I'm really a gamer

Chapter 201 Single Kill 1 Rocket

Chapter 201 Single kill one rocket at a time

"Wow, shocking news, my brother actually took the initiative to give the anchor a gift?"

"I was so shocked that I dropped all the melon seeds on the ground. The miser brother actually gave fish balls to other anchors?"

"Mr. Big earned this wave of blood. This is definitely a gift that will be recorded in the annals of history."


The audience in the live broadcast room of Du Xiao and Mr. Da was shocked. They almost didn't expect Du Xiao to have such an operation. This is definitely Du Xiao's most generous one!
Du Xiao actually... sent out fish balls!
"Thank you for the 100 fish balls sent by the god king, thank you very much." Teacher Da also recovered from his surprise and thanked him quickly.

"Be polite." Du Xiao waved his hand, indicating that he doesn't need to be so polite.

Du Wanxia watched from the side, the corners of her mouth twitched.

When did my brother become so shameless?
"You gave someone a rocket, why are you so stingy, I remember you used to watch the live broadcast of Teacher Da, and you told me that this person has something." Du Wanxia said to Du Xiao angrily.

Du Xiao quickly patted his sister, then covered her mouth, and scolded in a low voice: "You prodigal bitch, how much is a rocket? 500 yuan, enough for us to eat several meals!"

She's really a prodigal bitch, she just gives fish balls as gifts, what kind of rockets do she give.

Du Wanxia pinched Du Xiao's nose and said, "Okay, I didn't have the ability to give someone a rocket before. After watching their live broadcast for so long, I don't want to give one if I have the ability. Hurry up."

"Then...send a plane?"

Du Xiao asked tentatively.

A rocket is 500 yuan, and an airplane is only 100 yuan.

"If one plane is not enough, then get another one." Du Xiao said awe-inspiringly.

Du Wanxia didn't bother to care about this stingy brother, just moved the mouse, recharged it, and then sent a rocket to Teacher Da.

The big teacher was apprehensive, and kept saying thank you, thank you...

"Damn it, the big teacher is going to heaven!"

"It's the first time in my life that the stingy siblings give out fish balls and rockets."

"It's still the first time for the big teacher, tsk tsk tsk..."

The audience all swiped 666. Everyone knows that Du Xiao and Du Wanxia seldom give gifts to others. They are other big anchors, passer-by kings, and professional players who come to their live broadcast room to buy gifts, while the two siblings are Rarely give gifts to people.

But the audience didn't think it was a big deal. Giving gifts is actually just a matter of individuality. The big anchors make a lot of money in a month, and it's hard to see so much for one person.

Du Xiao was so heartbroken that he suffocated, and then added Teacher Da as a friend, pulling Teacher Da into the game.

Immediately afterwards, Du Xiao sent the room password to the public screen.


One after another ran in.

"Hahaha, I'm on the opposite side this time, a little bit..." The bug came in again, but quickly ran to the opposite side of Du Xiao.

Han Sansui also came in, and also ran to the opposite side, intending to abuse Du Xiao.

The people on Du Xiao's side will soon be full, because after the audience watched the last live broadcast, they all know that Du Xiao is simply an expert in command. Basically, Du Xiao leads the rhythm and then crushes the opponent. Scalp tingling.

"AD on the third floor, find out."

"Can the 5th floor not be assisted?"

"On the 4th floor, go to the order, and go to the support on the 5th floor."

Teacher Da and three other people entered YY, and at the same time, the three audience members asked for seats one after another.

"I'm a jungler, hehe, I'll give a lesson to Guapi on the opposite side." The big teacher said with a smile.

Du Xiao, as always, banned Man Yixin, and the opposite was a hero who didn't intend to ban specifically, but he just banned Du Xiao's last Thresh, which was super smooth.

"What kind of support do you get on the fifth floor?" Du Xiao asked.

The fifth floor said aggrievedly: "Actually, I want to play mid laner."

"Get lost, or I'll kick you out." Du Xiao said directly.

"Then it's a robot," said the fifth floor.

"Okay, I like this one." Du Xiao grinned, and said, "I'll see what heroes are on the opposite side before taking any. You should be all heroes, right?"

"Not all, but almost, just don't be too unpopular." The fifth floor said.

"no problem."

Du Xiao locked the robot, and then on the first and second floors opposite Yasuo and the blind monk.

These two heroes are completely flamboyant, basically level [-] can kill the opponent's mid laner once.

Teacher Da took the mantis in one hand, and the third floor took Ezreal. After all, Han Sansui was a policewoman AD in the last one, and this one is likely to be the same.

Sure enough, Han Sansui continued to take the policewoman, while on the 4th floor opposite, he took the fire man.

"Fire male assistant, the real murderer." The AD on the third floor muttered, "Master, please help me down the road, please arrange them."

"Don't worry, it doesn't exist that you can't be fierce." The teacher said with a smile.

"The melon skin lecturer has started?"

"Commander Spring is here again, everyone throw banana peels!"

"You may make a small profit, but I will never lose money."


The audience brushed up the barrage one after another, and at the same time asked Du Xiao to choose a robbery to show Yasuo, who turned over the bug.

The fourth floor took Riwen in one hand, while the elder brother on the fifth floor asked, "Du Xiao, what do you choose?"

"Male knife." Du Xiao said.

"666, awesome!" the fifth floor said immediately after hearing this.

"What's wrong?" Du Xiao was confused.

"Brother Ma's famous hero is the male sword. He used to have a 100% winning rate. You beat Ma Ge's Yasuo with the male sword. You are looking for death." The fifth floor said directly: "Do you still dare to choose the male sword?"

"Choose, why not choose, it's easier for me to take the rhythm, don't worry, it's all right." Du Xiao said with a curled lip.

On the 5th floor, the male sword was finally chosen to come down, and on the opposite side came a captain with one hand.

After the lineup was finalized, the runes were adjusted and entered the reading interface.

"Teacher, please help Du Xiao to avoid being killed by Ma Ge." Ezreal said with a smile in the voice: "I believe that Du Xiao is good at Thresh, but this mid laner... It’s still Brother Ma, it’s getting colder.”

The big teacher didn't dare to laugh. After all, he had heard that Du Xiao was good at teasing fish. Otherwise, there would never be those big anchors who didn't know Du Xiao and Du Wanxia running over.

This is a line, it is best to catch up with nature.

"See how I can solo kill Yasuo, okay." Du Xiao said, "How about I solo kill the opposite Yasuo once, a rocket?"

Du Xiao made up his mind.

"Teacher, what do you think?" Ezreal asked.

"I think this wave is very stable. If you can't kill it alone, you come and give me rockets." The teacher also made a small calculation.

"Okay, no problem, deal!" Du Xiao narrowed his sly eyes.

His understanding of assassin heroes is not so deep, and he also has a great game master, huh huh huh...

"Ding! The task is released: In this game, in this game, kill the horse fork bug three times alone, and the assists of teammates will not count! The successful task rewards fusion [God of Cooking]!"

(End of this chapter)

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