American Ranch

Chapter 157 Travel Notes Chowder (33)

Chapter 157 Travel Notes Chowder (33)

"Of course, I thought about it very clearly, and I know what I'm talking about!" Qin Yi said seriously, holding her fleshy little hand.

"Hey, then I am willing!" Ke Luo looked at him and smiled happily.

Amanda stared dumbfounded. Although she had already seen that the two were having an adulterous relationship and had expected some things, this simple scene and a few simple sentences were enough to determine it. Isn't it too casual!

But these are not her business, grinned, and continued to look at the Chinese tourists, looking forward to working on the farm.

After chatting for a few more words, everyone parted ways, and the tourists continued to play. Qin Yi took Ke Luo and Amanda back, and they were all tired after playing all day.

Back at the cabin, Amanda went straight back to the room so as not to disturb the newly established couple.However, Qin Yi and Ke Luo just held hands, cuddled up on the sofa, whispered and watched TV.

Early the next morning, the three of them continued on the road. The closer they got to Salt Lake City, the more varied the terrain became. From the farmlands and pastures at the beginning to the hillsides and valley bottoms, the tired three experienced different scenery and changed their spirits. get better.

But to Qin Yi, the farmland is also considered spectacular. The soybean fields stretching for dozens of miles are so shocking that they can definitely be called a cultural landscape, but they are too monotonous.There is nothing unusual about the pasture, it is not as good-looking as our own, the pasture here has some signs of withering and yellowing, how can it compare to the green pasture of the Sun River pasture!

From the second day onwards, Qin Yi was driving most of the time. After a day of running around, Ke Luo and Amanda may not have had a good rest yesterday, and they were a little tired. Therefore, Ke Luo and Amanda were squeezed behind in the morning She dozed off, but when she felt better in the afternoon, she was going to replace Qin Yi in the car. She didn't want Qin Yi to be too tired.

Qin Yi still refused, his perverted physical strength and spirit, so far, have not been defeated by anything except shopping!And the girlfriend is my own, what should I do if I'm exhausted!
Even though she wasn't driving, Ke Luo didn't doze off any more. Instead, she sat in the co-pilot chatting with him to relieve boredom. She even learned how to sing from Amanda, but it's a pity that she is good at acting, and she is not good at singing, although it is not annoying. , but definitely not good!

In fact, the reason why she was out of energy in the morning was because after Qin Yi returned to the room yesterday, she had a long phone call with Trevor and her mother Laura. share with family.

Trevor had expected it a long time ago, but he didn't expect that the results would come out just two days after going out!
Although Laura was a little worried, Ke Luo had already grown up, and she didn't plan to care too much. If the two were really suitable, she had no objections.

The three of them stop and go all the way, big cities and small towns, as long as they meet interesting people and things, they stop to appreciate different cultures and scenery.

Passing through the small town of Carlin in Nevada, they met an interesting dentist. The long-haired old man was also on a road trip, but his car was covered with Q version, realistic version and other pictures of teeth. There are many dental models and dental surgical instruments, which are unique and chic.

When overtaking, Amanda waved to him, and the old dentist showed his big crooked teeth and smiled happily!
Qin Yi couldn't help sighing, the doctor can't heal himself!
On the afternoon of the third day of the road trip, the three entered Utah and came to a small town where the mayoral election was being held.And they stayed to visit because of the amazing population of this town: counting the newborn babies, there are only 22 residents!
From chatting with a cowboy uncle, I know that there are only a few farms in this small town, so there are relatively few people.The election method is also very simple, drawing lots from a barrel filled with everyone's name.

As a result, a 3-year-old boy, James, was selected to become the new mayor of the town.And quite interestingly, the last mayor was James' 6-year-old brother Robert!
After the election, the 3-year-old new mayor James also shared his experience as mayor with his brother Robert, and then announced his inauguration wearing a small suit. His small face was full of seriousness, which made more than [-] people laugh.

In the end, James was still sitting on a slow tractor, waving to the residents under his jurisdiction.The three of Qin Yi watched happily and couldn't help but took a lot of photos.

Although the election is somewhat playful, it is also a useful activity, because everyone will donate to charity organizations under the call of the mayor. Therefore, the mayor's mother is very proud of her children.

At the invitation of the enthusiastic mayor's family, the three stayed at the farm for one night and continued on the road the next morning.

Arriving in Salt Lake City at noon, Qin Yi was driving in this bustling city. He remembered that Susa had a car accident because of some incidents in Salt Lake City. That's how the two got to know each other.

It's been so long!

Qin Yi sighed.

Without stopping, after having a meal and resting for a while, I drove north along Interstate 15. After 3 hours, I left Utah and entered Idaho.

Idaho's terrain is rugged, densely forested and teeming with wildlife.

Going down this road, perhaps the biggest surprise is seeing a lot of wild animals.

As a government reserve, state ranches are wilder than private ranches. This is a territory belonging to nature and a habitat for wild animals. Wild elk, North American buffalo, moose and other large herbivores are very common. Even driving on the road, you can see deer grazing leisurely a few meters away.

