Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 97 Mother and daughter are born with deep love (Part 4)

Chapter 97

Following Julia's words.

Mark, who was about to drive Lailis away when it was his turn, was stunned.

Several meanings, it is!

This is the start of robbing him of his daughter?
Mark shook his head, then looked at Julia and reminded: "Julia, don't you still have a radio show to finish?"

"Yes!" Julia looked up at Mark, pointed to the radio station building behind and said, "But Ryan is there..."

Then she said to Laris, "So I can take you there, if you want."

Mark is angry!

It wasn't long before he realized that his daughter belonged to him, and someone robbed him of the time with her.

Opening the co-pilot's door directly, Mark said to his daughter Laili with the most sincere smile on his face: "I can do it too, if you want..."

Lyris froze.

A wonderful feeling that I have never had before came to my heart!
Julia glared at Mark and said, "Your car has been around for several years. This old antique should have already entered the garbage disposal plant."

"Hey, don't talk about Bumblebee, I just replaced her with a custom Ferrari engine..."

Julia: " still have a name for this wreck?"

"Of course!" Mark said without thinking, "This car is the testimony of my brilliant life."

"Oh, really?" Julia said sarcastically, "Aside from alcohol and women, what else do you have in your life..."

Lyris, who was sandwiched between the two, curled her lips.


That inexplicable feeling was gone again.

Lyris asked Julia, "Are you sure you can?"

"Yes!" Julia said firmly!

After a pause, Lailis turned her head to look at Mark, smiled slightly, tilted her cute little head so that it exploded and asked, "You don't mind, do you?"

"Pfft..." Mark smiled indifferently, waved his hands and said, "Of course not, I just happen to have some things at home."

"Okay..." Lailis nodded!

Watching Lailisi follow Julia to a sky blue Chevrolet car.

Mark narrowed his eyes!
Glaring at Julia who turned around and made a victory gesture to herself.

this woman...

"Huh!" Mark, who was in a bad mood, snorted coldly and got into the car.

Look at the text messages of several people's names that just came from the phone!
On the drive home, Mark called George from the NYPD!
The call is connected!
"George, I need you to do me a favor!"

"... Tell me!"

"Herbert Allen, Landon Troy, Micah Barlow, Jenkin Joyce, Maltz Knoll... and Horace Lowry!"

"...What crime!" George on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, probably recording the names of these eight people, and then said calmly after a while!

"...Selling bliss!" Mark said lightly!

George took a breath, glanced at everyone in the office, then lowered his voice and asked, "Can you tell me how they messed with you?"

In the database, George randomly searched for the names of two people, both of whom were at the bottom of New York.

Logically speaking, there is no reason to have contact with people of Mark's level at all...

It is very simple to make a crime. Do you really think that the United States is a real paradise of order?

The paradise of order can only be enjoyed by people above the middle class.

People at the bottom, stop making trouble, even if you hire a lawyer, you can only hire a free lawyer who just graduated or interns from a third-rate community college...

Unfortunately, what volunteer lawyers are most afraid of is confronting the New York Police Department...

Occasionally, a lawyer full of righteousness appeared, and all kinds of things were paid out of his own pocket to help with the investigation.

Either in Hollywood movies or TV shows.


Mark chuckled and said, "I promise, I will tell you when I get the chance, now, how long it will take to do this."

"Eh...these people live in scattered distances..."

"how long?"

"One week!"

"Thanks, I owe you a meal!"

"Haha, then don't forget!"

"Definitely not!"

After finishing speaking, Mark hung up the call with George.

George Stacy was a principled police officer, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to work around it!
If a person who has no criminal record, not even a petty theft, is allowed to be framed by him, George will definitely not agree.

But... these eight people that Mark said.

Basically, it can be classified as the scum of the society. After arresting them and imprisoning them for two or three years, you can get a favor from the acting director of the FBI in New York!
It's a huge deal...

Do you really think that America is not a humane society?

Moreover, in George's view, after these eight dear friends were sent to prison, they might be able to reform and start a new life!

As for Mark!

If it weren't for the fact that the FBI is a sharp knife and cannot be dispatched casually, if it can be dispatched casually.

Mark assured that the eight families who had fostered and kicked Riris out of their homes.

It will definitely be used by Mark for private use, and sent directly to Cuban overseas prisons...

at the same time!

On the other side, Julia drove the unexpected visiting Lailis towards the family court in Brooklyn... at a terrific speed...

"Are you sure you'll have no trouble leaving the show..."

"No, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it!" Julia said, looking at her daughter Lailis, who had inherited her stunning beauty, "Although this is very embarrassing for Ryan, he asked me to return the engagement ring, so..."

Lily opened her mouth wide and said in disbelief, "No way, Ryan, this is your date. You two are going to get married? I, I like you!"

If Mark was here, he would probably have mixed feelings when he heard Laili's words!

It's been less than 5 minutes with my mother, so I like it?
After Julia heard this sentence, she also said suspiciously: "So... are you listening to my show too?"

Lairice nodded and said, "Yes, every morning!"

Julia glanced at Lairise.

Lailis waved her hand and said: "Except for a while when I lived in Jersey City, I couldn't receive the channel there, which is also a major reason why I strongly requested to change places to live, and at that time my surrogate parents were working ... a business similar to drug trading!"

Julia is sluggish again!
Lailisi watched her eyes fall on her, and smiled slightly: "The kind that prescribes..."

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little confused now." Julia pursed her lips and said, "When I handed you over to the social worker, she promised to arrange a good place for you. There are many shortlists..."

Lailisi lowered her head and said after a while: "I don't know if you know, but... I have a congenital heart disease!"

Julia turned her head to look at Laris!
Lyris looked at Julia and said:
"There is a piercing in the heart..."

 No, not today... Control the rhythm! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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