I'm really a gamer

Chapter 297 Don't be a salted fish

Chapter 297 Don't be a salted fish
After the vagrant came, Grandpa Kang noticed the origin of the vagrant.

Du Xiao reminded him that when the three surnames were flat.

But here in Modu, the family surnamed Shi has some abilities.

The wretch hurried over and sat down.

"Hey, it's rare that this big house is so lively, how wonderful." Grandma Kang laughed.

"Come often in the future, come often in the future... Just don't think I'm annoying." The bastard answered.

"Are you serious?" Du Xiao glanced at the bum, and said, "If you come here often, I really find you annoying."

tramp living by begging:"……"

How can we talk about this.

"Don't listen to the little monkey's nonsense, he just likes to interrupt." Grandma Kang said with a smile: "It seems that you have a good relationship with the little monkey. How did you two know each other?"

"I met him through playing games..." The old man burst into tears. They met each other through playing games. When they met, they only met once because of the signing of Du Wanxia's contract a while ago.

Grandpa Kang and Grandma Kang couldn't help nodding. It seems that Du Xiao does have some talent in playing games.

The two elders didn't have a different look at the game, because they both knew the achievements of Du Xiao and Du Wanxia, ​​so saying that the game is a cancer is not true for them.

Furthermore, a person's success depends not only on grades, but also on whether the person's three views are correct and whether he is filial.

The two old people just wanted to know about Du Xiao from Du Xiao's friends. After all these years, Du Xiao and Du Wanxia's two siblings depended on each other, which was a kind of debt to the two elders.

After the meal, several people sat beside the sofa, and Du Xiao also helped to cut some fruits.

"Boss, I have discussed everything about the sponsor with Mr. Liang, and everything is basically in order."

The wimpy man looked at Du Xiao and said, "I think, Boss, your eyes are not only on the field of e-sports, but other industries should also be involved."

"What's involved? Let me do business?" Du Xiao glanced at the bum and asked.

He has no interest in business.

tramp living by begging:"……"

I mean it.

The bastard knows Du Xiao very well, he is definitely not a fool, he is shrewd in his heart, he is simply a talent among talents.

"Little monkey, what do you plan to do in the future?" Grandpa Kang looked at Du Xiao and asked.

He really hopes that Du Xiao can make his own career, so that he can better enrich his life.

"I don't know yet." Du Xiao replied simply.

In fact, Du Xiao already has a clear goal in mind, which is to reunite the family.

Grandpa Kang nodded slightly. He also knew Du Xiao's current goal. Grandpa Kang didn't have much opinion on the e-sports club Du Xiao founded.

Young people should always grow up, and it is impossible for the older generation to give them a lifetime of shelter.

However, Grandpa Kang chatted a lot with the bum, which made the bum sweat profusely on his forehead.

Although the tone is flat, the things that can be discussed are basically related to the Shi family.

Liang Kunhu listened quietly at the side without saying a word.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Du Xiao and the others chose to leave.

When he came to the training base, the bum was completely relieved.

"I didn't say, boss, you are so awesome, why did you go to Yangcheng before?"

The wretched man smiled wryly and said, "You heard what Secretary Kang told me just now, right? The new official takes office three times, and he has to personally review all aspects of the development of Shanghai. I passed it on to my dad and my grandpa."

"Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." Du Xiao said lightly.

"You're dead, and you actually spoke ill of Grandpa Kang behind your back." Du Wanxia hurriedly said from the side.

"Go away." Du Xiao gave Sister Xianyu a blank look.

"Then how do we settle down tonight, stay in a hotel?" Du Wanxia blinked and asked.

At this time, the third man took out a bunch of keys, shook them a bit, and made a crisp sound.

"What kind of hotel do you live in? I don't have anything in Shanghai. I just have a lot of houses. This is a duplex building, which is the most suitable for you to live in. I also know that you definitely don't like me giving things. Just transfer me 500 million yuan tomorrow." . " Said the bastard angrily.

He had heard before that Du Xiao was going to Fuda University, so he basically knew that Du Xiao and Du Wanxia were going to settle down here in Shanghai, so he took the lead in getting people to sort it out.

In addition, I have been to Du Xiao's house, so I know what kind of decoration style Du Xiao and Du Wanxia like.

Du Wanxia looked at Du Xiao, and Du Xiao still had to make up his mind on this matter.

"Go to the bank to transfer the money tomorrow, let's see what I do." Du Xiao didn't bother to go to see the house and the like, since everything was done, he just moved in and lived in it.

"Okay, thank you." Du Wanxia happily took the key, she believed that the bastard would not cheat them.

Liang Kunhu laughed beside him and said, "Your Shi family are real estate tycoons. Will there be a discount when I buy a house?"


The wretch rolled his eyes, then took out his mobile phone, flipped out some pictures of buildings on it, handed them to Liang Kunhu, and said, "Look for yourself, they are basically in the same community as the boss, I don't know you What kind of decoration style do you want, so you can’t make up your mind, so you can only choose it yourself.”

The poor man is not a fool, he can tell that Du Xiao and Liang Kunhu founded this e-sports club, so in terms of this relationship, the relationship between the two is not so superficial.

So in terms of the house, the bum also took Liang Kunhu into consideration.

Liang Kunhu laughed and said, "Thank you then!"

"Okay, I won't tell you guys anymore, then I'll go over there to sort it out, the day after tomorrow is the anchor match, I want to see how my teammates made me cry." Du Xiao said with narrowed eyes.

Du Wanxia didn't care, and said, "What's wrong, there is still 10 yuan in bonuses for the anchor competition, and it's also convenient for you to shake the reputation of Team S."

Du Xiao didn't bother arguing with his sister about this matter, he was more indifferent to his three teammates.

When they got to the house in the past, Du Wanxia was the first to run in, cheering happily.

She didn't have much interest in villas, but it was this kind of duplex building that made Du Wanxia slightly interested.

"How much do you think this flat is worth?" Du Wanxia asked.

"More than 500 million." Du Xiao said.

This is just a conservatism. After all, the housing prices in Shanghai are notoriously terrifying. In addition, Du Xiao has learned about the housing prices in this area, which are basically 30 million to [-] square meters.

When Du Wanxia heard this, she immediately collapsed on the sofa.

The house has a lot of space. If it is calculated on the basis of 30 million to [-] square meter, her one-year signing fee may not be enough.

But what surprised Du Wanxia was that Du Xiao actually accepted this suite.

"What are you thinking about? Return the money you make to others in the future. Don't think about making money for others." Du Xiao flicked Du Wanxia's forehead and said, "I'll install the computer tomorrow, and I'll play the game the day after tomorrow. Don't be fooled." Salted fish."

Du Wanxia groaned in pain, swung her two big white legs on the sofa, and started humming...

 There are three more chapters tonight, I ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday...and a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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