put her on the seat, and then fastened her seat belt. After hearing Qin Yi's words, she knew that there would be a more interesting journey ahead.

"How low? Uncle Yi, can I touch the calf below? Or shake hands with the cowboys!" The little girl let her mother fiddle with her, and looked forward to Uncle Yi who was flying the plane ahead. Today's flight made her very happy.

"Of course, you can still catch a fish from the small river!" Qin Yi replied loudly, his words were a bit exaggerated.

"This is your flight, Yi, you decide!"

"Of course, we are all looking forward to it!"

The Ryan family expressed their support for Qin Yi and their expectations for the next journey.

"Okay then, fasten your seatbelts, get into zero-gravity time, and enjoy it, guys!"

Qin Yi saw Xiao En, the co-pilot, making gestures, expressing that he was always ready to cooperate with him, so he didn't hesitate any longer, cheered, and began to operate the plane to dive towards the ground!


With a roar, the plane flew down suddenly.

The heading is at an angle of about 45 degrees to the ground. For Sean, an air force pilot who has driven a fighter plane to climb vertically and dive, it is of course trivial, but for everyone who has only experienced take-off and landing, it is naturally thrilling. Make people scream!

A sense of weightlessness, like being tied to the seat but with nowhere to put your legs and feet, suddenly hit everyone. The tense and stimulating sense of powerlessness made the passengers scream out!

The plane quickly lowered its altitude, as if the camera was zoomed in, and the grasslands, cows, and cowboys on the ground quickly became larger.

Qin Yi carefully observed the instrument panel and the data displayed on the avionics equipment, allowing him to clearly understand the flight status, and quickly make judgments in his heart.

Sean next to him still had the same expression just now, as if he was not interested in the dive of this light aircraft, but from the way he looked at the various data seriously, he was also paying attention to the status of the aircraft itself, obviously interested in the dive of this light aircraft. This flight is not indifferent!

As a veteran pilot, he knows that every flight is an actual combat. Even if there is no external enemy, the internal enemy has never been far away.

If the mentality is not correct, danger may come at any time!

The flying altitude dropped rapidly, the ground was pulled closer, and they were about to hit the ground. Everyone's hearts were also grabbed hard, and the exclamation turned into screams. Although I knew that Qin Yi would definitely pull up in time, but Unable to bear the tension and fear.

It's like going on a roller coaster, knowing that the failure rate is so low that it is negligible, but still holding back the screams!
When the cowboys on the ground saw such exciting flying movements, they couldn't bear the tension in their hearts. They all exclaimed and clenched their fists, looking forward to Qin Yi's flying performance.

When the plane swooped down, the cowboys kept their heads up and stared until ten seconds later, when the plane dropped [-] meters and could even see Qin Yi in the driver's seat through the front window. Changing the course, there was a more piercing roar, and the engine seemed to be overwhelmed, making people worry that it would suddenly strike at a certain moment!

Fortunately, Qin Yi's driving skills are excellent, and he has Sean, an excellent air force pilot, as his assistant, and the plane is well maintained. When it descended to more than 30 meters above the ground, the plane entered a stable flight attitude again, and that's it. Fly close to the ground.

The cowboys breathed a sigh of relief, took off their hats and cheered to the passengers on the plane.But the plane flew away quickly, because Qin Yi felt that the roar was a bit loud, and the cattle were not used to it. If it frightened the cattle and affected their growth and development, it would be a big loss.


"It's so exciting!"

The Ryan family touched the cold sweat on their foreheads, calmed down their turbulent mood, and couldn't help cheering. This flight was really unforgettable. Fortunately, we got on the plane together just now, otherwise we would have regretted it for a long time!
"It's an exciting flight, it feels really good!" Ryan shouted loudly, summing up the flight experience.

Susa let go of Angel's arm, exhaled, and looked at Qin Yi who was clapping hands with Xiao En to celebrate the tacit cooperation. She couldn't laugh or cry, and felt that he really looked like a big boy today.

Play around!

But Angel rubbed her nose, looking very excited, thinking that Uncle Yi is so cool!

"Mom, I think Uncle Yi is cool now!"

"Cool?" Susa glanced at Qin Yi again, nodded with a smile, "Of course, he has always been cool! But Angel, where did you learn this word?"

"Aunt Amanda said so! Is this the word used like this, Mom?" The little girl tilted her head and looked at Susa, a studious baby.

"That's right, use it like this!"

Susa stroked the little girl's hair, thinking that Qin Yi must be very happy to hear the little girl comment on him like this.

Qin Yi operated the small plane to gradually climb up, and began to fly around the pasture. After getting addicted, he didn't do any other flying maneuvers, but kept flying steadily. After nearly an hour, he landed at the main house.

(End of this chapter)

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