American Ranch

Chapter 182 The unit is a drop

Chapter 182 The unit is a drop
They got off the plane in San Francisco at noon, and the three of them didn't bother Sarah, since they didn't plan to stop in San Francisco anyway.

They found a random restaurant to deal with, rented an Escalade from a car rental company, and the three of them drove all the way to the vineyard.This was the second time for the little girl to travel far away, and it was still a bit novel. Along the way, she kept raising the chubby hand and asking some weird questions.

Arriving at the vineyard, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Angel sat on the baby chair, dangling her calves, and looked curiously at the rows of vines not far away. Susa, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was also looking around. But found that the vineyard is not as romantic as imagined.

It is similar to the farmland, except for the grass beside the small road, the square grape fields are full of vines as tall as a person, and each row is 1.5 apart. There is no special feature, let alone any scenery.

Without stopping, Qin Yi drove directly to the winery,
Susa thinks that this place is more pleasing to the eye. There is a huge grape trellis in the yard, which covers the sky above the head, and some branches hang down sparsely. Walking under it, it has a quiet and dusty feeling.

The grapes here have not been picked yet, hanging in clusters, the spirits are clear, like big black pearls.

Qin Yi took down the big backpack containing the clothes, and then drove the car into the garage. Susa held Angel in her arms and strolled under the grape arbor. The little girl stretched her chubby hands across the grape vines, smiling happily.

Passing by a bunch of grapes, I grabbed one and stuffed it into my little mouth, but just after I took a bite, my smiling little face suddenly became bitter, and I grinned, looking like I was about to cry.

"Oh, my poor baby!" Susa smiled and comforted, "Is it sour? It's okay, did you see that trash can, shall we throw it in?"

The little girl grinned and nodded fiercely.

Susa walked quickly with her in her arms, watched her throw the grapes in, and wiped her small mouth.

At this moment, Qin Yi came out of the garage, and An Qier hurriedly pouted for comfort: "Uncle Yi, the little grapes are so sour, they don't taste good!"

"Ha, this is for brewing wine, you can't eat it, I'll get someone to buy some delicious food later." Qin Yi touched the little girl's face with his finger, then took her little hand, carried the big backpack into the room, Susa Follow behind, continue to look while walking.

The decoration in the house is not as luxurious as the ranch house, but it is simple, elegant and rich in connotation, and it is two different styles from the pastoral atmosphere of the main house.

Susa chose a room and took the little girl in to clean it up. Qin Yi called Old Pete.

After a while, Old Pete drove over in that broken Toyota, and the two chatted for a while. Qin Yi took out a bottle of fruit wine from his backpack, poured Old Pete half a glass, and motioned him to try it.

Old Pete didn't know his intentions, but smelling the aroma of the wine made people eager to taste it!
Pick it up to the tip of your nose and take a sip, close your eyes and feel it, shake your head slightly, a little intoxicated, after a while, take a sip, let the wine melt on the tip of your tongue, and feel the taste of fruit wine.

Qin Yi poured some himself, watched his reaction while drinking, and nodded inwardly. He is indeed a person who has been working with wine making all his life. Although he has been a worker all his life, his wine tasting skills are definitely far beyond ordinary people!
Old Pete didn't speak, just drank it slowly, a few sips of half a cup, he insisted on drinking it for a few minutes, Qin Yi was not in a hurry, the more professional the old man was, the more assured he was about fermenting and maturing the wine The steps are handed over to him.

After all, he can't stay in the vineyard for a long time, and the fermentation cycle of authentic wine is two to four weeks, and the maturation means brewing aroma in oak barrels. It also takes a while, and he can't stay here all the time.

"Sir, what kind of wine is this?" Old Pete finally finished his drink, sat up straight and asked with a somewhat excited expression, "This is the best wine I've ever had. Compared with wine, it should be thrown into the trash can!"

