American Ranch

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Sure enough, at the end of the group competition, Xiaohuaniu took the lead and won No.1 by a small margin, while Xiaodainiu was eliminated!
Although Walker was a bit pity, he was just playing around and didn't expect to get a good ranking, so he wasn't sad, and Becky's little Hua Niu advanced to the semi-finals, which is something to be happy about.

It was a joy for Walker, at the place where Becky and a group of other children were, there was a lot of joy, Angel and Becky hugged each other again, and the children were chirping like a flock of happy birds.The tourists were also cheering. Seeing Qin Yi lead two cows up, both of which won No.1 in the group stage, they felt very honored.

Qin Yi led Xiaohuaniu back to the preparation area, and a dozen cowboys, old and young, who had advanced congratulated each other.

Another three groups of competitions passed, and the entire group stage was over. 20 calves advanced to the semi-finals. The semi-finals were divided into two groups, and the top five in each group advanced to the finals.Only 20 of the 7 calves that were promoted were dairy cows.

Under the arrangement of Marcus, Xiao Hua Niu and Xiao Hei Niu were divided into two groups, and there was no secret operation or anything. They were divided into two groups in a big way under the eyes of everyone. Everyone laughed and didn't have any opinions. On the one hand, Qin Yi's tourist farm has brought income to many people in the town, and has won everyone's respect and support. The other is the nature of this game, entertainment!
Therefore, winning or losing is not important, and it is not so particular, just be happy!
Although they were divided into two groups, Qin Yi could lead the calf one after another in the competition, but he still handed the calf to Walker. Anyway, this is his granddaughter's calf, so it is reasonable for him to lead the competition. How much fun it is to participate together!
At the end of the two games, Xiao Hei Niu and Ryan's Mavericks performed very well, while Xiao Hua Niu was slightly weaker, but also successfully advanced to the finals.

In order to let the Mavericks have time to rest, before the finals, the organizing committee arranged a song and dance performance.The performers are all students of Augusta Kindergarten and Primary School. They wrote and directed the play. Although the children always forget the words, the exaggerated acting skills and funny language amused the town residents present. Tourists also took photos to commemorate it one after another. This authentic foreign style is really rare to see.

In addition to dramas, there are also self-made dances. Kindergarten children are either laughing and lively, or cute and cute. They wear dance costumes that dress themselves up as flowers and fairies, jumping up and down on the stage, and some of them forget their dance moves. The children, looking at other people's movements, jumped slowly, and there were three or two scratching their heads, looking at the audience in a daze, their big innocent eyes filled with love!
After playing around for half an hour, the game continued. Qin Yi, Ryan, and Walker stood side by side, gave each other high-fives, and then began to give their respective calves a final boost.At this point in the competition, the contestants on the field were somewhat nervous. Although it was for entertainment, they all made it to the finals after all. Wouldn't it be better if they could get the first place!
The emotions of the relatives and friends from all walks of life are also getting higher and higher, and the sound of cheering is overwhelming, making the whole stadium more lively.In addition to Qin Yi's strongest support, Ryan and Walker took advantage of a group of children and received a lot of support.

At this time, Marcus trotted onto the stage and announced to the cowboys and the audience in the finals with a red face: "Ladies and gentlemen, in order to increase the fun of our event, after the 'Maverick Run' contest group According to the committee's research, the final will be changed to an obstacle course!"

coax!As soon as this remark came out, not only the participating cowboys did not expect it, but also the audience in the audience were surprised by the discussion in twos and threes, but what followed was a surge of interest. Typical watching the excitement is not a big deal!

"Quiet! Friends, now, haha, please ask our staff to lay roadblocks!" Following Marcus' order, a group of children took out bundles of freshly cut grass from nowhere and spread them on the road near the finish line. Dozens of meters on the track!

Is this pasture considered a roadblock?
But immediately, the audience all laughed, who came up with such a bad idea!The calves have been busy all morning, they are both thirsty and hungry, you spread the crispy pasture there, didn’t you think of a way to let the calves graze, and you don’t want them to run away!

Qin Yi and other participating cowboys couldn't laugh or cry. This way, the game will become more variable!

