Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 913 It's Over Before It Begins

Chapter 913 It's Over Before It Begins

Mark looked away.

The faint blue wormhole in the sky is still swallowing a steady stream of Kirita soldiers who come to die, and battleships like bone dragons come out in pairs.


is that useful?This is a war whose ending has already been written.

Have you started yet?
No, it's over.

Mark returned to his senses and looked at Karatu who was bowing his head and said with a smile, "Okay, it's time for me to send you back to the prison here."

Karatu still didn't speak.

Mark was in a very happy mood.

The body of Karatu, the judge god, has only one ending. It was dissected alive by the lunatic scientist of SHIELD on the planing table and then made into a specimen. There is no second possibility.


The rules were formulated for both parties to abide by. Mark followed the rules and did not intervene. Similarly, the judge, God, not only could not intervene, but he could not use miracles to leave this place.


Mark smiled and said: "Remember the rules of your Celestial Race. Now that you have used your avatar, don't leave early. Otherwise, be careful to give me an excuse to get mad."

Karatu looked at Mark and said quietly: "My avatar does not feel pain."

Mark smiled and said: "It's okay, you can watch your own body being dissected by weak ants, I don't care."

Karatu said no more.


Mark opened the door to San Feizhu's custody room where Karatu was originally held, and directly pulled the weak Karatu into it.

On the East African prairie [-] meters away, the war at this moment has boiled like ice water has reached its boiling point after being boiled.

"Boom!" Captain Rogers, wearing the Stars and Stripes steel battle armor, once again blasted a strange-shaped Kirita man into a piece of meat. Captain Rogers gasped slightly: "How many Kirita soldiers did Loki bring over here?" invasion."

Thor, who was rampant on the battlefield, said directly: "You ask me, who shall I ask?"

Tony, who had been promoted to Silver Saint, swept away the Kirita soldier who gave him to the Arhat with a sweeping punch, and said, "Loki is your brother."

Saul subconsciously said, "He was adopted."

Everyone: "..."

Loki, who is playing the role of villain while riding a skeleton pterosaur and holding a psychic scepter, said quietly, "Brother, you know that I also have a communicator with mortals here."

Sol immediately coughed and said, "Brother, how many Kirita soldiers did you bring over?"

Interrupted by Saul.

Loki also frowned and said: "The other side of the wormhole is the hometown of Kirita soldiers. Tell me how many you brought here this time."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

at this time.



A violent shock wave like a million TNT explosion swept directly from the blue wormhole.


Even the Demon Hulk, who is known as the strongest on the surface, was blown away by the hurricane wind.

As for the others?
Then forget about it.



After hearing Pepper's shout, Tony, who was struggling to support himself covered in golden light, was shocked when he saw Pepper who was directly blown down from the sky by the strong wind, and immediately smashed the ground and flew into the sky and hugged him Pepper.

The blast wave that was enough to sweep the entire East African prairie came and went in a hurry, but its power was indeed enough to wipe out all the peaks 100 meters high on the East African prairie.

Nick Fury, who stood on the space carrier and looked down, couldn't help flashing a hint of harmony in his heart.


It is harmony.

Seen from the sky, the original eastern prairie was the tallest, but after the huge shock wave, it looked like a flat land with the same height.

Nick Fury looked at the gradually shrinking blue wormhole and said, "What's going on?"

Ms. Hill, who was acting as the commander, shook her head and said, "I don't know, the energy of a million TNT explosions was detected near the newly opened wormhole."

Nick Fury looked at the whole picture of the East African prairie at the moment and said, "Only the energy of a million TNT?"

"No." Hill said in a deep voice: "At the moment of that energy burst, the energy monitoring broke through a million in an instant, and then our monitoring equipment lost contact, so the system uses the maximum million energy as data Sent it."

Nick Fury frowned deeply.

Sol, who swung Mjolnir like a propeller and kept some of Wakanda's soldiers behind the explosion shock wave protector, shouted directly: "What happened just now."

"Ahem." Captain Rogers, who crawled directly out of the pile of rubble, coughed and shouted, "Report the situation."


"I'm here."

"I'm overwhelmed by branches, someone help me."

"...Prince T'Challa, how are you doing?"

"...It's okay, Thor helped us reach the shock wave coming from the front."

"Hulk, where is Hulk?"


Rogers looked at the Watermelon Head Hulk who was spitting over there and heaved a sigh of relief.


Everyone is here.

At this moment, Loki's faint voice sounded from everyone's headsets: "Damn it, I'm crushed under the skeleton battleship, someone will pull me up."

Everyone: "..."

It wasn't until everyone heard Loki's voice that something was wrong.

What about the Ciritas?
Everyone looked, where did the Kirita troops who covered the sky and accompanied by several bone dragons just now went?

The bodies of the dead bone dragons on the ground and the dead Kirita warriors are still there.

But what about the rest?
After landing with Pepper in his arms, Tony said, "When the shock wave hit the Kirita people, they were completely wiped out."

"What?" Captain Rogers asked.

Thor directly split the dead bone dragon in half with a flash of lightning, revealing Loki who was deeply buried under the bone dragon, and then said: "It should be Pluto who also launched an attack."

Sol couldn't find any other than this answer.

One blow can turn millions of Kiritas into ashes in an instant. Searching the entire universe, there is only one force with such combat power.

There is no doubt that it is the underworld.

at this time.

Sol looked at an unknown object blasting from the dark blue wormhole, and with a click, a thunderbolt struck.


The black shadow hit the ground, creating a deep hole in an instant.

"What?" Saul asked belatedly.

call out!
Wheat flew out of the blue wormhole, put away the demon wings behind him, held the death blade that symbolized the life of General Death Blade, and smiled at Sol: "Yo, son of Odin .”

Sol held Mjolnir tightly and said, "Who are you?"

Maizi smiled and said, "Maizi, CEO of Underworld."

Sol was taken aback, and Mjolnir in his hand relaxed slightly and asked, "Did the underworld take action just now?"

Maizi didn't answer, but looked at General Deathblade who was struggling to climb out of the pit, smiled and said: "No traitor can escape the palm of the underworld."

General Dead Blade said: "Kill me."

Maizi chuckled and said: "Kill you? You are not qualified to let me do it. The Deathblade clan is also outside. It should be coming soon. What I admire most is the nineteen tortures of the Deathblade clan. This time I finally have a chance to do it." Saw."

General Deathblade: "..."

 Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Is it time to return to the days when [-] codewords are saved every day?

(End of this chapter)

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