I'm really a gamer

Chapter 320 Tactical Substitution

Chapter 320 Tactical Substitution

Du Xiao won the first place in the third round of FPP mode, which can be regarded as eating two chickens in a row.

But such a DS team made many players feel heavy.

Du Xiao is really too strong, even if he is left alone in the end, he can still turn things around.

But this...

It was also in a real sense that everyone saw Du Xiao make a shot, and saw Du Xiao play one classic operation after another in the tense and exciting environment of the game.

"I'm sorry, our god king is just so powerful, he is not fighting four with one, but seven with one."

"It's amazing, even the teammates got in."

"Team bully is not something that anyone can do casually!"

"However, in this game, the monsters seem to perform well, at least they took two people away before they died."

"Maybe it's awakening. After all, I have cheated so much, there will always be guilt or something."

"Ale from the AF team seems to be very strong. Have you noticed? In the end, he was basically forcibly confronting the god king. If he was an ordinary person, he would have panicked."

"I found out, the God King seems to have given him a very high evaluation."


The audience was talking after the game.

Du Xiao's face was calm, he was not in that state of collapse, he had full confidence just now.

Even to participate in this kind of competition, he is already ready for one against four.


The player just now was really good.

Even in the decisive battle, the mentality is very stable.

"AF team..." Du Xiao murmured.

"What's the matter? Is the opponent strong?" Du Wanxia looked at Du Xiao and asked.

"At the level of a professional player, he is very strong." Du Xiao said: "And he just showed a kind of resilience, and that kind of firm belief moved me."

"Blow it up, that's so unreal." Du Wanxia rolled her eyes and said.

Du Xiao was too lazy to explain so much to his sister, this kind of thing can only be felt by the two sides in the war.

As for my sister, she can only be a salted fish.

Du Xiao asked in the group battle group, is that player there just now?
Du Xiao personally came to the civil war group to inquire, and many people responded immediately, and even the administrator Aite called all members.

Ale also found out at this time, and just said that the one just now was himself.

"Let me shake Team S?" Du Xiao poached people directly and aboveboard.

Ale: "..."

Wen Maoran: "..."

There is such a brazen person!
Everyone was shocked. This was definitely the first time Du Xiao poached someone so openly. Obviously, in the game just now, A Le was appreciated by Du Xiao.

"Come to my team, I guarantee you can rise to a higher level." This was the first time Du Xiao was moved by his love for talents.

It's not how strong the opponent is, but the ability of the opponent to improve, coupled with that tenacity, made Du Xiao tempted.

Ah Le didn't know how to answer, but it was definitely an honor.

There are not many people who can be appreciated by the god king, and they still sent out invitations directly.

"I already have a team..." A Le said with a wry smile.

"it is good."

When Du Xiao saw this sentence, he understood what Ale meant.

He knows that poaching people is definitely not that simple, unless the other party really wants to come, otherwise it will be very difficult.

After all, they also have their own teams.

Du Xiao expressed his appreciation to A Le, and even sent out a team invitation. The news spread in an instant. At the same time, the individual duel just now also made many people admire.

Indeed, Ah Le does have such strength.

The rest time is also to prepare for the TPP game.

Du Xiao has already had two consecutive chickens, which puts a lot of pressure on many teams. Everyone is thinking about what to do next. After all, there are only ten teams entering the next duel. Just the team.

How to fight for this spot is the most important thing.

Du Wanxia naturally noticed her younger brother's behavior, and was a little surprised at the same time, but then she understood.

Du Xiao's purpose is to add new members to the team, so as to achieve a competitive relationship and prevent some players from losing due to expansion.

Competition is not only reflected in the competition, but also within the team.

Such as starters and substitutes.

"Sorry, I suddenly have something to download, so I can't play this game." The teacher said at this time.

"What's wrong?" Du Xiao asked in astonishment.

"There is something to deal with." The teacher said with a wry smile.

"Okay, let's go." Du Xiao smiled, since the teacher had something to do temporarily, he couldn't let the other party stay.

"I'm really sorry." There was a bit of guilt in the teacher's tone.

After all, this is a game, not a passerby game. They all agreed to play a game today.

"It's okay, I can still find someone to come in, don't worry." Du Xiao said with a smile.

After the big teacher said a few words, he hurriedly downloaded the broadcast.

Dai Mei didn't say anything either, after all these are all decided by Du Xiao, if there are three people...

I'm afraid Du Xiao also thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

The big teacher left temporarily, so Du Xiao reported the matter to the competition side.

The competition side also checked and confirmed, but found that the Shaking S team had also reported the name of the substitute, so they were prepared.

Du Xiao called Song Yao in WeChat, planning to let this guy come over to play two games, so as to see how this guy's strength has become.

Song Yao quickly ran over and quickly logged into the account.

Master asked him, that was giving him face!

"You bring the wretch over here too, and let him play two games for me." Du Wanxia patted Du Xiao on the shoulder and said.

Hearing this, Du Xiao looked at Du Wanxia expressionlessly, and said, "You want to be lazy again?"

"What is laziness? This is a tactical substitution." Du Wanxia said, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, I don't know what your urine is." Du Xiao said with a sneer.

"Hurry up..." Du Wanxia acted cute and coquettish without saying a word.

Du Xiao had nothing to do, but seeing that Du Wanxia also turned off the live broadcast, it was obvious that there were some things to deal with.

"Is there anything to deal with?" Du Xiao was helpless, the big teacher had something to do, and Du Wanxia, ​​a salted fish, also had something to do?
"Graduation." Du Wanxia said helplessly, "June is the graduation season."

Hearing this, Du Xiao was stunned.

In June, not only the third year of high school is over, but also the senior year and go to work. A large number of students enter the society from the campus, and countless college students are troubled by employment.

And Du Wanxia...

Obviously, she has found a job that is especially suitable for her.

"Sister Xia, don't you want to fight? I still want to give you all the good things." Song Yao asked.

"The third game is going on, if you don't give me 98k by then, I will beat you to death." Du Wanxia snorted.

"That's fine, the master doesn't need to do these three, I can do it alone!" Song Yao said proudly.

"Hehe, don't be beaten into a fool later." Du Xiao poured cold water on it.

Song Yao said with a smile: "No, just let Master verify my training results, hahaha!"

 Today's update is here, so I won't stay up late tonight to update, and I will write it tomorrow morning in the third, so I'm going to sleep QAQ!I can't count the number of words after staying up all night, so I plan to adjust the time difference, and I will get up early to type tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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