Conan: I really don't want to be near the god of death

Chapter 310 Belmode's "Great" Gift

Chapter 310 Belmode's "Great" Gift
Miyano Hashi was speechless for a while, his eyes fixed on Hui Yuanai, "I should have known, I just asked your sister-in-law to agree directly to the other party, let you be engaged to someone else, and quickly pick you up."

Hui Yuanai looked at Miyano Yushi angrily, but then thought, it's useless for Brother Yuzhi to say anything now, the sister-in-law has already rejected him, "Brother Yuzhi, you are too late, sister-in-law has already refused .”

"Okay, Xiao Ai, don't embarrass your brother." Suzuki Ayako's face remained unchanged, "I still trust your brother, and I know he is not that kind of person."

But even though Suzuki Ayako said she was fine, her eyes never moved away from Miyano Hanshi.

Seeing this, Miyano Yushi smiled helplessly, "Xiao Ai, if you don't believe me, I'll give you the phone and you can take a closer look?"

Hui Yuanai was just taking revenge just now, and didn't really want to provoke trouble, "I don't want to watch it, my sister-in-law believes in you, so what else can I say."

The whole day was spent chatting and having fun among the three of them.

In the evening, after dinner and a short rest, Suzuki Ayako took Haibara Ai to bed, and Miyano Hanshi went back to the bedroom alone.

Lying alone on the bed, Miyano Hanashi felt a little uncomfortable.

He used to be able to sleep with Suzuki Ayako's soft body in his arms every day, but now he suddenly turned to sleep alone, turning over and over, unable to fall asleep anyway.

After tossing for a while, he slowly fell asleep.

The next day!

Miyano Hashi got up and walked out of the bedroom, just at this time Haibara Ai also came out of her bedroom.

Seeing Miyano Yushi's resentful eyes, the corners of Haibara's mouth slightly raised, "Brother Yuzhi, good morning."

"Morning." Miyano Yushi glared at Haibara Ai, and walked downstairs, "Hurry up and wash up, I'll make breakfast first."

Hui Yuanai nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

After dinner, Miyano Hashi took Haibara out and said, "Ayako, let's go."

"Hmm. Be careful on the road." Suzuki Ayako waved her hands at Miyano Hashi and Haibara Ai, "Xiao Ai, study hard at school."

Haibara Ai also waved her small hand to Suzuki Ayako, "Sister-in-law, I understand, bye."

Miyano Yushi drove Hui Yuan Ai to the school, watched Hui Yuan Ai get off the car, he told Hui Yuan Ai, "Xiao Ai, if you need anything, please call me quickly."

"Well, I see, Brother Yuzhi, I'm going to school."

Seeing Haibara Ai walk into the school, Miyano Hashicai drove to Teidan High School.

Today's task is relatively heavy, Shiliang Zhenchun is going to come to school, he has to take her to class.

When the school work is over, he has to go to Belmode and let him go home this time. I don't know what she is thinking.

Walking to the office, after Miyano Hashi processed a few documents, he heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

As Miyano Yushi's voice fell, a girl wearing a girls' school uniform and short hair walked in from the door, "Mr. Miyano, we meet again."

"Oh, it's Sera." Miyano Yushi got up from the seat, "Are you alone?"

"It seems that Miyano-sensei recognized me that day." Shiliang Zhenchun showed her small canine teeth, "But why did you ask Miyano-sensei? I came here alone."

Miyano Yushi invited Sera Masumi to sit down, "I thought your parents brought you here. I heard Director Yan Gong said that you transferred from England?"

Sera Masumi froze for a moment, and quickly explained, "No, Miyano-sensei, I'm from the United States, maybe he saw that there was a record of studying in England in my materials, so he remembered it wrong."

"America." Miyano Hashi nodded, "How many days have you been here? Are you living with relatives in Japan?"

Sera Masumi glanced at Miyano Yushi, she was not sure what Miyano Yushi meant by asking this question, was he testing her?

Could it be that the person who followed her that day was not Miyano-sensei or someone sent by Miyano-sensei?
But according to my mother's speculation, it can only be Miyano-sensei
Or did Miyano-sensei ask this on purpose?
"I've been here for three or four days." Sera Masumi replied quickly, "I'm currently staying at the Cupido Hotel by myself."