On the contrary, Walker and another old cowboy who advanced to the finals with a cow laughed. In this normal game, the cows are a bit behind the beef cows, but now, it is not impossible to win, it depends on the Mavericks.
Endure a moment of starvation and earn a whole body of honor!

It may be to distinguish it from the group stage and the semi-finals. This time, the sound of the bull that meant the start of the game has also become the voice of an adult bull. It is deep, long-distance, and full of power, adding a passion to the whole relaxing game. thick!

The cowboys who were already engrossed heard the start of the game, and immediately urged the cows to come forward, clenched their fists to cheer them on, and there was even an old cowboy who yelled and yelled, which was no worse than children, which made Qin Yi and other participants amused Those who laugh.

Waving to the children and domestic tourists cheering for the calf on the ranch, seeing Susa, Viviera, Susie, Rachel and other women finally couldn't help cheering loudly, Qin Yi, Ryan and Walker looked at each other And laugh, and then look at the calf running towards the pasture, expecting his calf to keep running, don't be tempted by the pasture on the ground!
Soon, the calves ran to the pasture, but they didn't slow down. The cowboys clenched their fists and were very excited, especially the top calves couldn't help cheering twice.

At this time, the little black steak was in the first place, and Ryan's calf was competing with another beef cow for the second place. At that time, the explosive power was not enough, and the seat was blocked by the Mavericks in front.

Both Ryan and Walker were slightly nervous, shaking their fists in front of them twice, as if they were cheering their calves up.

But at this moment, an accident occurred!
Perhaps smelling the sweet aroma of pasture, the calves running at the end slowed down, and then the calves in the middle, realizing that there was no companion chasing after them, also slowed down and tasted the crisp and tender pasture on the ground.

At the end when there were more than ten meters left, all the calves stopped, and began to eat and drink in full view, hum, tired all morning, it's time to rest!

Seeing this scene, the audience roared with laughter, and the cowboys also shook their heads and laughed. Although they want to be the first, happiness is more important. This is the ultimate goal of participating in the event!
But not all the calves stopped to eat the pasture. For example, the three calves in the pasture just lowered their heads and sniffed the pasture, then shook their heads and continued to jog forward. They easily won the top three!
Seeing this dramatic scene, Qin Yi and the others were a little dazed, but he and Lai immediately thought of something and immediately understood.The two clapped hands to celebrate, seeing Walker's happy and confused expression, Ryan patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "I didn't expect that, Walker! Haha, these three calves have been eating high-quality pasture for a long time. Ordinary grass is naturally not interested!"

When Walker heard this, he immediately understood that the three calves were used to eating delicious new pastures, so they were not very hungry, so naturally they would not eat these ordinary pastures.Haha, by accident, I brought a cow to get the top three. This is a very rare thing!
Angel, Betsy and the other children were so happy, they screamed, wishing they could rush up and kiss the calf!The audience praised the three little cows for being smart and not being confused by foreign objects. For a while, the three little cows looked like star cows!

The other cowboys who hoped to get a good ranking secretly thought it was a pity, but there was no way, their own calves were not up to the mark!
As a result of the competition, Little Hei Niu came first, Ryan’s Mavericks came second, and Little Hua Niu unexpectedly won third place. In the end, kids in denim outfits formed the awards presenters, who presented awards to the three smart little cows and clamored for a group photo. , the children in the audience were also clamoring for a group photo, and the scene was extremely lively!

The three of Qin Yi led the calf through the streets for a few laps, to satisfy some people's small request for a group photo, and the whole competition came to an end.However, the event is not completely over yet, and there will be entertainment programs from various schools, farms and even individuals, and everyone can choose to watch them freely.

Domestic tourists need special care. Qin Yi took everyone to chat with the tourists for about ten minutes, took photos with Mavericks, Qin Yi and others, and everyone's wishes were fulfilled.

In the end, Hobbs led the tourists to continue their stroll, and Qin Yi and the others returned to the ox cart, took out their lunch, found a grass to sit together, and enjoyed a different kind of picnic.

(End of this chapter)

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