Chapter 354

The colonel was directly knocked to the ground, covered his stomach with his hands, and groaned in pain.

When did this kid have such great power?
The colonel could feel that he didn't have any external injuries or internal injuries. Du Xiao grasped the strength of this punch very skillfully, but it only made him feel severe pain, and there was no injury left.

The female doctor looked stunned. This is a colonel with two bars and three stars. Du Xiao was knocked down with just such a punch?

"If you have something to say, just fuck off if you have nothing to do. You think you can beat me now?" Du Xiao looked at the colonel with disdain and said.

The colonel gritted his teeth, but he found that Du Xiao was really invincible now.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

But the colonel found that ten years later, he was slowly getting old...

At that time, he will not be able to beat Du Xiao even more!

Thinking of this, the colonel felt the urge to cry.

"Come and see you, lest you turn around and sue me again." The colonel glared at Du Xiao and said.

When he was a child, Du Xiao was a sassy who went to sue, and he was still the kind of makeup that sued people for beating people. Mrs. Du felt sorry for this little great-grandson. Old Mrs. Du's walking stick.

The colonel is also very helpless about such things, he can't beep beep with Mrs. Du, then he will suffer a lot.

Therefore, Mrs. Du is Du Xiao's backer, and almost no one dares to provoke Du Xiao.

Du Xiao just glanced at the colonel and didn't say anything.

The colonel fell silent one after another.

Now Mrs. Du has passed away, so when talking about this matter again, both of them feel a little uncomfortable.

When Du Xiao thought of that old and kind face, he felt very uncomfortable. After all, in his childhood, the old man spent more time with him, and he also liked being with the old man very much.

Children are like this, whoever dotes on him or accommodates him, he likes to be with whomever he is with.

Du Xiao and the colonel found a place to sit down, and at the same time handed Du Xiao a bottle of water.

The colonel used to be Du Xiao's instructor, and he arranged all of Du Xiao's training, so Du Xiao was both a student and a child to the colonel.

After all, he also grew up with this child for a long time.

"Recently, the news about you is full of bullshit. First you beat up the Li family boy, then came to expel him, and finally stepped on the old Du family." The colonel looked at Du Xiao and said with a smile.

"Some people don't know they are afraid until they are hurt." Du Xiao said lightly.

The colonel just smiled. He naturally understood Du Xiao's character. When he was young, he was a master who didn't want to suffer. Now that he has grown up, how could he make those who bullied him feel better?
As for Old Du's house, the colonel just shook his head.

Everyone just thinks that Du Jinghong's family has brought disaster and shame to the old Du family, but from the perspective of the colonel and others, the old Du family has long been biased. support.

Even Mr. Zhao said that now the Du family is divided into two, one is Shangdu and the other is Jundu!
Everyone knows what it means.

Even if Du Xiao doesn't join the army now, the influence he brings to the army is definitely enough. A battle with Qin Lie seems to make people see a God of War from the old Du's family reappear.

"When you were young, you were a master who refused to admit defeat. When you grow up, don't admit defeat. Do whatever you want, and don't worry that there is no one behind you." The colonel patted Du Xiao on the shoulder and instructed.

Du Xiao nodded. Grandpa Du has peaches and plums all over the world, and his influence in the military is extremely huge.

And some people follow the old Du's family, and some people support Du Xiao.

"Is it true that there are many people in the upper echelon who don't like me?" Du Xiao asked at this time.

The colonel froze for a moment and said, "Why do you say that?"

Du Xiao said lightly: "I have such a great background, but I don't do anything. I am willing to follow my sister to live in Yangcheng, but I don't do anything for the country and the people."

This is a point, Du Xiao is very clear about how many people his ability can bring good news to.

Because he is a natural leader himself, he has been hailed as the little marshal since he was a child, and many leaders think that Du Xiao will at least be a strategist when he grows up.

But now, this so-called strategist is completely ruined in the eyes of many people.

"No, don't think too much." The colonel shook his head and said.

"There is no difference between me before and me now, the only difference is that I know how to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil." Du Xiao said with a smile: "Since they don't like it, then I will tear down a building and show them, lest some people always They're chewing their ears."

Du Xiao's eyes were domineering and awe-inspiring. He didn't want people with bad mouths talking behind his back, let alone talking about his family.

The colonel looked at Du Xiao, this kid was still the same as before.

It's just that Du Xiao is now domineering and restrained, appearing more mature and stable.

"Use your brains when you do things. Just because you are in the Devil doesn't mean that no one pays attention to you. Be careful." The colonel warned.

Du Xiao knew that it was the colonel's kindness, so he nodded and didn't say anything more.

When Du Xiao went back to the 7th row, the colonel also stood up with his hands behind his back, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Another day of military training passed.

But today's day has made countless freshmen look forward to it, and even a little bit excited.

Today, it's shooting day, hey...

Cough cough, it's actually live ammunition shooting training.

"Du Xiao, how sure are you today?" The instructor approached Du Xiao and asked in a low voice.

Du Xiao blinked, what does the instructor mean?
"Yesterday I told my comrades that there was an elite in our platoon. They didn't believe me. I said you can hit 40 rings or more, so don't embarrass me..." The instructor said to Du Xiao with an unchanged expression.

Du Xiao: "..."

Why are you bragging about me?

Seemingly aware of the change in Du Xiao's expression, the instructor said awkwardly: "It was they who first boasted about who on their side is so-and-so trained well, and who-so-and-so is good at punching in the military. I definitely can't be cowardly, right, so I put You moved out."

"At most 10 rings, no more." Du Xiao said expressionlessly.

The instructor said with a smile: "Come on, don't lie to me, your kid's shooting is definitely better than others, today the instructor is all dependent on you."

A smile appeared on Du Xiao's face, and he asked, "You know that colonel, right?"

The instructor froze for a moment, then nodded, this is the chief, how could he not know.

"He used to be like you, asking me to do this and that, and then I made me cry." Du Xiao said with a smile.

When the instructor looked at Du Xiao's harmless smile, the expression on his face stiffened little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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