I'm really a gamer

Chapter 430 Thunder Meng

Chapter 430 Thunder Meng
Soon, Du Xiao's place completely became a picnic place.

What's even more frustrating is that Du Xiao is grilling, but there are many people around who are greedy.

But when they remembered that Du Xiao slapped a third-level practitioner into the mud with a slap, they didn't dare to strike up a conversation casually.

Who the hell knows if that violent lunatic will slap them in the dirt and they won't be able to pick them out?
"Ah, it's delicious!" Wu Feiyang's eyes lit up after eating a piece of Du Xiao's grilled chicken wings.

The seasoning here is just right, and the meat is plump and tender. When you bite down, oil and water pop out of your teeth, making Wu Feiyang and the others stare.

Du Xiao set up an oven on one side, and set up an oven on the other side, ready to make beef hor fun.

After cutting some beef, Du Xiao concocted rice noodles out of nowhere, and the smell of the quarrel spread directly in a radius of ten miles. Many people were eating compressed biscuits or canned food. When they smelled this fragrance, they all cried He looked towards Du Xiao.

"Fuck, is there a cook over there?"

"Don't go, don't go..." Someone kindly reminded.

"Why don't you go, it's worth spending some money on a good meal!"

"They don't lack your little money. Someone just passed by, and a third-level practitioner was slapped into the ground with a slap."


Hearing this, the person who originally wanted to have a meal in the past was cowardly in an instant.

What the hell, is it that violent?

A simple and honest man looked at Du Xiao's side, drooling, and then looked at the dry food in his hand, tears almost burst out.

In the end, the simple and honest man watched the six people over there eat directly, and finally couldn't help but walk over.

"That, hehe, brother." The simple and honest man walked over, scratching his head embarrassedly.


Hearing the sound of his stomach growling, Du Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then took a look at the dishes he cooked here. In addition to dry fried beef river, there were some other side dishes, but he was not a kind person.

So Du Xiao asked, "How is your strength?"

"Third level." The simple and honest man looked at Du Xiao cautiously, and said, "But I am very strong. If you treat me to a meal, I owe you a favor, and I will return it to you in due course."

Du Xiao pondered for a while, then stuck out a ray of flame with his fingers, and said, "If you can extinguish it with one punch, I'll let you in for dinner."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, the simple and honest man became energetic in an instant, staring at the flame in front of him, the muscles all over his body instantly swelled up, like steel bars knotted together.

Du Xiao narrowed his eyes. This simple and honest man does not look like an ordinary person, and his flames of hell also contain a trace of fourth-order energy. If the simple and honest man can extinguish it with one punch, it also proves that the simple and honest man The strength is great.


The simple and honest man stared straight at his eyes, roared angrily, and punched the flame in front of him.

The flame boiled instantly, but finally dissipated slowly.

"I extinguished it!" The simple and honest man came over and said.

Du Xiao: "..."

It's over so soon?
Du Xiao was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect that a simple and honest man could extinguish it with a single punch, but what he said was equivalent to splashing water, and it didn't matter if there was one more person.


Du Xiao smacked his lips, took a porcelain bowl and chopsticks out of the inventory, put them next to the table, and said, "If you finish eating, you will help clean up later."

"No problem!" The simple and honest man laughed and said, "Brother, what's your name? My name is Lei Meng."

"Du Xiao." Du Xiao said.

Afterwards, Du Xiao asked Wu Feiyang and the others to introduce them.

After Lei Meng thanked him, he began to eat in a hurry. He had a roasted chicken wing in his left hand and a roasted chicken leg in his right hand.

Guo Liang: "..."

Wu Feiyang: "..."

Almost everyone looked at Lei Meng dumbfounded.

This is really fierce.

Lin Chuyu also looked at Lei Meng in surprise, has this guy not eaten for a long time?How to eat technetium so hard.

"Do you have food?" Lei Meng raised his head and looked at Du Xiao.

"No, there are fans." Du Xiao shook his head and said.

He did have rice in his inventory, but it was too late to get it now.

"Alright." Lei Meng said with a simple and honest smile.

Du Xiao took out some rice noodles and put them on the plate. Lei Meng was not polite, he just reached out and grabbed it to eat.

"Brother, haven't you eaten for a long time?" Guo Liang swallowed, carefully protecting the chicken wing in his hand, worried that Lei Meng would rush to grab his food...

"No, I ate before I came up, and now I'm hungry again." Lei Meng replied while eating.

"It's okay, just eat enough." Du Xiao is not stingy, there is enough space in the inventory, and repeated things will be stacked together, so Du Xiao has prepared food for at least a month, so he doesn't panic at all.

"That...brother, can I have a meal too?" Someone came up and asked.

"It's full." Guo Liang said directly and quickly.

The man was a little embarrassed, but he still focused on Du Xiao. He could tell that Du Xiao was the leader here.

"There are beef, leeks and other things there, you can roast them." Du Xiao pointed to the side and said.

"Okay, thanks!" The other party smiled heartily, and then walked over there.

Guo Liang stared straight at his eyes, and said to Du Xiao in a low voice: "I said, Lao Du, do we have enough food? What if there is nothing to eat when we go in later?"

"Don't worry, it's enough." Du Xiao said with a smile.

"What kind of space magic weapon do you have?" Wu Feiyang looked at Du Xiao in surprise, this is too rich.

"None of your business." Du Xiao rolled his eyes.

Wu Feiyang stopped talking and ate a few more mouthfuls of food. Anyway, Du Xiao's cooking really whetted his stomach.


After almost eating, Lei Meng was also full, hiccupped for a long time, and grinned honestly: "Brother Du Xiao, thank you for inviting me to this meal, your cooking skills are very good."

"You're welcome." Du Xiao smiled and said, "Is your strength innate? Or did you wake up after your spirit energy recovered?"

"I used to live in the mountains all the time, and after the spiritual energy revived, my strength became stronger. This time, when I heard that there was a spiritual energy relic in Jiaolong Mountain, Master let me go down the mountain alone to experience it." Lei Meng said honestly.

"Down the mountain to practice?" Guo Liang stared at Lei Meng with a shocked expression.

Dare to feel that this is a person from a family of cultivation?
Du Xiao also narrowed his eyes, and asked softly, "Are you from a family of cultivators?"

"Ah? No, I grew up in the mountains with my master, not from a family of cultivation." Lei Meng scratched his head and replied.

(End of this chapter)

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