American Ranch

Chapter 134

Chapter 134
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The two little girls looked at the big iron pot eagerly, sniffed the scent with their little noses, and couldn't wait to make Qin Yi and Susa laugh.But it's not a problem to wait like this. Qin Yi went back to the house to find the flower ball, and played with the girls and Teddy.Susa was busy preparing pancakes in the kitchen.

Susa's craftsmanship has improved rapidly. Qin Yi has already learned all kinds of noodle soups. She has almost mastered the heat of cooking, and she is also very good at pancakes, which are chewy and fragrant with wheat.Except for Huaxia's pastries, which I haven't learned yet, home cooking and staple food are no problem.

Three people and one bear stand in four directions, the flower ball is rolling under their feet. Although it is simple, the two little girls are having fun. Besides, there is Teddy, a clever little chubby bear with clumsy hands and feet. , which added a lot of fun.

Teddy sits on the grass, and when he sees the ball rolling over, he stretches out his fat hind legs and kicks back. Sometimes when he misses the kick, he has to run to pick it up with ink stains on the bear's butt.
Whenever Teddy picks up the ball, it either runs over to steal the ball, or bumps its head into it, causing the ball to roll farther, causing Teddy to bark his teeth and roar.It's a pity that Lai Pi is small and nimble when running, Teddy couldn't catch it, and finally hugged Qin Yi's calf angrily, pointing at Lai Pi, that's right, this is a complaint!

Qin Yi naturally wanted to be fair and just, and ordered Angel and Becky to catch Lai Pi, tap it twice on the head and criticize a few words, which was considered to have settled the dispute.Go back to the house and get two big apples, one for each of Teddy and Laipi, then calm down and continue playing the game.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Qin Yi guessed that Ryan's family was coming, so he fished out some stewed mutton haggis for secondary processing.Susa's pancakes were ready a long time ago. At this time, helping Qin Yi make haggis soup, the little girls couldn't wait to follow them to the kitchen, drooling.

Qin Yi served a bowl of mutton, less soup, chopped chopped green onion and coriander, sprinkled it on, and brought it to the living room for the gluttonous little girls to eat first, otherwise it would be pitiful to stand in the kitchen, and it would make people feel distressed.

The secondary processing is naturally not as simple as the bowl used to coax the little girl, but it is not troublesome. Cut the mutton and haggis into thin slices, kelp shreds, dried tofu shreds, green vegetable leaves, and boiled wheat kernels, pour it into the stew The mutton soup can be boiled in one pot. When eating, sprinkle chopped green onion and chopped coriander.

The Ryan family arrived on time, Hobbs didn't know where he got the news, so he came to have dinner with him, and after a while, Walker came with Viviera, and everyone moved out of the table and had dinner on the lawn.Eating the rotten and tender mutton haggis, drinking the delicious soup, and adding the tough noodle cakes, everyone's lips and teeth are fragrant.

During the meal, Qin Yi talked about the calf race tomorrow. This time, he learned that Walker would also participate, but the calves he chose were all dairy calves. Qin Yi heard the dark music, and the dairy calf also ran very fast. !

Walker looked at Qin Yi's expression and explained with a smile: "There is no special restriction on this event, as long as it is a calf under 6 months old, in fact, many farms bring their dairy calves to participate in the competition every year, and the ranking is not important , mainly for fun."

Qin Yi nodded, Ryan had already said this on the phone this morning.

At this time, Hobbs also interjected, "That's right, Yi, there will not only be competitions, but also some performances, usually children's performances organized by local schools, which will be very lively."

"Then how do we get there tomorrow? Drive a pickup truck?"

"Actually, we used to drive the bullock cart directly. Of course, there are also people who drive pickups, and the calf is placed in the back." Walker answered Qin Yi's question while drinking soup.

"Why don't you go there tomorrow in a bullock cart and gather at Yi, a family with a bullock cart, how lively!" Hobbs mopped his beard and came up with an idea. He likes to be lively the most.

"Anyway, I'll take the tourists there tomorrow in an ox cart. I've already prepared several ox carts!"

