American Ranch

Chapter 142 Burnt Tea (35)

Chapter 142 Burnt Tea (35)

When the animals were feasting, Ying Daying Er might feel tired, or he might not be able to withstand the temptation of delicious food, so he landed not far away and came over to share a few grilled fish.

After dinner, the two little girls played games with a group of small animals on the lawn. They played until 9 o'clock, and Walker came to take Becky home.

There was no one to play with, and Angel went back to the house to watch cartoons. After a while, she also fell asleep. Susa took her to take a bath and didn't have the energy to play in the water. She was in a daze. Yat hadn't said a few words about the story of the skinny monkey fighting the buffalo before he fell asleep beautifully.

Tucking the little girl's fat little arms into the bed, Qin Yi walked out quietly. In the living room, Susa was not there, so he should have gone back to rest.Lai Pi had already fallen asleep in the Apple House, while Ying Er was still squeezed into his old seat by the fireplace, lying on the floor with his legs outstretched, sleeping in a shapeless state.

On the porch shelf, Maggie was also taking a nap, snoring slightly, but Teddy, the chubby bear, was sleeping soundly on Maggie's belly. Although this guy was small, the snoring sound was louder than Maggie's, with a small nose hanging With the snot in his nose, it flowed out and then sucked in with the breath, Qin Yi shook his head.

The dogs lie on the other side of the gate, shaking their ears from time to time, and they don’t forget to monitor the surroundings when they are resting. They are the most loyal guards in the house.The little fox's family was under the floor of the porch, and they rarely showed up, so they should have already fallen asleep at this time.

Qin Yi poured a cup of tea, came to the terrace and sat down, looking at the quiet night sky, surrounded by pitch black, as if there was a kind of tranquility isolated from the world.

Take a sip of the tea, which is somewhat bitter and elegant, and you can feel more clearly the stability in the past life.Under the night sky, with a cup of tea, thinking about the gains and losses during this time.

The two elder sisters don't need to worry anymore. The current vegetable planting is considered to be an accumulation of experience. Whether to expand the planting scale in the future depends on their wishes. If they want to, then even if they wrap up the land of several villages to form a vegetable planting base, Qin Yi will do it. Support with both hands.

Parents are at home to help, the old man has nothing to worry about, can visit and chat, has no shortage of money, and can help his sister do something, leisurely and fulfilling, it should be considered a blessing.After a while, the second sister's little doll is born, and everyone can be brought to the ranch to play, and if they can adapt, they can live there.

As for other close relatives and friends, Qin Yi thinks that it is enough to give them ten acres of vegetable seeds every year.One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. To be honest, there is really no obligation to help, but people cannot avoid these principles of life in society.

Nothing to do with obligations, just moral constraints.Qin Yi is a layman, and he can't ignore the moral concepts of the public!
When a person becomes rich, he doesn't care about his former poor relatives. He will always be accused of various things. Even if Qin Yi is far away from his hometown, he doesn't have to face it, but his parents in his hometown will live in torment!It was just some vegetable seeds. Qin Yi could have as many as he wanted. To put it bluntly, they belonged to two different levels of people, so there was nothing to care about.But ten acres is already the limit, if any family is not greedy enough, Qin Yi will naturally disregard the relationship.

Helping is out of morality, and riding on his head in turn, he is not made of mud!
After thinking about social relations, the rest is your own industry.There is nothing to say about the ranch now. The pasture is rich and the calves are strong. The rest will take time, just like a tree has been planted and is waiting to bloom and bear fruit.

The farm is hosted by Hobbs, the tourist hotel has already started construction, and the cultural venues are also inviting designers to design drawings. As for the specific decoration and cultural connotation, further investigation is needed. After all, it is leisure tourism, and it is not good to have too much cultural atmosphere.These need to be done step by step, there is no rush.

Maybe buy a vineyard first?Now I still have tens of millions of dollars in my hand, but I have been waiting for the depreciation. Why not buy a vineyard first, sprinkle some spiritual spring water to produce high-quality grapes, and the wine produced by then will definitely not be bad. an industry.

Well, I also need to buy an apple orchard. Although the annual consumption of cider is lower than that of red wine, it is also the second largest fruit wine in the world. It is also a huge profit industry.

