I'm really a gamer

Chapter 461 The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 461 The Calm Before the Storm

These days, the cottage is peaceful and peaceful.

Ouyang Lan was studying the refining of elixir, while Ouyang Yunshan was thinking about how to ask Du Xiao about the divine realm.

As for Du Xiao, he was referring to Ouyang Qingyan's sword skills.

Today's Ouyang Qingyan, after coming out of Jiaolong Mountain, has continuously broken through from the fourth level, and has reached the level of the sixth level great master.

Two months later, when Ouyang Qingyan broke through to the late sixth stage, she almost mastered all the sword techniques that Du Xiao passed on to her.

Ouyang Yunshan was also secretly surprised, this is the strength of the ninth level?
In less than three months, it was a bit too scary to guide a fourth-order to sixth-order.

Ouyang Qingyan looked at Du Xiao with gratitude, and now she has broken through to the sixth-level grand master, almost all thanks to Du Xiao.

"You want to know about the God Realm?"

Du Xiao looked at Ouyang Yunshan and narrowed his eyes.

Ouyang Yunshan nodded solemnly, and said: "More than 30 years ago, I had already reached the demigod state of martial arts. After the spiritual energy recovered, I survived from the transformation of spiritual energy by virtue of perseverance, and squeezed into the peak semi-god state abruptly." Since then, I have passed on the title of Patriarch to Ouyang Yi, declaring that I have passed away, and the purpose is to find the miracle of entering the divine realm."

"But for more than 30 years, we a few old men have been inquiring about miracles, but when we went to the past, it was still in vain."

"With the recovery of spiritual energy, we have been to the spiritual energy relics in all major worlds. The so-called miracles are like bubbles."

Speaking of the latter, Ouyang Yunshan shook his head helplessly.

"Although the spiritual energy has recovered, the gate of heaven has not yet opened." Du Xiao said: "The current spiritual energy is not enough for people to break through to the ninth level."

"Then you..." Ouyang Yunshan looked at Du Xiao with wide eyes.

"My method of cultivation is different from yours. Reiki is very important to you, but not to me." Du Xiao said lightly: "The sword technique I passed on to Ouyang Qingyan contains a certain amount of power. , These powers are transformed from the physical strength of the human body, if there is aura, the power will be several times more powerful."

Ouyang Qingyan suddenly realized, no wonder she felt that these sword techniques were a bit strange, even when she practiced continuously, she rarely felt tired.

Ouyang Lan looked at Du Xiao suspiciously, and said, "Your cultivation method has nothing to do with aura, so how did you reach the ninth level?"

Du Xiao said helplessly: "Are you still my mother? This is your son's secret. If you tell others, don't I want to die?"

Ouyang Lan rolled her eyes, but didn't continue to ask.

"Could it be because of the Shenlong Seal?" Ouyang Yunshan asked.

"That thing is useless to me." Du Xiao curled his lips and said, "Anyway, the Tianmen is not opened. If the Tianmen is opened, it will take at least three or two years. If it is opened, it may not be able to break through the ninth step."

Du Xiao knew all this information from the system. Although he didn't know what the system was doing, since he told Du Xiao, Du Xiao also told Ouyang Yunshan about it, lest the old man suddenly The sky ends in depression, and I drive the crane west.

Ouyang Lan smiled, her son knew that even though Du Xiao usually had a sharp mouth, he was very kind in his heart, a typical type of soft-hearted but not strong-willed.

Hearing this, Ouyang Yunshan also sighed, and said: "The gate of heaven is not open, even if we keep searching, it seems to be futile."

"Anyway, it will open sooner or later. You just need to be ready to break through." Du Xiao said angrily: "I don't understand this kind of reasoning. I have lived for more than 130 years in vain."


Ouyang Lan knocked her son's head on the side, and gave Du Xiao a reproachful look.

Du Xiao shrank his head. In front of his mother, he is the type of obedient child, but these years he has been doing his own way, and he is used to it. Plus his strength is invincible in the world, it is natural
Ouyang Qingyan covered her mouth and snickered, even though this cousin looked domineering, she was still like a child in front of her parents.

After all, Du Xiao is just a young man who is not yet 20 years old.

At this time, Ouyang Yi came outside the thatched cottage.

"The Nangong family is here?" Du Xiao looked at Ouyang Yi and narrowed his eyes.

Ouyang Yi's expression changed, did Ouyang Lan tell Du Xiao everything?

Ouyang Lan looked at Du Xiao suspiciously, she didn't tell Du Xiao about this, how did Du Xiao know?
Afterwards, Ouyang Lan glanced at Ouyang Qingyan next to her, and immediately understood.

"Just let me handle the matter." Ouyang Lan rubbed Du Xiao's head and said with a smile.


Du Xiao nodded. He knew that if his mother really didn't like his father, then she wouldn't run to the distant capital from a family of practice that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Coupled with what Ouyang Lan said when he met Ouyang Lan for the first time, it was obvious that Ouyang Lan would not agree to this matter.

Finally, I saved my father's green hat...

Du Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and when his father woke up, he would definitely tell him about this matter, let him know how powerful his son is, and help him settle this matter.

"Father, look..." Ouyang Yi looked at Ouyang Yunshan, and gave Ouyang Yunshan the right to speak.

Ouyang Yunshan rolled his eyes, blew his beard and stared: "Why, I have given you the power for more than 30 years, and even the Ouyang family can't control it?"

"It's not that I can't control it, but someone is going to die." Ouyang Yi shook his head and said.

Ouyang Yunshan sighed and said, "I'm drinking tea here."

Ouyang Yi nodded, he knew what Ouyang Yunshan meant.

"Qingyan, you can go with me too." Ouyang Yi looked at Ouyang Qingyan and said, "I will trouble you for this martial arts conference."

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I'm confident that I can handle it well." Ouyang Qingyan nodded, her long blue hair fluttering, her expression returned to ice-cold, and there was faint sword energy rippling on her body.

"Pretentiousness depends on the person, well, who taught you the sword technique?"

Suddenly, a sudden voice sounded.

Ouyang Qingyan rolled her eyes, walked outside with a calm face.

Ouyang Lan shook her head, grabbed Du Xiao and left together.


According to Du Xiao's understanding, today is the Martial Arts Conference, and today, Nan Gongxian of the Nangong family is very likely to use the opportunity to propose marriage to Ouyang Lan.

Therefore, Du Xiao had no choice but to go there.

"Will Jian Gu participate?" Du Xiao asked.

"Jiangu will only make a move when participating in the North-South Martial Arts Discussion. The existence of Jiangu is also to check and balance the four factions, so as to avoid the situation where one of them dominates, so the five major forces have always been very calm." Ouyang Qingyan said.

"It's just the calm before the storm. There is no shortage of ambitious people in this world." Du Xiao said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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