Chapter 16

In broad daylight, you don’t need the map on your mobile phone. You can see a different piece of pasture when you go to the place. It is more than ten centimeters higher than the usual pasture. The leaves are thicker and wider, and the color is darker, which is very conspicuous.

They came to water secretly at night, and when they found something abnormal during the day, they would only think that the pasture had mutated. Hehehe, the pasture was better, and the cowboys were too happy, so they didn't care about it so much.

Standing in the distance and observing, well, the spread is faster than I expected, which is better. The pasture here covers the pasture, so I went to plant pasture on the farm. Qin Yi has selected the grass species. Both sides are planted with perennial ryegrass, which is a forage grass with a planting area no worse than that of alfalfa. It has its own advantages in nutrition, and ryegrass is easier to tiller. It only needs to be harvested once a month after planting, and the ryegrass will grow again One plant will become more plants, so that if you add some spiritual spring water yourself, the ryegrass will spread without attracting too much attention.

Thinking that the growth of other improved alfalfa was similar, Qin Yi didn't go to look again, and rode Xiao Hei back to the main house, and let Xiao Hei run to graze by himself.

Now Xiao Hei is stronger. Yesterday he and Ryan went to graze together. The two rode fast for more than half an hour. Xiao Hei was just sweating. Ryan's horse was already panting. Xiao Hei's eyes are shining, and he probably wants to ride for a couple of laps, but unfortunately, everyone knows Xiao Hei's temper
Back at the house, Qin Yi poured a cup of coffee and lay down under the porch to drink slowly.

After resting for a while, Qin Yi went to the warehouse to find carrot seeds, and went to the vegetable garden to plant carrots. The vegetables had just been planted for two days, and they hadn't sprouted yet.It just so happens that Susie is still grazing, and no one is paying attention here, so I will water some water at night.There was no room left in the vegetable garden, so Qin Yi scattered the carrot seeds in the lettuce ditch, loosely, and spread a large area.

I have nothing to do after planting carrots, fishing?I have all the fishing gear, and it’s in the warehouse, but since I thought of grabbing it yesterday, this thing has been on my mind, I can’t put it down, and it’s boring to do anything!

Qin Yi originally planned to ask Ryan to go to the gun shop to help him as a staff member, but today Ryan went to see the growth of pastures, and Qin Yi didn't want to delay Ryan's work, so he had to go buy a gun tomorrow.

However, Qin Yi, who had never touched a gun before, was fascinated by something that men like to be robbed, and he couldn't let it go. Forget it, I will drive there by myself. No, wait until later to buy, a man can only have one gun in his life?Who stipulated it!
Once the decision is made, take action, Qin Yi returns to the garage, drives out the Dodge Ram and hits the road!
Listening to country music, I drove to Augusta for half an hour. Qin Yi didn't delay, and the car navigation went straight to the destination.

After parking at the door and getting out of the car, Qin Yi entered the store, and his eyes were immediately opened. Rows of counters in the store were lined with pistols of various calibers, as well as a large number of ordinary shotguns. shotgun) and rifles. In addition, there were a small number of semi-automatic rifles on the counter in front of the salesperson, which dazzled Qin Yi, who had never seen a real gun before.

Not to mention the bullets, the yellow-orange-orange copper shell bullets are randomly placed in a box, and there are a lot of them!

The salesperson is a fair-skinned young man. Qin Yi was carefully cleaning an old-fashioned rifle when he came in. From his gentle movements and loving eyes, it can be seen that he is a young man who loves guns.

"Hello, sir, I'm Bill, do you want me to show you around?"

Noticing Qin Yi coming in, Bill gently put down his gun and greeted the guests with a smile.

"Hi, Bill, I'm Yi, I'll take a look first, you know, I'm already dazzled." Qin Yi smiled and joked to himself, he was indeed a little dazzled.

Bill nodded with a smile to express his understanding, made a convenient gesture, and continued with the business just now.