"Katodo Hotel?" Miyano Hashi pretended to be enlightened, "I said, why did I meet you by chance that day, so you lived there. But if you live in a hotel, the daily fee is not cheap, so you should find a place early Staying is the only way, after all, a hotel is not a place to live for a long time.”

Sera Masumi was a little dizzy for a while, what does Miyano-sensei mean?
It stands to reason that she and her mother have just arrived in Japan, so no one should recognize them, and it is impossible for Miyano-sensei to go over to check the situation when he meets someone.

Then why didn't my mother realize this, but directly guessed that someone sent by Miyano-sensei was following her?

"Thank you, Mr. Miyano, for your concern. I'm still used to staying in hotels, and this little money is nothing to me."

"That's something I didn't think about." Miyano Yushi got up, "The class time is coming soon, let me take you to the class and introduce you to the classmates in the class."

Sera Masumi also got up quickly and followed Miyano Hanashi out.

On the way to the classroom, Sera Masumi asked, "Miyano-sensei, can I learn reasoning with you in the future? After seeing your reasoning last time, I think I still have a lot to improve, so I want to learn from you."

Miyano Hashi stopped and looked at Sera Masumi quietly, "I'm not a detective, what are you learning from me? I have a detective agency, if you want to learn, you can go there. There are also two detectives in the agency. A detective your age."

"Same age as me." Sera Masumi showed her small canine teeth, "Is that Kudo Shinichi?"

"No." Miyano Hashi walked towards the classroom again, "One is a high school student detective from Osaka, and the other is a high school student detective from Ekoda. They are also very strong. You can communicate with them more. Or you can go to ask for advice. The other two detectives at the firm, one is Koshimizu who is in charge of the firm's work, and the other is Mr. Amuro who was recruited not long ago."

When Sera Masumi heard that Miyano Yushi introduced the detective members of his firm to her, she couldn't guess what his plans were. Now she was a little confused, feeling that many things lacked clues.

Miyano-sensei gave her the feeling that she was a person who had everything in her hands, and she felt that the tasks her mother had assigned to her might not be able to be completed.

But she couldn't give up such an opportunity to approach Miyano-sensei, "Okay, then please Miyano-sensei to say hello to the office for me, I'll be there the day after tomorrow."

Miyano Hashi thought for a while, and agreed to Sera Masumi's request.

It's okay to ask Sera Masumi to get close to Amuro Toru, but Amuro Toru is always thinking about finding something to do.

Maybe it can divert Sera Makoto's attention to Amuro Toru.

Miyano Hashi took Sera Masumi to the door of the class very quickly, before the class started, Miyano Hashi walked onto the podium.

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

When the students in the class saw Miyano Hanashi walk up to the podium, they knew that Mr. Miyano had something to say, so they immediately calmed down and waited for Mr. Miyano to speak.

Miyano Hashi saw that everyone was seated, and let Shiliang Zhenchun walk in, "I will introduce a new classmate to everyone. This is Shiliang's classmate who will study with you in the future. In the future, everyone should help her a lot and let Shira The classmate is integrated into the class. Sera-san, please introduce yourself."

"Hi everyone, my name is Shiliang Zhenchun, please give me your advice in the future."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko below saw Sera Masumi walking in wearing a skirt, their mouths never closed.



"Seliang is a transfer student."

"Speaking of which, she wears a skirt?!"

"So it's a girl."

The impact of this scene was no less than that of a beautiful anchor who suddenly revealed his true form, and Bangyi directly carried the train on the road overnight.

Sera Masumi looked at Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, showing her small canine teeth and smiling happily.

Seeing Sera Masumi's introduction, Miyano Hashi said to her, "Sera-san, please sit behind Mori-san."

Sera Masumi nodded, and then walked towards the seat. When she came to Mao Lilan, she greeted Mao Lilan with a smile, "Please give me your advice."

The surprise on Mao Lilan's face has not completely faded, and she replied in a trembling voice, "Hi yes."

