I'm really a gamer

Chapter 75 Du Xiao, you want to skip class again?

Chapter 75 Du Xiao, you want to skip class again?

"Uh, it's you."

Fan Tingting looked at Du Xiao with a bit of embarrassment.

After not seeing her for nearly two years, Fan Tingting looked at Du Xiao again, and found that Du Xiao had faded from his immaturity and looked a little more mature.

Du Xiao nodded with a smile, and said, "Didn't you transfer to another school? Come back this time..."

"Come back to study, after all, the college entrance examination is coming." Fan Tingting just made an excuse at random.

Du Xiao nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

The two passed each other, one went outside and the other went inside.

Outside, Lin Jie and Zhang Hui sneaked behind and observed the scene carefully.

These two...

"Fat brother, what would you do if you met your first love?"

Zhang Hui asked, then looked Lin Jie up and down, and continued, "Pretend I never asked you."

The fat man is just talking nonsense, and he hasn't dated a girl yet.

Lin Jie didn't argue with Zhang Hui, but said, "The two of them were really an envious couple at the beginning. Fan Tingting was at least at the class flower level before us. She looks good, and we haven't seen each other for almost two years. , looks more and more goddess."

Zhang Hui reminded: "Brother Fat, brothers and wives should not be bullied, Wing Chun warns."

Lin Jie couldn't help but patted Zhang Hui on the head and said, "I mean, Fan Tingting came back from another school this time, maybe it's because of Lao Du?"

Zhang Hui rolled his eyes, and opened his mouth to say that a guy like Du Ge who is an otaku and a strict sister, how could he be missed again.

But looking back, today's Du Ge is really handsome.

"Maybe there is a door." Zhang Hui whispered.

"If that's the case, what should the school belle do?" Lin Jie's fat body even trembled, and the scene of Gongdouju suddenly appeared in his mind.

Two women raced wildly for a man, but in the end they were subdued by a monster.

Zhang Hui also thought of this scene, and the two looked at each other, shuddering.

The two looked into the class, just in time to see Su Yuyan's eyes showing worry, and at the same time paying attention to Du Xiao.

"It's over, Gongdouju is coming." Lin Jie wailed.

"No matter how hard you fight, you still can't beat the monster..." Zhang Hui seemed to see through everything.


Du Xiao didn't pay much attention to the trivial matter of first love, but was thinking about his future path.

Before leaving, Du Xiao had to choose a university.

With his current IQ, it is more than enough to go to any domestic university.

"Hey, classmate, can you lend me the book for filling in the volunteer application?" Du Xiao said to a classmate.

"Take it." The classmate nodded.

Du Xiao thanked, then opened the book and glanced at it, and found that it was densely packed with words and the code of the university.

"Forget it, check it online." Du Xiao returned the book to someone else, and then used his mobile phone to check the rankings of domestic universities online.

The first thing that catches the eye is Capital University.

Back to the capital?That was almost impossible, Du Xiao directly passed Capital University and Huaqing University.

The third one is Fudan University. Du Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly. This can be considered. After all, the university that my sister went to was the Magic City Drama Academy, and Fudan University happened to be in the city of Magic City.

Continuing to look down, Du Xiao basically wrote down all the universities related to the city of Shanghai on the paper.

In the end, Du Xiao's eyes fell on a university.

National University of Defense Technology.

Du Xiao fell silent.

Su Yuyan has been observing Du Xiao all the time, she wants to see what kind of reaction Du Xiao will have when she sees Fan Tingting again, and what university Du Xiao wants to go to when the college entrance examination is approaching.

With Du Xiao's grades, he can only choose from the score line of the second book.

Su Yuyan saw Du Xiao frowned and lost in thought, until the class bell rang, Du Xiao still sat there motionless.

At this time, Su Yuyan couldn't help but stepped forward to take a look at what Du Xiao was writing.

Fudan, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji...

Immediately afterwards, Du Xiao wrote two words.

national defense!

When she saw these two words, Su Yuyan couldn't help but frowned. Du Xiao chose all key universities, especially Fudan University. If she had to choose between Huaqing and Fudan, she would choose Huaqing.

"Where do you want to go?" Su Yuyan sat down next to Du Xiao, and couldn't help asking.

Du Xiao heard the voice, then came back to his senses, and after glancing at Su Yuyan, he closed his notebook.

"Why are you sitting here?" Du Xiao didn't answer, just asked.

"Seeing you sitting here like a log, come and take a look." Su Yuyan said, and then said in a low voice: "Fan Tingting is back."

When Du Xiao heard this, he looked at Su Yuyan speechlessly.

Since when did the school belle gossip like this?
At this moment, Du Xiao turned his head and glanced at Fan Tingting's side, and saw Fan Tingting was doing a question with her head down.

It's the last semester of the third year of high school, and everyone is starting to take the college entrance examination with their heads hanging. The teachers basically seldom attend classes.

Seeing that Du Xiao hadn't spoken, Su Yuyan glanced at Fan Tingting again, with a sad expression on her face.

Sure enough, first love is the most unforgettable.

"Let's do the test paper. I can help you if you don't know it." Su Yuyan said to Du Xiao with a smile.

Du Xiao looked back at Su Yuyan and said, "Are you serious?"

Su Yuyan was taken aback, unable to understand Du Xiao's secret meaning, and said: "Of course, I also hope that you can have a goal. Maybe the goddess of luck will come when the time comes, and you will know all the exam questions, right?"

Du Xiao had a kind smile on his face. Dad is now more powerful than a professor of science. In his eyes, these test questions are even worse than elementary school students.

"Ask me questions you don't know, and I'll help you answer them." Du Xiao said.

Su Yuyan was stunned, Du Xiao had a fever and burned his head?
Du Xiao didn't want to pretend, he just picked out a test paper from the teacher at random, and then quickly answered it. The speed of answering made Su Yuyan's eyes widen.

Moreover, Du Xiao didn't do the simple questions on the first side, but started from the back, answering the questions very quickly.

In order to save time, Du Xiao put it in front of Su Yuyan after finishing the following problems, and said, "If you don't understand, ask me. I'll go to the teacher's office first."

Du Dashen came today not to attend class, but to ask for leave.

At least you have to ask the teacher for a free entry and exit certificate, and he will come back when there is an exam, and if not, he will be at home...playing games.

After finishing speaking, Du Xiao stood up and planned to leave, leaving the school girl with a shocked face behind.

"Du Xiao, you want to skip class again?"

When Du Xiao just walked out of the classroom door, the class monitor Hao Bo shouted.

Du Xiao said, "I'm just going to the teacher's office."

"Don't fool me. Today you have been absent from class for three periods, and you still want to run now. Believe it or not, I will tell the teacher all this?" Hao Bo said in a deep voice, "Sit back to your seat."

Du Xiao rolled his eyes, he was going to find the teacher, you kid, believe it or not, I will tell the teacher?


Du Xiao left, ignoring the squad leader.

(End of this chapter)

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