Qin Yi first came to a silver gun, picked it up to feel it, and raised it to make an aiming and shooting action. There is no standard at all, but Qin Yi feels very handsome.The guns in the store are all locked, trigger locks, magazine locks, etc., you must ask the clerk to unlock them, so that you can really feel a gun and prevent accidents.Put down the pistol, pick up a rifle, feel it in your hand, um, I don’t feel it, come on, don’t look at it blindly, let Bill recommend a few to go to the shooting range to try.

Qin Yi came to Bill and said what he meant. Bill stood up and asked whether it was a shotgun or something, single-barreled or double-barreled. After thinking about it, he snapped his fingers, "Yi, wait for me." He selected three guns in front of the counter, took them back and introduced them one by one in front of Qin Yi. The first thing he introduced was a shotgun with a thick barrel that looked cool.

"This is a Remington M870 civilian shotgun with a capacity of 7+1 rounds, a total length of 1060mm, and a total weight of 7.93 pounds. It is durable and reliable. It is known as a universal gun in the United States and is a very common shotgun. "

Looking at this mighty shotgun, Qin Yi likes it very much, regardless of other things, this one must be bought!

Bill held up another red-brown rifle: "This is an M1 Garand-derived semi-automatic rifle, with a caliber of 7.62mm, a capacity of 8 rounds, a total length of 1100mm, a weight of 9.63 pounds, and an effective range of 790 meters."

The last one is a black shotgun that looks very old: "This is an improved version of the Lee Enfield rifle, single-shot manual, with a capacity of 5 rounds and double clips. It is 1130 mm long and weighs 8.8 pounds. It has an effective range of 1000 meters."

He took Garland and Li Enfield in his hands in turn to feel them. Finally, Qin Yi chose a Remington M780 and two improved Enfields.

Two pistols were selected on Bill's recommendation, a 2.1-pound M9 pistol with a 9mm caliber and an effective range of 50 meters.The other one is also very good. It is a domestically produced QSG92 police pistol. It is also a 9mm caliber with an effective range of 50 meters. It is equipped with double-row double-feed magazines and has a capacity of 15 rounds.

After choosing the gun, take some bullets and go to the shooting range, at least practice the gun before leaving.Before arriving at the shooting range, an old white man walked up to him. His hair was all white, but he was tall and mighty. He walked vigorously and seemed to be in good spirits.

"Hello, you're Yi, right? I'm the boss here. You can call me Old Jack." The old man stopped when he walked in front of Qin Yi, and introduced himself heartily.

Seeing the old man greeting him, Qin Yi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know him, even though he bought a ranch, there was no photo of himself in the newspaper. He was confused, but he couldn't be rude, "Hello, Jack, I'm Yi. "

Old Jack was amused to see Qin Yi's confused expression, "Yes, Yi, this is the first time we met, but I have lived here for decades, and I know the few Chinese nearby, and Recently, a new Chinese rancher came to the Sun River Ranch." He winked at Qin Yi as he said, "You understand, Yi, there are not many people in this place! Hahaha."

After hearing what Old Jack said, he was relieved, he was a new face, and anyone who cared should be able to guess.Hearing the last joke, Qin Yi smiled, Augusta City has 6000 residents, and there are more than [-] cows in his ranch. In the future, when the ranch is full of cattle, that will be several times the number of residents!
"Are you going to shoot a target? Do you need me to take you there?"

"Of course, if you're not busy. I'm going to play with guns once, and I'm just looking for someone to teach me some skills!" Qin Yi was very happy, and when he fell asleep, someone would give him a pillow.

"Of course, I'm free. Bill is taking care of me. Now I want to go shooting with you! Come with me, Yi."

Old Jack led the way, and Qin Yi followed behind, holding a long gun and a short gun. Compared with that mighty figure at 1 meters, he looked like a follower. Old Jack took Qin Yi to a free target position, and put Put the guns on the stage, and at the same time warned Qin Yi not to move, then took out the M8 pistol and opened the trigger lock, and began to explain to Qin Yi: "Yi, after you get a gun, be careful, don't put it on the gun. Point the gun at the man! Slant the gun down to the ground, like this."

As he said that, Old Jack demonstrated all the pistols.

