American Ranch

Chapter 168 Lamb Trivia (23)

Chapter 168 Lamb Trivia (23)

Back home at night, Qin Yi cooks for himself, Susa helps, Ke Luo doesn't know how to cook, so he plays with the little girl and greets the guests along the way.

The small fish and shrimps are wrapped in flour batter, fried in oil and put on a plate. They are the snacks for the two little guys. Peter is like a child, and he competes with the little girls to eat, which makes the two little guys beep Mouth.

Of course it was a joke, the two little girls were very well-behaved, and invited everyone to eat one by one.It tasted really good and everyone ate some.

I made braised lamb chops again. This is the girls' favorite bone meat, which made them cheer.Originally, Susa wanted to do it, and her craftsmanship was no worse than Qin Yi's, but Qin Yi promised the children to do it by himself, so naturally he couldn't break his promise.

But these are side dishes to coax the two girls, but tonight's main course is not them, but hot pot!

That's right, eating hot pot when it's cold, although it doesn't snow and the atmosphere is not enough, but it is also very exciting.

And as a Hollywood star who has read all over the world, he has never eaten any exquisite meal!Only these unpretentious, delicious but elegant specialties are the delicacies that they have never really tasted.

The three of Julie are also looking forward to it, saying that they have eaten in Chinese restaurants many times before, and the taste is very good.

In fact, those hot pots in Chinese restaurants are usually made to fool Lao Mei, so they are not authentic.Qin Yi smiled and didn't say much, and let them taste it when it's ready.In fact, he is not authentic, the craftsmanship he has figured out, but it is absolutely delicious.

The Ryan family was also invited by Qin Yi. Ryan and Rachel chatted with everyone, and Susie went into the kitchen to help. According to Qin Yi's request, Susie prepared all kinds of vegetables, all of which were freshly picked from the vegetable garden.

Susa was in charge of slicing potatoes, shredded tofu, kelp, etc., while Qin Yi was in charge of slicing meat slices. The frozen beef and mutton were sliced ​​evenly and thickly.

Today's Eagle Big Eagle II is very powerful. He flew out to play all afternoon, and when he came home, he caught two hares and cut them up for wine.Other fish balls and shrimp balls were bought from supermarkets, Qin Yi didn't have time to make them.

After slicing the meat, I handed over the kitchen to Susa and Susie. Anyway, Susa's Chinese food skills are already very good. It's perfectly fine to prepare some side dishes, and Susie will just do it.

He took Ryan to the warehouse, took out two smaller copper hot pots, washed them clean, and started making soup.Both are mandarin duck pots, both red and white soups, everyone can choose their own taste.

It was laid out word by word on the long table, and everyone sat around and ate deliciously.Especially the tender mutton is very popular with everyone.

Usually Lao Mei doesn’t eat mutton very much. Except for camping barbecues, she doesn’t use mutton for cooking at home. One is because mutton is more expensive and most of the mutton is fishy; the second is because of cooking techniques.

In fact, some high-quality mutton is still very popular, especially in Texas, New Jersey, Georgia and other states. popular.

The mutton sheep fed on pastures, those breeding sheep and lamb ewes are indeed fishy, ​​but the freshly slaughtered lamb exudes a clean smell, accompanied by a smell of green grass and herbs. It tastes sweet and has a good meat quality Tender and chewy, it is very popular at Angel Farm.

Now the mutton in the ranch has been rated as the top premium grade by the United States Department of Agriculture, and the certificate of appraisal has also been issued, which makes the whole ranch rejoice, because the same pasture, the quality of mutton is the top, and the beef should not be bad!

As a result, the price of pasture beef cattle will definitely skyrocket, and with it, the income of the cowboys will also increase, and it is normal to rejoice.

On the farm side, due to the release of the results of the meat quality grade appraisal, the ticket price for the Roasted Whole Lamb Gala has also increased. However, because of the existence of the certificate and the taste is really good, more domestic tourists are willing to spend money to taste the mutton.

