American Ranch

Chapter 179 Angel's Crown (13)

Chapter 179 Angel's Crown (13)

It was Qin Yi's first time carving a jack-o-lantern, so he had no experience at first, but after learning the movements of Susa and Keluo, he gradually figured out the way.

In fact, it is enough to have a general image in mind first, gesturing the size of the pumpkin, and carving out the eyes, nose, and big mouth. Other details can be added, such as eyeballs, front teeth, and decorations.

While he was engraving, he observed the styles of the two of them. Colo was not particular about it, with round eyes and a square mouth, which looked very rough. The image of the carved pumpkin looked simple and joyful, while Susa was more delicate. Carved on the pumpkin is a squinting and smiling expression, which looks very warm.

But again, it is enough that both styles bring joy.

Occasionally, the two also carved out some more complicated patterns, such as Susa, what she is carving now is a kitten sitting on a crescent moon, with dots of five-pointed stars beside it, which looks so lifelike that Qin Yat laments her ingenuity.

These should be carved for Angel, after all, such a cute cartoon image is the favorite of little girls!

Qin Yi studied the styles of the two, intending to combine the characteristics of the two to create his own characteristics. As a result, the carved pumpkin lantern has a completely weird and evil image, with flat triangular eyes and a discordant round nose. , coupled with crooked canine teeth, it seems that it is really close to the image of the devil in my mind.

But Susa and Keluo are very satisfied, because they feel that if such a jack-o-lantern is placed in front of the door, all evil spirits, demons and other evil existences that come out to roam around on Halloween will definitely not dare to come into their home!

Qin Yi thinks about it, and it is true that Halloween in the West is similar to the ghost festival in China. Halloween is like the door to ghosts in China. Therefore, on Halloween here, everyone dresses up in strange shapes and carries pumpkin lanterns. Walking around the street is to make those evil spirits treat themselves as the same kind, so that the evil spirits will not hurt themselves!

Ever since, the two arranged a job for him to carve this kind of weird and evil jack-o-lantern!
Qin Yi began to ponder with all his thoughts, the little devil with pointed ears and wrinkled face, the funny face with crooked eyes and slanted mouth, the evil big pumpkin biting the painful little pumpkin.
He was carving so hard that the two women couldn't stop watching, and finally he just stopped and concentrated on admiring his pumpkin masterpiece!

To carve the image of the little devil, first peel half of the pumpkin, then carve the pattern on the pumpkin meat, and finally cut it flat at the pumpkin stem, hollow out carefully from the inside side, and the pumpkin flesh behind the pattern is very thin , until you can see the imp's face through the firelight.

It sounds simple, but it took him a lot of effort to actually carve, and it took him more than ten minutes.

Fortunately, his strength and reaction are very changeable, and his strength is accurate, otherwise he really can't sculpt that kind of demeanor. Of course, it can't be called very delicate. The eyes, ears, and skull are more attentive, and everything else is blurred. , After all, he is not a professional.

But even so, Susa and Ke Luo are very satisfied. Qin Yi's carvings are much better than previous years.The two were fiddling with various jack-o-lanterns when Angel came out, running around loudly.

"Mommy mommy!"

The little girl is dressed in a black wizard robe and a wizard hat with a feather on her head. She looks like a sinister witch, but with a cartoon magic wand and a broom, and a smiling face, she is really a bit of a witch. There is no sinister and cunning, some are just cute and cute!

Qin Yi and Susa watched with a smile, and just about to praise her, Ke Luo couldn't wait to squat down, hugged the little girl and kissed her, making her drool all over her face.

The little girl suddenly pursed her mouth, put the magic wand back into her pocket, and wiped her face with her chubby hand, "Aunt Keluo likes relatives, she drools a lot!"

This disgusted expression became even cuter. Qin Yi and the three laughed, and Amanda, who came out of the room, couldn't help laughing.

After the little girl wiped her saliva, she picked up the magic wand again with her little hand, waved it around a few times, and muttered something in her little mouth. Unfortunately, none of the four people present could understand it, but it seemed that she was about to cast a spell!
The little girl muttered a few words, pointed at Ke Luo with her magic wand, and said softly, "How dare you disrespect me, the great wizard Angel, and you will be punished!"


The little girl tried her best to put on a majestic expression, as if she was very angry at these mortals who dared to offend her, but the four of them laughed even harder, because the little girl's expression was not only not majestic, but even more cute cute!
Seeing a few people laughing and covering their stomachs, Angel suddenly became unhappy, pouted, and complained that everyone was not worthy of being with her!
Several people quickly suppressed their laughter, Ke Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and began to cooperate with the little girl like acting in a movie, "Okay, Your Majesty the great wizard Angel, how do you want to punish me, a mortal who offends your majesty?"

"Hey!" The little girl immediately smiled when she saw Aunt Ke Luo cooperating with her, but then she realized that she was a great wizard, so she had to be majestic, so she quickly put away her smile and tried her best to keep a small face.

She pondered for a while, and said the punishment for Ke Luo: "I punish you to help the great Angel find a kitten, I need a kitten! Great wizard, how can there be no cute kitten! "

Several people couldn't help laughing out loud again, and when they saw the big eyes staring at the little girl, they quickly covered their mouths and laughed secretly.

A wizard needs a cat. Amanda just said that when she was helping her prepare the props, but the little girl remembered it, and now she ran out to ask someone to find a cat for her.

Ke Luo coughed, showed the qualities of a professional actor, restrained his smile, and continued to act with the little girl.

"Great Angel!" Ke Luo bowed slightly, expressing respect to "Angel", "Can I use Raipy or the little foxes Harry and Jasmine instead of the cat? I think they are similar, and you You know, it's hard to find a cat these days!"

"Well, they're pretty much the same, they're all furry!" Angel muttered in a low voice, then nodded slightly reserved, "Well, let's use Harry and Jasmine instead of cats, two little foxes should be worth a cat Already!"

Ke Luo continued to act and ran to find the little fox. The remaining three adults watched it interestingly. Amanda smiled and asked in a low voice, "Where did Angel learn this? It's really interesting!"

"Where else can it be, cartoons!" Susa looked at the little girl with love in her eyes, "Of course, in school, Teacher Lina should have taught some related knowledge, and the children often perform shows."

Seeing the little girl standing there waiting, Qin Yi teased her, "An Qier, come and have a look at the jack-o-lantern uncle carved, it's so pretty!"

When An Qier heard that it looked good, she immediately became interested, and ran over, not forgetting to correct his address, "Uncle Yi, call me Angel!"


The three of them laughed again, Susa touched Angel's head, and said perfunctorily, "Okay, okay, Angel!"

Regardless of whether the little girl was perfunctory or not, she happily went to see the pumpkin lantern.

After that, there were cheers one after another, especially those cute cartoon pumpkin lanterns. The little girl touched this one, looked at that one, liked it very much, and put them aside, saying that she would light them up tomorrow night.

After a while, Ke Luo came over with the two little foxes in his arms, and the big fox Luna jumped and followed, just like the mother bear Maggie, she couldn't let the children out of her sight.

Angel took the little foxes with a smile, whispered into their little ears, put them on the ground, and led them to run and play around.

(End of this chapter)

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