"Uncle Yi, let's take the bullock cart! Irene and Qiao Qiao sat down, they said it was fun!" Angel, who had been drinking soup honestly and watching the adults talk, leaned in front of Qin Yi and whispered.Although Becky has sat before, she still likes playing with so many people. At this time, her big eyes are full of anticipation.

In this way, everyone discussed and decided to gather at Qin Yi's place after breakfast tomorrow, and go to town together in a bullock cart.

Everyone was full. Angel and Becky played on the brightly lit lawn. Black Rice and Wheat, who also enjoyed a big meal, ran around and followed the sentry. The foxes, one big, two small and three caught a while ago, were also bouncing around. Play along with them, especially the two little foxes, who don't understand anything, and their curiosity is as good as Teddy's.

When they were first caught, Angel and Becky refused to kill them, so Qin Yi wanted Hobbs to be taken to the Rocky Mountains to release them. Later, the three foxes stayed in the pasture for a few days, and the two girls didn't want to let them go, so they They have been raised like this, and Angel even named them, the big fox Luna, and the little foxes are named Harry and Jasmine respectively.

In this way, the Fox family settled down on the lawn under the porch floor, but occupied Raipy's safe house.But Lai Pi didn't dare to make a sound. This guy ran away when he saw the big fox, for fear of being eaten, and occasionally teased the two little foxes when the big fox wasn't paying attention.

Susa brought coffee, and several adults sat and chatted, and they left one after another around nine o'clock.It's just that Walker and Viviera wanted to take Becky back together, but the two little girls held hands, lowered their heads and looked very aggrieved, successfully dispelling the idea of ​​the old couple.

Woke up early the next morning, washed and walked the horse. At breakfast, Susa brought out the unfinished broth from the refrigerator yesterday. Sweaty, full belly.

Today I want to go to the town of Augusta to participate in the event. The calf is very easy. The little black cow and the little flower cow in the stable are fine. These two little cows have been living in the stable, and they have become girls like alpacas. of pets.

It's just that the two calves can't come to pull the cart, otherwise even if they can pull the cart, they will be exhausted.

"Let's go, girls, let's prepare the ox cart."

"Okay! I want to take the little black bullock cart!"

"Then I'll take the ox cart!"

The two girls jumped up and down, cheering a little.

"Mom, do you want to ride in my little black bullock cart?" Angel looked at Susa expectantly.

When Becky heard this, she quickly took Qin Yi's hand and shook it, "Uncle Yi, come with me in the ox cart!"

"Girls, the calf is still young, so we won't be able to hunch us, or we will be exhausted. How about this, let's find a big cow to pull the cart together, and then we will sit together, okay?" Susa touched the two girls Pigtail, explained with a smile.

"The hunchback won't move? Well then, find Da Niu Niu and pull the cart together!" The two little people didn't want Maverick to get tired, so they immediately took the two adults out to find Da Niu Niu.But the beef cattle in the pasture are all in the pasture, and they will not be able to get them for a while. In the end, the only male dairy cow in the stable can only be pulled out and requisitioned as labor.

Finding the cart from the warehouse, Susa put on the reins skillfully, with the bull cow in the middle, the little flower cow and the little black cow lined up on both sides, and the cart was covered with blankets, and the work was completed.

Suzado prepared some pancakes and braised beef, and brought juice and so on. This is lunch at noon. At 8:[-], Ryan and Walker came over with a bullock cart. They also prepared some food, and at noon they found a place to spread blankets, and everyone could have a picnic together.

After packing up, Qin Yi and Susa carried a little guy and sat on the bullock cart, and then they set off, followed by Ryan and Walker.Walker wanted Betsy to be his own ox cart, but the little girl was so obsessed with riding an ox cart, how could she want to!
Although the main force of the cart is the male cow, the two calves are just soy sauce!

Along the way, I saw a lot of neighbors driving ox carts, some of them rode big oxen and led the calf, and they lined up on the road, almost becoming a scenic spot!
(End of this chapter)

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