Well, the next goal is the vineyard. If there is a suitable apple orchard, buy one by the way.

After making a plan, Qin Yi drank the half-cold tea in one gulp, smacked his lips, feeling a little astringent, "The tea trees in the space are almost ready for tea picking, pick a basket and come out tomorrow, let's fry a pot of tea with our own hands, um, stew The big iron pot for mutton soup is good!"

Qin Yi muttered to himself, turned around and went back to the room, took a shower and went to bed.

The next morning, Qin Yi called Miles and asked him, a real estate agent, to help him pay attention to the vineyards. The small and medium-sized ones, depending on the grape varieties and operating conditions, are about a few million dollars. Qin Yi hung up the phone, and Miles will contact if there is a suitable one.

Susa went to Angel Farm to check the hotel's construction status. Susa had to look over some procurement projects and capital transactions. Otherwise, even if Qin Yi trusted Hobbs again, this old cowboy would not let him go and would definitely report everything. Anyway, Susa is in charge of the finances, so it's just right for her to look after her, lest she stay at home all day and be bored.

Qin Yi was the only one left in the house. He hid in the room, entered the space with a basket, and picked young buds to pick tea.

In fact, even if he took a handful of old tea leaves, it would still be a few blocks away from the best domestic tea leaves!Most of those top teas are old tea trees that grow for thousands of years and have some spirituality, or grow in a remote original ecological environment, absorbing free spiritual energy, but they can't compare to the abundance of spatial spiritual energy, and space tea trees absorb spiritual energy for a long time. big!
But if you drink it at home, you must drink the best one, and you can bring some back to your parents and sisters later, this thing is the best for health preservation!

As for those rough tea leaves, let Ye Fang bring them back to the country another day, just to fool Mr. Ye, the older generation likes to drink tea, Qin Yi doesn't like this rough tea leaves, but for those older generation who are in high positions But baby.

Build a good relationship, in case there are unscrupulous people in the country who trouble their family members, these old guys can settle it with a word!My family members are all ordinary people, and they can't cause any big troubles. With Ye Fang taking care of them, there is basically no problem, as long as Mr. Ye has an attitude.

Anyway, these rough tea leaves are a waste if they are rotten on the ground. Regardless of whether the relationship is reliable or not, at least there is a relationship. In a word, it will make a lot of money!
So, it seems that it's not worthwhile to give a wine or something, but it's not worth it, but the favors are all accounted for, and the rewards at critical moments may be extremely generous. Qin Yi feels that he has a long-term vision.

Well, pick some rough tea leaves, stir-fry one or two halves of crude tea, and let Ye Fang send someone to pick it up later.You should also pay attention to the way of giving things. You can't give too many "good things" at a time, otherwise how can you reflect the preciousness of things!

Alas, Qin Yi feels that he doesn't like intrigue, but when it comes to certain things, it's also rotten!

When Susa came back, Qin Yi had already burned the firewood, set up the big iron pot, poured the thick tea into it, washed his hands and began to knead.The tea leaves don't need to be washed, and the space is very clean, but it's the first time for Qin Yi to fry tea, and it's also the first time for Susa to see someone fry tea.

Under Susa's curious eyes, Qin Yi was in a hurry, holding the thick tea leaves and kneading them back and forth. With time, the tea leaves quickly dehydrated, and with the strength of Qin Yi's hands, they curled into round particles, enveloping the spiritual energy and tea fragrance inside. .

The air was filled with the fragrance of tea, and Susa, who was used to drinking tea because of Qin Yi's guidance, took a deep breath, a little intoxicated, and was about to ask Qin Yi where he got the fresh tea, when he suddenly heard his slightly eager voice : "Sousa, quickly, pull out some wood, the fire is too big!"

Su Sa was taken aback, and quickly squatted down to take out a few burning firewood, but Qin Yi's regretful voice came again: "Oh, I'm inexperienced, it's already a bit muddy!"

Susa was a little speechless, such a fragrant tea, is it such a waste?
Qin Yi picked up a tea bean, threw it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and nodded with a smile: "Well, although it's a bit mushy, the fragrance and aura haven't changed, well, those old guys should like this tea, and some Burnt aroma, it has a special flavor!"

Who are those old guys?Listening to Qin Yi's words, Susa was a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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