I'm really a gamer

Chapter 289 Be a Human, Learn to Empathize

Chapter 289 Be a Human, Learn to Empathize

Du Xiao's tone was very indifferent, but it was also full of deep disdain. The whole temperament gave people the feeling that...

Both proud and domineering.

But anyone who knows Du Xiao basically knows that Du Xiao is definitely the most serious now.

"Look... look quickly..."

A viewer stared at the picture of Du Xiao taking pictures with his eyes wide open, in shock.

The speed is extremely fast, and the characters on the screen are not floating at all.

On the contrary, Du Xiao is using this speed of switching perspectives to observe the people around him. When the white smoke is slowly spreading, as long as Du Xiao sees people, he basically shoots without hesitation. .

When you slide the mouse, the camera will also move, and Du Xiao uses this camera to observe.

When the two members of the Red Army appeared in Du Xiao's camera, Du Xiao's middle finger and index finger pressed the two buttons of the mouse almost at the same time.

Scope, shoot...

All in one go.

Nothing fancy, simple and crude.

When the gunshot rang out, Du Xiao frantically pressed the C button to squat and stand, and also pressed the EQ buttons on the left and right sides.

Looking at it on Du Xiao's screen, the characters seem to be bouncing around in this time period...

But at this moment, when those two people shot Du Xiao, they also knelt down one after another.

Du Xiao...

It is hidden in the smoke.

Switching to S12k, one shot directly killed the person under his feet. Du Xiao quickly pressed the Tab key and glanced at the other party's supplies.

Du Xiao: "..."

Who gave you the courage to come at me with a Thompson with 11 bullets?
Du Xiao really laughed angrily. He only saw 11 rounds of bullets and a Thompson submachine gun in the other party's box. He didn't have any medical items, not even a bandage.

Du Xiao swears, this is definitely the first time that he can be such a poor person besides landing on the ground.

There is no supplies, and you come here aggressively to get him, you are looking for death!
Du Xiao threw another smoke bomb, which spread to the surroundings of the house at the same time.


Du Xiao took off his trousers and clothes, and quickly changed into a red dress.

His purpose is very simple. Next, the opponents will definitely push in in groups. Then at this time, he can skillfully blend into the enemy's camp.

Even if you can't get in, you can make the opponent mistakenly think that you are their teammate in a short time.

The Red Army is a group of people wearing red clothes, which is convenient for identifying the enemy and the enemy, but it also has a disadvantage...

Once someone other than them gets in, it's basically game over.

"Rush! Rush in and kill him!!"

The commander-in-chief was hoarse, his eyes were full of excitement, and he had already recorded the video.

As long as Du Xiao is killed in battle, he can make a big fuss on the Internet, saying that the God King Judge is nothing more than that, not truly invincible.

At that time, there will be a wave of Internet public opinion.

The commander-in-chief is not worried about netizens criticizing him, because for him, someone talking about it is equivalent to being popular, and being popular is equivalent to having soft sister coins.

Therefore, he was able to thicken his skin.

There is no need to worry about how netizens will criticize him, as long as he can be famous.

Du Xiao could hear footsteps around him, and he also threw the S12k down, and sneaked into the crowd without making a sound, but it made the audience watching the live broadcast tremble with fear.

Du Xiao's courage is a little too big...


The fragmentation grenade exploded, knocking down four people in an instant, and two of them were killed by Du Xiao.

These people are also inside the white smoke bomb.

Du Xiao cleverly disguised himself to deceive others.

The commander-in-chief saw that the smoke had been spreading, but his people fell down one by one.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot first!!" The commander-in-chief shouted, "The enemy has already sneaked into our place, and now whoever shoots will shoot!!"

The commander-in-chief's eyes were staring straight. He never thought that Du Xiao could get in here.

The white smoke had already dissipated and became very faint. Everyone was motionless, and even the people kneeling on the ground kept calling for their teammates to save him.

"Scatter them all, find your own teammates, and hit anyone who doesn't have teammates!!" The commander-in-chief said in a deep voice.

Now Du Xiao has mixed in here, and there are quite a few people holding AKMs in their hands, so the commander-in-chief can't tell which one is Du Xiao in a short time.

He doesn't dare to say that this undercover agent is the adjudicator of the god king, otherwise, these players must be flustered.

Du Xiao switched the team channel and said to Du Wanxia, ​​"Sister, shoot them from upstairs."

"Okay! Hahaha..." Du Wanxia's beautiful eyes lit up when she heard Du Xiao's words.

Nothing is more exciting than a sneak attack.

Afterwards, Du Wanxia sneaked to the window.

Du Xiao reminded, and said: "Specially shoot those who have guns in their hands, and forget about those who don't have guns, don't worry about him."

Du Wanxia then fired, and the bullets went out bit by bit. Although a few shots were missed, many people looked at the source of the sound, and then fired immediately.

"Hide back." Du Xiao said with narrowed eyes.

Du Wanxia immediately hid back, and the next second, she heard gunshots outside.

I saw Du Xiao took the lead in shooting down the commander-in-chief wearing first-level armor. When the opponent fell to his knees, Du Xiao did not shoot directly to make up for it, but shifted his gun and shot the person holding the gun in his hand.

When they reacted, Du Wanxia poked her head out of the window again, and then shot.

Brother and sister...

Completely playing a combination of inside and outside, and with the advantage of equipment, the enemy has no cover, even if some of these people have licked their bags, they still can only kneel down.

The men of the Red Army...

After falling down one by one, the audience just saw Du Xiao surrounded by boxes.

The eyes are full of beautiful things, and this scene is definitely rarely seen.

"Be a human being and learn to put yourself in another place. If you don't accept it, then we'll come to a self-made fight, and I promise to blow your heads off!" Du Xiao's voice was full of hostility, full of disdain, and the gun The bullets in the mouth continued to shoot at the commander-in-chief's body.

The commander-in-chief hadn't left yet, but when he saw this scene, his expression was a little gloomy.

He who was originally full of pride was instantly beaten back to reality.

Some hard power cannot be compensated by a large number of people at all.

If you want to become stronger in the game field, then you can only go up step by step in a down-to-earth manner.

(End of this chapter)

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