Many nearby residents also came here especially, which made the mutton tourism on the farm more popular. Susa made a rough statistics of the series of consumption brought about. The data shows that the profit obtained by the current mutton management method is higher than that of simply selling mutton. The high-priced mutton will be doubled!
Recently, after Ryan reported to Qin Yi, he has started looking for new lambs, because according to the current situation, the [-] sheep raised in the pasture simply cannot supply the needs of the farm tourists!
At the dinner table, Peter, who likes to eat, drink and have fun, asked about the origin of the mutton, and several people in the ranch laughed silently.

Origin?Isn't it the Sun River Ranch!
As soon as these words came out, the three of Julie were a little surprised, but then they thought about it, and they were a little relieved. There are too many good things in Qin Yi's ranch, so it's not surprising.

Immediately, Ryan briefly talked about the grade of mutton and the identification certificate, which attracted several people's admiration, because premium-grade packaged meat is usually not available, because the output of premium-grade beef and mutton is very small, and generally it is directly supplied to high-end meat Hotels and restaurants are also not sold in the market. Only the second-level premium grade will appear in large supermarkets, but the most common one is the premium grade.

Therefore, the three of Julie expressed their envy for Qin Yi and the others being able to eat premium beef and mutton every day. The few people in the ranch smiled and ignored it. With Julie's worth, it is not difficult to eat premium beef. Seriously.

After dinner, the Ryan family sat with them for a while, and then left. The rest of the people, either holding coffee or fruit wine, came to the terrace together, sitting and chatting, only the two little girls still couldn’t stay idle. , running up and down to play.

Teddy, who was full, also started to have fun, twisting his fat buttocks to tease the two little fox cubs, but he was caught by Angel after a while, dragged upstairs, and had to play with the two little devil kings, but he could only play The bullied character, the miserable little bear.

Of course, being bullied here means that the two little girls tossed back and forth to dress it and put on a hat. There was no corporal punishment, not to mention that Qin Yi and other adults would not allow it, and the two little girls never had such thoughts.

The time soon came to 9 o'clock, and Walker came to take Betsy home, because she had to go to school the next day.

Angel herself was left, and the little girl was no longer interested in playing around. She sat in Qin Yi's arms and listened to the adult's conversation for a while, and then began to doze off. Seeing Susa, she carried her to take a bath.

Ke Luo quickly followed, she knew that the little girl likes to play around in the bath, so she just went to tease the little girl.

After a while, everyone went back to their rooms. When Qin Yi got up and told Angel a story to put her to bed, Ke Luo and Susa also went back to their rooms. The whole room was noisy all day, and finally it was quiet.

The day of playfulness passed in this way, and everyone in the room fell asleep, recharging their energy for a beautiful next day.

The next day, Julie and Pete also woke up very early. When Qin Yi and Angel were about to go out, the couple came down from the stairs. They were in good spirits. It seemed that they had a good rest yesterday.

Several people greeted each other and came to the stable together. Rachel was always the first one. Seeing that she was sweating profusely, she should have been busy for a while.

Julie and Pete didn't dislike the dirty and tiring work, and they all wanted to experience the pure ranch life. They said it was to accumulate experience for future ranch life. Qin Yi guessed that they should be determined to buy a ranch. Instruct them to change into clothes, and we all work together.

Don't look at their star fans in front of the camera, it's true that they really started doing farm work. Although they were tired and sweaty after a while, they really put in it and cleaned up their respective areas seriously and responsibly. reluctantly.

Qin Yi nodded his head, he was not afraid of suffering or getting dirty, with this mentality, after buying the ranch, he would not worry about not being able to manage it.

Ranch work is learned, as long as you are willing to learn.

Angel is not inferior to anyone else, wielding a small shovel, and cleaning up the stable of the alpaca and the calf, and she doesn't care about the stains on the legs of the trousers, which makes Qin Yi satisfied and cannot help but praise her A few words made the little girl even more excited.

At almost 7:[-], I finished my work and went back to take a shower. Susa had already prepared breakfast, and Ke Luo helped to serve the dishes. The two women cooperated tacitly and cleaned up well.Breakfast is a combination of Chinese and Western, millet porridge, egg pancakes, bread, milk, you can choose.

After breakfast, Angel went to school, and McGee obediently escorted her to the road outside the ranch to wait for the school bus, while Susa took Amanda to the farm. Starting today, Amanda's design house will officially open.

(End of this chapter)

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