I'm really a gamer

Chapter 261 Lin Chuyu Lost

Chapter 261 Lin Chuyu Lost

Next, the adjudicator will continue to lead the students to continue to fight.

Two adjudicators, 38 students, this is to allow the students to feel the gap between each other when they are playing their own strengths and at the same time when they are facing the adjudicator, so as to stimulate their potential.

Everyone has potential, and when the potential explodes, no one can tell what will happen.

The duel between Du Xiao and William was only once in the TPP two-player mode. After all, every adjudicator needs to play, so that the students can fully feel the pressure.

"This hunter competition, it's a confrontation, it's obviously for training professional players." Du Xiao sat there, yawning and watching the game.

He really felt a little bored, because his own strength surpassed many professional players. Watching them play, he might as well play a game with his hand addiction.

"That's the way it is, otherwise what's the point of the hunter training camp?" Paul said with a smile.

They have been here for two days, and it is basically the students who are fighting wildly. As for the data, it is collected by the World E-sports Association.

"Du Xiao."

At this time, Hua Wuxia walked to Du Xiao's side with a calm face, and asked, "Have you met Chu Yu?"

Du Xiao was taken aback, looked around the venue for a week, shook his head and said, "No, doesn't she stay with you often?"

"We just went shopping, and got lost. I called her and turned off the phone." Hua Wuxia also had an anxious look in her eyes, and said, "I thought her phone ran out of battery, and then she came back here to look for you. Who knows? not here."

Hearing this, Du Xiao's eyes immediately became serious.

What kind of plane is Lin Chuyu doing again?
Paul's eyes gradually narrowed, and he said, "Are you a fool? Are you still going shopping at this time?"

"What's wrong with shopping?" Hua Wuxia stared at Paul, and her anger poured directly on Paul.

Du Xiao said with a sullen face: "Go find someone if you disappear, don't lose your temper here, what's the use of losing your temper?"

Du Xiao was really annoyed. Originally, the main task was difficult to complete. In the past two days, he was almost talking to the professional players about their shortcomings, and then what to do in the next confrontation, and what points to pay attention to.

Now the students in the East are getting better, but something happened on Lin Chuyu's side?
"Let's go out and look for it, don't disturb other people." Paul said.

Hua Wuxia took a deep breath and could only nod her head.

She also had no choice but to come to Du Xiao.

Du Xiao and others walked out of the venue, and then Du Xiao took out a mobile phone and dialed a number.

"It's rare that you call me, what's the matter?"

Du Xiao said straight to the point: "Give you a number, and immediately lock the location where the number finally disappeared. If you can find other signals, tell me immediately!"

"Who's here?" the other party asked.

"The Lin family, Lin Chuyu." Du Xiao put down these words and hung up the phone.

"Who are you calling?" Hua Wuxia asked.

"Ghost." Du Xiao said, "Are you sure you got lost?"

Du Xiao frowned. Although Lin Chuyu was a nerd, she definitely didn't look like the kind of woman who would get lost. Moreover, this woman was so shrewd as to die, how could she get lost suddenly.

At this moment, Du Xiao's phone rang. He thought it was Qiu Ai, but he found out that it was Lin Chuyu's number.

"Hello, where have you been?" Du Xiao asked after connecting the number.

"Du Xiao, hello."

However, a dull man's voice came from the phone, his tone was full of cruelty and joking, and he said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know who I am, the important thing is that you have to come here."

"Okay, give me the seat, I'll go there now." Du Xiao nodded and agreed.

He guessed with ninety-nine chances that Lin Chuyu was kidnapped by someone, and this person knew him.

"I'll send you the location, but you have to remember, don't call the police, because the police are useless, remember what I said." The man smiled cruelly: "Some debts should be settled properly. When I said I wanted to kill his whole family, I must kill his whole family!"

After finishing speaking, the man's ferocious and gloomy voice echoed in Du Xiao's ear.

"What's wrong?" Hua Wuxia asked as she saw Du Xiao's face gradually calm down, her eyes were also full of ruthless tyranny.

"You go back to the stadium, and I will bring her back then." Du Xiao said lightly.

"What happened?" Paul looked at Du Xiao and asked.

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." Du Xiao said.

"I'll go with you." Paul didn't kill, he could see the change in Du Xiao's face, only when Du Xiao was really furious would he look so calm.

Du Xiao opened his eyes and looked at Paul without saying a word.

His meaning is very clear, let Paul not challenge his bottom line, he is very hot now!
"What's the matter, let's carry it together, besides, I have some abilities now!" Paul said in a deep voice.

"We'll talk about it later, you go back now." Du Xiao said, the phone rang.

"The phone rang just now. I found their location. Be careful yourself." Qiu Ai's voice was full of dignity for the first time, and said: "Need to notify the old chief?"

"No, no one needs to say, I will solve it myself!" Du Xiao's voice was full of domineering.

He can probably guess that that man is the murderer who killed his father and second brother!
Seeing Du Xiao's resolute attitude, Paul nodded.

Du Xiao walked out towards the outside, and after receiving Qiu Ai's location information, he immediately rushed there.

After Du Xiao left, Paul made a call and said, "Always protect Du Xiao's safety, I don't want to see him get hurt, understand?"

Paul's face was also extremely cold, Du Xiao could guess it, how could he not guess it?
But he understands Du Xiao's temper better, if Du Xiao is not sure, it is impossible to do such a stupid thing.

But no matter what, if he can improve Du Xiao's safety as much as possible, Paul will do the same.

There are not many brothers who really care about their hearts.


Here in an abandoned factory, the light inside is dim, only one incandescent lamp lights up here, but the light is weak and pitiful.

On a wooden chair, Lin Chuyu was tied up here. Although her small face was cold, there was a trace of panic in her beautiful eyes.

In front of Lin Chuyu, stood a man with pimples all over his face. The man was ugly when he smiled, but he was very scary.

"Lin Chuyu...Lin Jiefang's daughter." The lumpy man looked at Lin Chuyu with a smile, his ugly lumpy face approached, and slowly approached, full of aggression.

Lin Chuyu tried his best to calm himself down, looked directly at the lumpy man, and said, "My father's enemy?"

(End of this chapter)

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