Miyano Hashi coughed twice, calming down the somewhat chaotic class, "Okay, class is about to begin, everyone, please attend class well, if you want to know anything about the new students, just wait until get out of class is over and ask classmate Shiliang. "


After arranging everything properly, Miyano Hashi returned to the office, told the teachers in the Academic Affairs Office to work hard, and then drove away from the school alone.

Parking the car in a parking lot a little further away from the school, Miyano Hashi disguised himself, changed into a change of clothes, and took the bus to the apartment where Belmode lived.

Looking at the ever-changing scenery on the side of the road, after Miyano Yushi sent the message to Belmode, he began to analyze in his mind that Belmode suddenly asked him to go to her house this time.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Belmode to let him go to her house. Why did he suddenly let him go this time?
No matter how unsafe it is outside, it's better than her home, right?
Along the way, Miyano Hashi didn't think about it, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had already arrived at the downstairs of Belmode's apartment.

After thinking about it, he directly activated the detection skills.

"The investigation is complete, and there is only one member of the winery within three kilometers nearby. There are two remaining inspections today."

After getting the desired information, Miyano Hashi went straight to the apartment building.

There are many people living in this apartment, and he is not afraid of being noticed.

Cautiously all the way to the door of Belmode's apartment, he pressed the Bellmode's doorbell.

Soon, Miyano Hashi heard Belmode's voice from the room, "Here we come."

As the sound of slippers got closer, the door in front of Miyano Hanshi was quickly opened.

A () () appeared in front of him, and then he felt as if something was about to come out of his nose, but fortunately, after getting used to it for a while, his concentration was not bad, and he didn't make a fool of himself.

Slightly turning his head away, Miyano Yushi tried his best not to look at the body wrapped in the towel.

But I still couldn't help but think of a person, a former football star named Liu or something.

Seeing Miyano Hashi's reaction, Belmode raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned sideways, and let Miyano Hashi enter the room.

Miyano Hashi measured the distance from the door frame to Belmode, and after thinking about it, this distance would not allow him to walk in normally, otherwise, some contact would have to occur.

"You go in first, we don't have to be so polite."

Belmode smiled lightly, turned around and walked into the house, "Then you close the door, I can't help being funny."

Miyano Hashi closed the door and walked into the room, staring at Belmod's back speechlessly. He had no idea that Belmod called him over and gave him a big gift when he came up.

She is his aunt!

He walked to the sofa and sat down, feeling a little uncomfortable, "By the way, why did you suddenly want to call me to your house? It seems that it would be safer for us to meet outside?!"

"It's okay, there will be no problem here, can I put you in danger?" Belmode turned back, "What do you want to drink?"

"Just bring me some ice water." Miyano Yushi said without turning his head.

"Ice water? I don't have those things here." Belmode walked up to Miyano Yushi with a bottle of sherry wine and two glasses, "Only sherry wine and ice cubes in the glass can reach you the goal of."

Miyano Yushi was embarrassed when he heard the words, "I said, can you pay attention?"

"For example?" Belmode poured a glass of wine, his eyes seemed to have water, "here."

At this moment, Miyano Yushi only felt regret, he shouldn't have promised Belmode to come over, and cast his eyes away.
Belmode poured the wine and bent forward slightly.
"For example, if you go to put on your clothes and know that I'm coming, you still dress like this. I'm your nephew."

Belmode picked up her glass and took a sip of sherry wine, "It's because you are my nephew that I won't see you. If it were someone else, I wouldn't be like this."

Speaking of which, Belmode got up and sat next to Miyano Hashi, and the hot breath he exhaled directly hit Miyano Hashi's ear, "Could it be that you have some unreasonable thoughts about my aunt?"

Miyano Yushi moved aside silently, "I am an adult. Forget it, let's talk about things."

Belmode looked at Miyano Hashi's reserved look, and smiled happily, "It's really changed a lot from when I was a child, Xiao Yu. You didn't look like this when you were a child, and you just started doing it."

Miyano Yushi didn't know how to reply, he didn't do those things, it was just ruining his reputation, it really didn't make sense.

"I was ignorant when I was young, so I can't compare with now, can you restrain yourself a bit?!"

"Ah, Xiaoyu, do you despise my aunt?" Belmode leaned in front of Miyano Yushi, "Auntie is specially prepared for you."

(End of this chapter)

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