Due to people's awareness of protection, the animals here are not afraid of people, and of course, they will not take the initiative to attack humans. Therefore, some passing passengers stopped their cars one after another, touched the leisurely deer on the side of the road, or met a North American buffalo face to face and affectionately. Look, that docile gaze seems to be able to shine into people's hearts.

Colo and Amanda had never seen such a scene before, they were curious and excited, and had a great time playing.

When passing by the rest area, Qin Yi took them to a wild animal exhibition hall, where there were countless wild animals.Bust statues of deer, buffalo, springbok and other animals are hung on the wall, and gray wolves, pumas, polar bears, brown bears and other beasts are placed against the wall on the ground. The images are lifelike and dazzling.

The Indian cultural atmosphere in Idaho is relatively strong. Many small towns have Indian cultural memorial halls, which contain oil paintings, books, etc. that record the lives of Indians, as well as various inventions and utensils, which opened Qin Yi’s eyes. When the farm opens Indian venues for tourism, you can come and learn from it.

On the sixth day, the three of them were a little tired after playing all the way in Idaho, and they didn't have the mood to go to Yellowstone Park, so they drove directly along Highway 15 to Helena.

When Amanda was about to enter Montana, Amanda yelled to drive, and Qin Yi was happy to rest, looking at the photos along the way with Ke Luo in the back seat.After not driving for two days, Amanda felt a little itchy again for this big guy, so she drove very fast, but the two ignored her. Although this girl is careless, she has a sense of proportion.

But the two obviously overestimated her. After driving for a long time, Amanda said something with a smile, which was beyond their expectations, "Aha, Yi, we are being chased by the police!"

The two were stunned, and subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror. Sure enough, a police car with flashing police lights was hanging behind. For a while, both of them were a little confused, "Why are you chasing us?"

"I'm speeding!" Amanda started to slow down, still smiling like that, as if she wasn't worried at all, I really don't understand, although the car belongs to Qin Yi, but she will hand in her own driver's license later!

The two were a little speechless. Qin Yi stretched his head to look at the car navigation prompt. The speed limit on this section of the road was 65 miles (105 kilometers). Strange!
At this time they were in Spencer, Idaho, a few minutes from the border to Humphrey, and beyond that was Montana.

"Slow down slowly and stop when you get off the highway at Humphrey." You still have to be careful on the highway, it's not good to stop casually.

Amanda nodded, reduced the speed to 65, and stopped at the intersection in a few minutes.The police car stopped behind, and a middle-aged policeman got off, slowly approaching with a gun in his hand, seeing Qin Yi and the others with the car windows open and their hands in conspicuous positions, their expressions were obviously relieved.

I asked for Amanda's driver's license and returned to the car, and came back after a while, "Well, knowing that I stopped at the high speed is considered my safety, well, this time it's a warning, don't do it again! "

Qin Yi and Ke Luo pretended to be honest people and kept quiet. Amanda had nothing to worry about. She took her driver's license and drove away happily.

"Amanda, if you are watched by the police again, I will deprive you of the right to drive!" Qin Yi was joking, but he was telling the truth. It was the first time he was chased by a police car after coming to the United States for a few months!

"That's right, Amanda, if you're not good, I'll ask Yi to prepare a bullock cart for you when you get to the ranch, and you won't even be able to drive in the future!" Ke Luo couldn't help teasing her.

"Okay, well, I can't say enough about you, you are together! Who told me to be alone!" Amanda Barbara murmured, and then glared at Colo through the rearview mirror, "Hey Colo, I'm better than you You are big, you are a child, be obedient!"

Qin Yi and Ke Luo pretended not to hear, picked up the camera to pick out better photos, and Amanda gritted her teeth and decided to ignore them!

But just entering Montana, when climbing a slope, a large truck came on the other side of the wide isolation belt, and its headlights flashed at Qin Yi and the three of them a few times.Amanda and Ke Luo seldom run in the wild, so they don't know what it means, but Qin Yi knows that this big truck is reminding them that there is a police car ahead, and he has encountered such a thing when he went to the Great Falls.

Qin Yi quickly explained and reminded Amanda to behave.Sure enough, when driving up to the top of the slope, I found a police car hiding in the middle of the road, obviously waiting for the rash guy to take the bait!

This scene surprised Amanda and Khloe.

Although it was not the first time seeing him, Qin Yi couldn't help sighing: The game of cat and mouse is really everywhere!

There are still 4 hours left from here to Augusta, and the three of them decided not to stop along the way and decided to go back to the ranch directly.

Throughout the journey, Qin Yi saw Lao Mei's life. There were a lot of entertainment on weekends. Most people would choose to go out on weekends, run around, enjoy the sunshine and grass, and be carefree.

Of course, there are many things that he can't see, such as he doesn't know how tired he is at work, and he doesn't know how stressful life is, but these have nothing to do with him, and he doesn't care. Like, whoever cares who cares!
He just needs to learn to enjoy life better!
(End of this chapter)

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