Chapter 3

After Du Xiao waited on the bridge for a while, he heard some voices, stood up and leaned against the bridge to have a look, and immediately saw two people swimming in the water.

It's a joy to chase after me.

Du Xiao also couldn't help laughing. This kind of fish pond game is also commonly known as low-segment. In this situation, there are almost a lot of newcomers, or those who have just come into contact with FPS shooting competitive games.

Compared with some people who have played the game, the happiest thing is to meet new people.

But after this game came out, it wasn't the general fire, but the fire made no sense at all.

But slowly, a troublesome problem appeared in shooting games after all-cheats!
No matter what kind of game it is, there will actually be plug-ins, but there are more competitive shooting games, and perspective and lock are one of the common functions.

The existence of plug-ins makes the game lose its own fairness, and also makes many players have no game experience.

Even if the plug-in is enabled, in fact, it can't prove anything, after all, the game is just for fun.

"Ding! Kill two players! Reward 20 points!"

Du Xiao was not polite, and easily accepted the two heads, killing 17 people.

"Xiao Si, where's your noodles? It's outside, right? Hurry up and eat something, what can I do if I'm starving, my sister is the only younger brother like you, if you die too, then How pitiful my sister is." When Du Wanxia saw it, her charming little face panicked.

This is an unreasonable killing at all. The bridge is the only way to pass, and it is also a prime location.

What's more, Du Xiao still has an [-]x mirror in his hand, not to mention how clear the surrounding things are.

Du Xiao glanced at Du Wanxia sideways, and said, "Please don't worry, it will be over in ten minutes at most, so don't use such low IQ methods to insult me, thank you."

Du Wanxia was so angry that she reached out to move Du Xiao's mouse, intending to renege on the debt.

Du Xiao said: "It's better for us not to hurt each other. I expected you to play tricks like this. Either give me money or let me finish the fight."

Du Xiao was thinking about the latter. After all, he suddenly had a system. If he really couldn't complete the task, it would probably be a pain in the ass...

Fortunately, after Du Wanxia glared at Du Xiao, she didn't intend to disturb Du Xiao anymore. Anyway, she was silently thinking now, let another god take Du Xiao away.


At this time, two bullets flew directly over and hit Du Xiao's head, causing a lot of blood loss in an instant, which shocked Du Xiao.

"Grass, hanging again!"

Du Xiao cursed angrily. He saw the clear bullet holes on the third-level helmet, and the two bullet holes were almost in the same position.

And by hearing the gunshots, Du Xiao could be sure that it was an AKM, and it was at least 800 meters away.

At a distance of 800 meters, he locked his head directly, and it was still a headshot under Du Xiao's constant movement. How could Du Xiao not scold his mother.

"Hahahaha, that's great, that's great!" Du Wanxia saw it, and burst out laughing.

"Brother is too unlucky, he hangs up two games in one game, it's just too bad."

"Fortunately, this is not hanging through the wall. It is relatively low-level. It seems that this orphan has no money."

"I probably stole money from home and went to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet, and then spent all my savings to buy a low-level hook."

"The cost of living is about to start to drop again..."

"Wanxia is too heartless, isn't there a fairy smiling so happily?"

When Du Wanxia was happy, Du Xiao also ran into the bunker in a hurry to avoid being directly locked by the gods and killed.

At this time, a red bombing area appeared on the opposite side.

After a while, the bombing area started to bombard wildly, annihilating the gods in an instant.

This scene happened to fall within Du Xiao's field of vision.

Du Xiao was stunned.

Du Wanxia's laughter stopped abruptly, and she was stunned.

God, god...was killed by the bomb again?

"Fuck! What kind of luck is this?"

"Wanxia, ​​did your brother turn on the bomber?!"

"I've seen resource hangers that can grab all the airdrop guns, but this is really the first time I've seen this kind of bomber hanger."

"Knowledge has increased, and knowledge has increased. I didn't expect there to be such a thing as bombing."

"The two gods were killed by the bombing zone..."

Even Du Wanxia looked at Du Xiao quietly, and said, "Little Si, are you cheating?"

Du Xiao gave Du Wanxia a blank look, and said, "I'll give you back this sentence, this is your computer."

Du Wanxia: "..."

Indeed, this is her computer, and if this computer hangs up, it's because of her.

Du Xiao asked: "Think about it, have any of your friends touched your computer recently, or installed any software in your computer?"

Du Wanxia rolled her eyes prettily and said, "Get out of here."

Du Xiao chuckled, and he also suddenly remembered the passage on the Internet: This is my friend demonstrating 'high operation' on my computer.

The fairy was solved by the bombed area, which made Du Xiao feel a lot more comfortable.

Although the third-stage head was scrapped, many couriers rushed over, exhilarating.

Du Wanxia also sat silently by the side, watching the number of Du Xiao's murders continue to increase. The whole building was almost made of wooden boxes, but in the end it stopped at 26 murders.

"There should be no one else."

Du Xiao glanced at the time and the number of survivors, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat.

Survive: 5.

This means that, including Du Xiao, there are only the last four people left!
But at this time, there was a kill message from the screen.

"Damn it, don't!" Du Xiao saw that there were only the last four survivors left, which meant that if Du Xiao wanted to complete 4 kills, he had to get rid of the last three people.

Du Wanxia was excited again, and said: "Xiaosi, we have agreed, you have to kill 29 chickens to be able to super double your living expenses, otherwise it won't count, hahaha!"

Du Xiao didn't have time to pay attention to her, and hurriedly drove a motorcycle towards the final circle!
The final circle was not far away. When Du Xiao drove past, he saw two people shooting guns.

Du Xiao's heart tightened, he can't die now, if he wants to die, he has to die in my hands!

Cut the gun, 98k aimed directly at a person's head, bang!
"Ding! Kill a player! Reward 10 points!"

Then Du Xiao immediately moved the mouse arrow to the direction of the other person, but the other person obviously knew how to play, and immediately hid in the bunker, so that when Du Xiao was about to shoot, he lost the target directly.

"Don't come out, don't come out...Let the poison kill you, life is the happiest when you're soaked in poison." Du Wanxia murmured beside her, and Danfeng stared at the computer screen, hoping that that person would be poisoned to death !

There was no target in sight, and only the last three survived, including Du Xiao.

And Du Xiao only found one person, and he didn't know where the other one was.

(End of this chapter)

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