Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 926 6 Married Men

Chapter 926

New York is peaceful.

There's no post-apocalyptic reconstruction, no alien battle for lost weapons, and no superheroes...

and many more.

There are superheroes.

Even if the battlefield took place on the East African prairie, it still couldn't stop the people of New York from discussing the superhero who maintains world peace.

Watermelon Hulk, Betty, and Banner had just finished their trip from the East African prairie, and the major media directly stepped into the house.

Without him.

Iron Man Tony Stark is a rich man, and he is also the top rich man. Did the media just meet him when they said they met?
As for Thor?

After the end of the war in East Africa, Thor took the Rubik's Cube and Dr. Jane Foster to escort Loki, the god of lies, back to Asgard through the Rainbow Bridge, and the media couldn't find it.

And the US team?

Let's put it this way, the world is yours and ours, but after all, the world belongs to young people. Guess those media will choose according to personal preferences and public needs?

Hawkeye and Black Widow are even worse.


The media chose Watermelon Hulk as their breakthrough.

During the interview with Hulk, Betty Ross, who is the guardian of Hulk, directly transformed into Hulk's agent. It is said that he has helped Hulk negotiate a movie contract worth 500 million dollars from Hollywood...

"Dong dong dong."

"Come in."

Mark, who was signing some documents in his office, said without raising his head. Not long after, Debbie opened the door and entered.

Mark looked up and said, "What's the matter?"

Debbie who walked in said, "Boss, today is the first day of the new mayor's office, and members of the mayor's office will also hold a press conference today."

Mark looked constipated.


The mayor of New York City has changed, and the impromptu Kate has easily become the new mayor. The title of first lady of New York City has been firmly worn.


Thinking of the composition of Kate's office, Mark felt convulsed and weak.

quite a while.

Mark took a deep breath and said to Debbie, "Let Jack go."

Debbie was slightly taken aback: "Boss, are you sure you're okay if you don't go?"

Mark replied angrily: "It's only when I'm in the past that something happens."

Half a month ago, since Kate was confirmed, Kate's identity and family fortune had already been turned upside down, including Mark.

and also.

Mark said with some displeasure: "Why don't I go to Washington, the reason is obvious at a glance, but why do I have to disclose my finances when Kate becomes the mayor?"

Debby opened her mouth and said nothing.

It turns out that not wanting to disclose the financial status is the reason why the boss doesn't want to work in Washington?

Debbie was a little messed up in the wind, but she believed Mark's nonsense that she didn't like the air in Washington.

Thinking of the disclosed finances, Mark felt a little out of breath.

It is obvious that Kate was elected mayor, why should his finances be made public?
It's amazing.

It is mandatory for senior officials to disclose their financial status. Although Mark is considered a senior official, compared with the group of politicians outside, the FBI has a lot of ways to deal with it.

But Kate is different. Kate is the mayor. According to the "Government Ethics Law" passed in [-], Kate, including Kate's immediate family members, must disclose their property to the public.

For this reason, after returning from Hong Kong Island, Mark spent ten days transferring all the assets under his name one by one.


Mark transferred all the real estate, stocks, and deposits used for investment under his name to his ex-wives in the name of alimony to evade most of the tax money.


That's right.

When he was on Hong Kong Island, Mark's marital status was unmarried.

but now?
Mark is already a five-married man.


He is a six-married man.

When he and Alice went to the New York City Hall to register, Mark was surprised to find something.

He was so special that he was married.


Anyway, Mark would not say the name of his wife who was married to him at the time.

In order to solve this problem as soon as possible, Mark had no choice but to directly use his relationship to fiddle with a death report, changing his current marital status to widowed, and then married five times in a row...

Thinking of the years of five consecutive marriages, Mark just feels tired.

But when you think of the price of those four alimony payments?
Mark is not only tired, but also wants to commit suicide.

Speaking bluntly.

He now owns nothing but the monthly salary of the FBI and an estate on Long Island.

This is sad news.

What makes it even more sad is that today is payday and Mark has been slow to see his wages arrive.

Mark looked up at Debbie, who had a strange expression, and asked, "Where's my money? Did you go to the financial side to ask, how dare you delay the salary of the bureau?"

Debbie shook her head and said, "Boss, it's really not the financial delay. All the detectives' salaries have been paid."

"What about mine?"

"The legal department is liquidating your assets, so we can make a unified financial disclosure with the mayor's office."


Mark looked at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle. Why was Kate the elected mayor, but why was he the one who was injured?
Just then, the phone on Mark’s desk rang.

"Director, San Fei's phone number is on line [-]." The blond secretary's cold voice sounded from the phone.

Mark connects.

Director Fury's voice came from inside immediately: "Good morning, Director Louis."

Mark said lightly: "I'm very bad, but you seem very happy to hear Director Fury's tone?"

Sitting in his too-corrupt office, Director Fury crossed his legs and said with a smile on his dark face: "Of course, I called to thank Ms. Todd for inviting me to the mayor meeting tonight. "

Mark said lightly: "Then you should call Kate, not me."

Fury said: "I'm afraid that if I call Ms. Todd directly, my Sanfei decoration will directly become a construction site in the next second."

Mark laughed and didn't speak.

quite a while.

After hanging up the phone, Mark unconsciously tapped his finger on the table, then looked up at Debbie and asked, "What has Jack been doing these days?"

Debbie glanced down at the six-figure ladies watch, then shrugged and said, "What else can I do? I should catch up on sleep in his office at this point in time."

Jack and Catherine, the Hydra financial steward, welcomed the birth of triplets three months ago.

The triplets of two boys and one girl made Jack, a new father, very happy.

But Mark felt a little melancholy again.

The bond between Jack and Hydra is getting deeper and deeper.



(End of this chapter)

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