American Ranch

Chapter 1 Is it lucky?

Chapter 1 Is it lucky?

It was late at night, but Qin Yi was still fighting in front of the computer.

The "Xiandao" that Qin Yi is playing now is the most popular large-scale role-playing online game for cultivating immortals.But he is not playing, he is working.

Qin Yi has played several professions, and the equipment is average.Swipe the game coins every day, and form a team to play dungeons. The game coins and good materials and equipment obtained are also sold online.He also practiced life occupations and made some materials or semi-finished products for sale.If there is a chance, Qin Yi will also take on some power leveling jobs. Of course, there are not many opportunities, but Qin Yi doesn't care. If there is one, he will improve his life, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't.In addition, Qin Yi also often pays attention to the auction house, analyzes the market trend of materials and equipment, and does some activities of buying low and selling high to prosper the market.

That's right, Qin Yi is an online game businessman who has made outstanding contributions to the harmonious and prosperous online game market.

Qin Yi thinks so.
At this time, Qin Yi entered the Lingtian space and stood by the pool in the middle of the Lingtian, operating the ID small farmer's life occupation - Lingzhi Teacher.The pool is one meter deep and three meters in diameter. There is a spiritual spring in the center of the pool bottom. The speed of the water coming out of the spring is so slow that you can't see it with the naked eye. It usually takes a day to fill the pool.

However, such an inconspicuous spring is the center of the entire Lingtian space.The spiritual spring can slowly absorb external spiritual energy, convert it into spring water and store it in the pool, supporting the growth of spiritual grass.

Beside the pool is a thatched hut of more than ten square meters. This is a warehouse in the space, and the spirit grass can be stored in it after being harvested.Around the pool and thatched cottages are spiritual fields.There are 30 seedlings in the size of the spiritual field, and there are three kinds of spiritual grasses, which are the shining blue spirit grass, the blood spirit fruit with green plants and reddish fruits, and the snow ginseng with emerald branches and leaves.There are 10 mu of each of the three types of spiritual grass, and 20 spiritual grasses are planted per mu.

Seeing a few sprawling spiritual grasses planted on the 1 mu of land, Qin Yi was also a little speechless, but there is no way, the game is set up like this, the official website explained: Spiritual grasses must be planted at a certain distance to prevent spiritual grasses from competing for spiritual energy !

Well, couples still need room to breathe, let alone competitors!
After complaining, Qin Yi manipulated the little farmer to be busy by the Lingquan, and saw the little farmer's hands shining brightly, making handprints quickly. After a few changes, the professional skill of the spiritual planter - Ju Ling Jue was cast on Lingquan.

After the Spiritual Spring was applied with the Spirit Gathering Art, the generation of spring water was significantly accelerated. The spring water in most of the pools slowly increased. After 3 or 5 minutes, the spring water filled the small pool. Sometimes it shows more foggy white brilliance, which makes people feel extraordinary at a glance.

After the spring was full, Qin Yi manipulated the little peasants to pick up small buckets, filled them with spring water, scooped them up with a wooden ladle, and watered the spirit grass one by one.After the three kinds of spirit grass absorbed the spring water, they became more vigorous. If you look carefully, although the colors are different, they all have a gleaming halo covering them, which makes people feel that the spirit energy is about to burst out.

"Well, the high-level spiritual grass is finally going to mature, and it will be harvested in one hour. By then, I can make a small profit by selling it to those local tyrants. Spend."

Qin Yi was secretly happy.

Although he was very sleepy, Qin Yi still decided to wait until the spiritual grass was harvested before going to sleep. He didn't want to postpone enjoying the joy of harvest until tomorrow.In fact, Qin Yi also wanted to plant a batch of spiritual grass in time after harvesting this batch.No matter how big or small a business is, it’s just time lag. Taking advantage of other spiritual planters who have not reached their level, hurry up and stock up and occupy the high-level spiritual grass market for a period of time.

Hehehe, the least competition, this is the leading advantage.

Qin Yi is proud.

However, after a while, Qin Yi calmed down. He had nothing to be proud of. He was busy with power leveling and planting every day, and he was mentally exhausted by staying up late every day. He only had enough food and clothing himself.

The night was getting deeper, occasionally a car passed by quickly outside the window, and there were no pedestrians.Neon signs and street lights are shining far and near, and the city is gorgeous, but there are no stars in the sky.I really want to see the night sky of my hometown in the countryside!The stars in my hometown are clear, transparent, and pure, unlike the lights of the city. Although they are brighter, they only illuminate the feet, not the distance.

In the dead of night, it is always easier for people to meditate, or it may be because they are idle and bored, Qin Yi slowly thinks about his life in the past two years.

It has been two years since Qin Yi graduated from university. In this era when college students are everywhere, it is really hard to find a job. Of course, this also has a lot to do with Qin Yi spending most of his time in university playing games and not learning any skills.
In the past two years, Qin Yi has opened a Taobao store, worked in sales, worked part-time as a restaurant waiter, and almost became a bar master (fortunately, he slipped away because of the bad atmosphere).It's a pity that after so much work, I didn't find a suitable one.When he graduated, Qin Yi also knew that since he was a child, he was introverted and was not good at dealing with people. With his simple personality, he cultivated a nerdy personality in college. It would definitely be difficult to find a job in the future, but he never thought it would be so difficult to find .