"This is very important. If there is no prey in front of you, pay attention to the muzzle of the gun facing the ground. Of course, you can't look into the muzzle yourself. This is a wrong operation."

Qin Yi thinks it is very necessary, if the gun goes off, it will be troublesome.Old Jack saw that Qin Yi listened seriously, and he spoke more vigorously. There were a lot of blah blah, and Qin Yi was not impatient. He memorized the whole process carefully, and he would often play with guns in the future, so as to avoid accidents.After talking for a few minutes, the points that should be paid attention to are finally finished, and Qin Yi can finally test the gun.

boom! boom! boom!
After a few shots, although he didn't miss the target, he was hovering around the 2nd and 3rd rings.

"Strengthen your wrist, but don't make it stiff overall. Feel its strength, adjust your posture and strength, and try a few more times. What you have to do is not to resist its strength, but to follow it, adjust it, and finally control it!" Old Jack pointed at the side.

Qin Yi fired a few shots to feel it, made some adjustments, and slowly mastered some skills. After firing more than 50 bullets, he has almost stabilized at the 7th and 8th rings. This is also thanks to Qin Yi's spirit and physique beyond ordinary people. Big, easy to concentrate, so the progress is faster.

Qin Yi took some more bullets and continued to practice. A few minutes later, after another 200 bullets, Qin Yi was able to stabilize at the 9th ring!
This is our first time shooting a target, and we can achieve this result in just a few minutes. What a talent, Qin Yi praised himself fiercely in his heart.Qin Yi praised himself, and the old Jack next to him couldn't believe it when he saw this progress. If he hadn't seen Qin Yi's rookie marksmanship just now, Old Jack would not have believed that this was his first time playing with a gun!

After practicing the pistol, Qin Yi started to play with the shotgun. In the future, the ranch will definitely hunt. If you don't practice the shotgun well, how can you hunt? If you can't hit the prey with a few shots, you will not be laughed to death!With a pistol as the foundation, after Qin Yi fired a few shots, the shotgun gradually found its feel, and after more than a dozen bullets were fired, it also shot in style.

Feeling that today's practice is almost done, Qin Yi doesn't want to practice here anymore, and returns to the ranch to make a target and shoot at random, and practice guns in the same way, anyway, he also memorized the skills taught by old Jack.

"Jack, I'm going back. Thank you, I've learned a lot."

When Old Jack heard that Qin Yi was leaving, he waved his hands and patted Qin Yi's shoulder, "You're welcome, Yi, you are a genius with guns. A genius learns from me. I'm too happy to be happy!"

I don't worry about why Qin Yi learned guns so quickly, there are many geniuses in the world, and I just met one today, so it's nothing to make a fuss about.Boldness also means rough nerves, just find a reason and get rid of yourself!
He followed Old Jack back to the store, went through some formalities and paid the money, and drove away with a pack of long and short guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.Back at the ranch, I moved the gun and bullets to the bedroom, locked them in the cabinet, packed them up, it was almost noon, and it was time to cook.

There is flour in the kitchen, so Qin Yi decided to make his own noodles. Although the appearance is not good-looking, it is a great comfort to Qin Yi who has eaten hamburgers and beef and potatoes for many days.

Put the oil on the fire, heat it up on high heat, add chopped green onion and green pepper and turn it twice, put the diced beef into it, stir fry quickly, add salt, a little light soy sauce, less chili oil, no chicken essence and monosodium glutamate, Qin Yi can’t eat it used.

Put the ingredients in place, continue to stir-fry for 1 minute, OK, take it out of the pot and put it aside for later use.Boil the noodles in water, this is simple, boil the water, put the noodles in, and cook for two to three minutes.Put the boiled noodles into a bowl, add the fried diced beef just now, add a spoonful of noodle soup, and you're done, Qin Yi's homemade beef noodles are perfectly out of the pot!

Stir before eating!

ps: Thank you friends for the recommendation votes that you voted spontaneously in the past two days. I feel the support of the children's shoes. I am very surprised and excited.Thanks again to the children's shoes, it will be 12 o'clock soon, so go to bed early! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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