"I said, this is the fruit wine I brewed, do you believe it?" The old god Qin Yi was lying on the sofa, smiling at Old Pete.

"Mister made wine?" Old Pete was stunned, a little surprised, the old guy shook his head and sighed: "This is really unbelievable! Oh, sorry, I mean, I thought only those like me Only the old man can brew such fine wine!"

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders, he didn't care, believe it or not, he brewed it himself, if he wanted to drink it, he had to find himself!

Suddenly, Old Pete remembered the purpose of Qin Yi's visit this time, and asked with some expectation: "So, sir, are you planning to brew wine of this quality this time?"

"Of course, that's what I bought the vineyard for."

"Oh, God! Is a new world-class fine wine about to be born? It's still in the vineyard where I have worked all my life! Under my nose!" Old Pete danced and looked forward to it, and now he already believed in Qin Yi. Otherwise, who would make fun of this kind of thing, unless they want to become the laughing stock of the wine field!
"Want to have another drink, old Pete?" Qin Yi asked him holding up half a bottle of fruit wine in his hand.

"Of course, of course! Sir, I want to thank you, otherwise I'm afraid I will never be able to drink this kind of wine in my life!"

"I can't stay for a few days. The later stages of fermentation and maturation depend on you. If you are optimistic about this batch of wine, there will be endless wine in the future!"

"Me?" Old Pete, who was about to pour wine into his mouth, was taken aback when he heard Qin Yi's words. He was a little unconfident. If he screwed up so many wines with possibly high varieties, he would pay for killing him. Sorry!
"You only need to judge its taste and fragrance, and you don't need to do any other operations. Remember, taste and fragrance!" Qin Yi instructed earnestly.

Taste and aroma.
Old Pete muttered a few words, and when he heard it was that simple, he nodded hesitantly, "Yes, sir, I remember, I will report to you as soon as there is a situation!"

"Old Pete, if you succeed this time, you will also be considered to have participated in the brewing of this fine wine. When this wine becomes famous all over the world, you will also become famous, and maybe even be recorded in history!"

Qin Yi felt that he should fool the old man a bit, maybe this would make him more attentive, and he would definitely operate in strict accordance with his own requirements when brewing.

Sure enough, Old Pete was a little excited, and asked for confirmation in disbelief: "Really, sir, can I really leave my name in the history books?"

Qin Yi nodded with a smile and didn't speak, but this expression gave old Pete a lot of confidence. If the wine produced can really reach one-fifth of the wine in the glass, no, one-tenth, it is also the best wine. It is worth his hard work!
After he finished drinking the fruit wine in the glass, Qin Yi went upstairs and called Susa and Angel to come down. After some introductions, they came to the fermentation area dozens of meters away. This batch of grapes is here, and the selection has been completed. , The preparation for breaking the skin can enter the soaking and fermentation stage at any time.

Qin Yi and the others followed Old Pete to visit the production workshop. Afterwards, he asked Old Pete to arrange for workers to put the prepared grapes into the fermenter. After that, he returned to the winery with Susa and Angel.

Old Pete couldn't figure it out, the boss made wine like this?
Don't you need any ratios, hands-on operations, secret recipes, etc.?
However, he just muttered a few words in his heart. He knew very well that if he completed the task assigned to him by Qin Yi, he would be considered as doing his job well, and he didn't need to take care of the rest.

The secret recipe is naturally there. At night, Qin Yi came to the fermentation workshop alone. Then, he added a drop of spiritual spring water to each of [-]% of the fermentation towers, and added [-] drops to each of the [-]% of the fermentation towers. Add ten drops each.

Just this made Qin Yi feel very distressed. Every drop of this is precious, and it is rich in pure aura. Experiments have been done on the ranch, and hundreds of bottles have been diluted with one drop. The concentration of aura is no lower than that of fruit wine!

After he finished his work, he patted the fermentation tower and waited for a month to taste it!

Since then, the main purpose of coming to the vineyard this time has been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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