After changing several jobs, Qin Yi, who was still unable to adapt to the society, continued to play games, and decided to rely on his 4 years of game experience in college to try to become a game businessman.Although I have been in the industry for more than a year, I have saved two pocket money in my hand, and I have enough food and clothing every month, but I don’t need to look at the boss’s face, I don’t need to figure out other people’s thoughts, and I don’t need to think about the meaning of a simple sentence. Therefore, I feel at ease comfortable.

Of course, when you have something to do at home, but you can't help, whether you still feel at ease is like drinking water, knowing whether you are warm or not.

Shaking his head, putting aside those useless thoughts, Qin Yi opened the webpage, wanting to read the news, so as to pass the boring time of nearly an hour.

Important news, a 4-year-old child in Shaanxi Province fell into a 30-meter-deep dry well and was rescued by firefighters. Well, the firefighters are mighty!For entertainment, Bingbing and Wei Tong are competing for splendor again, it's none of my business, skip it.The military, the South China Sea of ​​the Japanese country is messing up the water, you damn little devil.Cars, the price of a certain brand of SUV has been reduced, and now more than 40 yuan can drive away an SUV with real off-road functions.

Economy. BrokenO, the largest irrigated farm in Montana, USA, is listed for sale for $1.325 million. Qin Yi grinned: "Damn rich people, I don't know which bastard will buy it." Forget it, let's go see Running Man, the latest Haven't watched the first episode yet.I ran to pour a glass of water, and came back to watch the running man cheerfully.

The running man watched halfway, and calculated that the spirit grass was about to mature, so he quickly switched back to the game and looked at the three kinds of spirit grass: the spirit grass with blue frost particles on the leaves, the blood spirit fruit whose fruit has completely turned red, and the branches and leaves are white The snow ginseng, yes, is a mature expression.

Lingyuan Grass: Take it directly, it will increase the spirit power of the user by 10 points (effective for the first time), and slowly restore the spirit value in a small amount. It is the main medicine for refining Lingyuan Pill.

Blood Spirit Fruit: Consume it directly, increase the user's physical fitness by 10 points (effective for the first time), speed up wound healing, and slowly restore a small amount of health. It is the main drug for refining blood spirit pills.

Snow ginseng: Take it directly, increase the life span of the user by 10 years (it is effective for the first time), delay the aging of organs, and is the main medicine for refining Xueshen Zengshou Dan.

Wahahaha, not bad, not bad, all mature.

"Look at our brains, we are full of business experience, and we plant all the spiritual herbs that we can't worry about selling. Needless to say, the spiritual essence grass and the blood spirit fruit, the refined spirit essence pill and blood spirit pill are currently The highest-level pill that increases blood and spiritual power. If you want to upgrade and fight equipment, you must always fight monsters and make dungeons. They will come back to abuse you!
So there is a big market for my spirit grass, the price can be set a little higher, without bargaining, hehehe. "

Qin Yi had all kinds of thoughts in his mind, all kinds of counting money, and his heart was beautiful, thinking about whether to eat big plate chicken or boiled fish after the spirit grass was sold tomorrow?
Oh, it's so annoying!
Qin Yi wiped off his saliva and continued to think about the market for snow ginseng.

"Xiandao" is a game of cultivating immortals, which is different from traditional fast-paced online games in the past. This game has strict advancement bottlenecks. Reincarnation and reconstruction, and therefore, there is a great market demand for life-increasing pills at all levels in the game.

Snow Ginseng Zengshou Pill, which is made from snow ginseng as the main medicine, is the first elixir to increase lifespan, and it is also the lowest level. According to the official website, Shengsheng Haohua Pill and Shouyuan Golden Pill will appear one after another in the future. Wait for the high-level medicine.Therefore, although the market demand for snow ginseng is not as good as Lingyuancao and Xuelingguo, it is not too bad, especially now that most of the spirit planters have not reached the level, and the market competition is small.

After being happy, Qin Yi wanted to complain about Lingtian again. The shipment volume is too small, so there won't even be a splash when such a small item is thrown into the market.
Lingtian must be expanded.

Qin Yi does know the way to expand the spiritual field, and there is a boundary breaking stone. Unfortunately, that thing is too precious, so far no one has heard of it. "No matter how difficult it is, we have to get it. Only by expanding the Lingtian can we increase the shipments. This is related to the future of money." Qin Yi secretly made up his mind, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly waved his arms to give himself strength. "come on!"

The voice has not yet fallen.
"Snap" the water glass on the table fell, and half of the glass of water was spilled everywhere
"Do you want to have an accident at this time?"

Qin Yi didn't have time to continue complaining, so he quickly stood up and wiped it with a tissue, but he didn't notice that the water had already flowed under the keyboard.

Qin Yi got the paper towel, just touched the water and didn't wipe it a few times, when he heard the computer crackling and crackling, accompanied by the flickering of the arc, a blue light rushed to Qin Yi with the current, and then Qin Yi felt a burst of pain in his body. Current surges through.

"Big luck?"

Before the thought was finished, he fell to the ground with a "plop", twitched a few times and stopped moving
(End of this chapter)

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