Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 93 Brother 093: Mark who keeps being in the circle (please recommend and collect more!)

Chapter 93 Brother 093: Mark who keeps being in the circle (please recommend and collect more!)
"Okay, I'll say it again...

You had a baby with someone and you didn't want her after that.

I am that kid!
Now I'm applying for self-reliance..."

Lailis, who was wearing a brown down hat and a pair of whitish jeans that seemed to have been washed for some years, gestured to the self-reliance application in her hand and said with a sigh: "In summary, I I found these documents for the hearing, and found that you did not sign at the time, giving up my permanent custody rights..."

As she said that, Laili handed the independent application to Mark, who covered her mouth with one hand, and said, "My case handlers are very inefficient, and I haven't been able to get your signatures, I saw your signature on the document. Name... and address, so..."

Mark continued to be in the circle.

Looking at the blonde loli with her small cherry mouth moving up and down, there was only one word left in Mark's mind!

That is!
"I have a daughter?"

Lailis waved her hand, took a deep breath while staring at Mark, who was still in a circle, and said, "To put it simply, before you sign, you are still my legal...father!"

"Of course I am!" Mark came back to his senses and said with a frown: "But... wait!"

Mark said to Lailis, and when passing by the bar, he glanced at the two bad friends who were trying to suppress their laughter and cover their mouths!
God, what the hell is this called!
Leaning over, he took the phone directly from the refrigerator, and smiled what he thought was the most benevolent to Laili, who stood on the sofa and called himself his daughter.

The call is connected!
"Good morning, Mr. Lewis!"

"Andy, how long will it take to get to my place."

"...10 minutes, sir!"

"Very well, I need you to deliver something to the federal building!"

"No problem, I'll be right there..."

"Thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Mark ran up the stairs directly under the surprised eyes of the two damaged friends.


"'re Matt Damon?" Lailis looked at the man who greeted her and sat on the bar, reluctantly beckoned someone, then froze...

Matt Damon smiled like a gentleman, nodded and said, "That's right, it's me!"

Lyris: "..."

Brian next to him was immediately confused, and directly elbowed Matt and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

Just when Matt was about to answer, there was a sound of going downstairs from the stairs.

Mark is holding a portable smart blood collection device in his hand. This medical device claims to collect blood in one second, saving you pain!

Mark drew blood from his arm and threw it directly into the file bag he had just taken down.

Then he walked towards the shocked Lailis.

"……What are you doing?"



Regardless of Lailisi's resistance, Mark did the same on Lailisi's arm with a blank face.

In any case, it was impossible for Mark to conclude that Lairice was his daughter based on an inexplicable application.

This is not the plot of ancient dynasties, how can there be so many bloody things!
ding ding ding-

After hearing the doorbell, Mark opened the door directly, looked at the young man wearing a helmet riding a dead plane, and handed the file bag to Andy who had just called.

After Andy took it, he made an OK gesture to Mark, and then set off towards Federation Square at a speed of no less than [-] yards per hour...

Rider Andy, known as a delivery man in New York, is also the target of some large law firms...

Fast, Andy's motto!
Andy's biggest dream is to save enough money to open his own rider company...

"Jack, I have something to come to my office in 10 minutes. After I get it, I will send it to the forensics department for urgent processing of DNA comparison. I want to see the result within an hour and a half."

"Boss, the fastest DNA comparison will take two hours..."

"I won't hear the result within an hour and a half, and all the forensics department can be dismissed."


Mark, who was restarting the system, ignored Jack's feeble protest on the other side of the phone!

After hanging up the phone, Mark covered his mouth with one hand and sat down on the sofa again!
There is no reason.

His love story has a very stick-to-the-bottom principle, and he won't have sex without protection.

Just like Mark's view of love before the age of 30, no promises, no worries...

Looking up at Lailis who was glaring at him, Mark was taken aback for a moment, then smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry..."

"Too little, too late!"


The two bad friends sitting at the bar heard Lailis's angry reply, looked at the extremely awkward-looking classmate Mark, and lowered their heads in pain, trying not to let themselves laugh!

Mark warned the two bad friends directly with his eyes, and then squeezed out a smile and spread his hands towards Laili and said sincerely: "Believe me, before today, I didn't even existed!"

"Listen, Mark... Mark Louis!" Lailis snatched the self-reliance application from Mark's hand and said angrily: "What do you think? It's none of my business! But my hearing will be Tomorrow!

If I don't get my autograph...

With both of your signatures, that nasty foster care agency will have me in control for two years, being pushed around by them...  

With an alcoholic mother and a disgusting father who wanted to fuck me...

That feels so bad..."

Mark looked at the excited Lailis, Julia Bev's face suddenly seemed to overlap with Lailis's...

For an instant.

Mark gasped!
He finally remembered something that horrified him.

That is, the history of his wearing shoes seems to be after Julia Bev...

Before that, during the time I was with Julia Bev, I didn't seem to wear shoes in battle...


Our Lady!

Mark wiped his face in a daze, and looked up... the ceiling!

"I would appreciate it if you could sign it for me."


After Mark heard this sentence, he walked towards the bar and sat on the bar stool. Matt, who held his chin with one hand, took out a signature pen from his arms and handed it to Mark.

Brian next to him looked at Matt curiously!

"Why... I'm a Hollywood star anyway, and I have the habit of carrying a signature pen with me, can't I?"

Brian raised his hands, expressing that he was speechless!


After signing his own name on the biological father column on the self-reliance application form.

Lailisi looked at Mark who signed the name and said, "I'm going to find that girl who was pregnant by you back then. I think it will feel great..."

"Ha ha!"

Mark turned his head and glanced at the two bad friends over the bar!

I'm in the mood to kill them all!

Whispered towards Lairice: "Julia Bev is your mother..."

"and many more……"

 It’s really the last chapter of today, no no no, give me your tickets, my manuscripts are almost gone, there are only 150 chapters left, woohoo... I have saved manuscripts for a month... Give me your votes. . . .


(End of this chapter)

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