Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 910 Tony's Timely Arrival

Chapter 910 Tony's Timely Arrival

Is the Hulk the strongest on the surface?
no doubt.

However, this [-] hours of getting along has also given everyone a brief understanding of Hulk's temperament, so everyone nodded in agreement with Hulk's words in a tacit understanding.

The Devil Hulk is even happier.

Captain Rogers even said to Hulk: "Hulk, you are the strongest on the surface, and the most difficult enemy is left to you."

Hulk flicked his watermelon head.

After half an hour.

After assigning the task, Captain Rogers looked at Nick Fury and Ms. Hill who had been standing silently beside him and said, "Director Fury, Deputy Director Hill, do you have anything to add?"

The two shook their heads.

Captain Rogers has experienced the test of war, and the Roaring Commando led by him has already proved Captain Rogers' combat ability.

After the final distribution is done.

Captain Rogers looked at the crowd and sighed, "I thought the war was already over after I woke up, who knew..."

The crowd did not speak.

Even the princes of Wakanda didn't make stabs. After all, they were led by Captain Rogers, the captain Rogers who once saved the world.

That's the main reason Nick Fury didn't step in.

After all, he doesn't have the charisma of Captain Rogers.

quite a while.

Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye took a fighter plane and prepared to go to the periphery for control.

Pepper is also commanding Jarvis to replace all the steel soldiers with new energy sources that can continue to fly into the air and start sniping the air power.

As for Thor?

Thor and the Devil Hulk, who had changed into Thor's robes and held Mjolnir, stood in the front row.

Demon Hulk flicked his watermelon head and glanced at Sol who was standing with him.

next second.

Sol was directly pushed aside tens of meters by Hulk's finger.

The latter was slightly taken aback.

Hulk waved his sandbag-sized fist and said in a loud voice, "Hulk, the strongest."

Thor just wanted to get angry, but when he saw Hulk's half body molten armor, he was silent for a while and took a step back.

Hulk just gave up.


The battle formation was formed in an instant.

The Devil Hulk is in front.

Saul swept the formation on the back left.

Captain Rogers swept the formation on the right.

After all, this time is much better than the invasion events in other universes. At least Hulk has a child's temper, at least he can still obey orders when he is coaxed.

Afterwards, T'Challa, Prince of Wakanda, led a thousand soldiers of the Black Panther tribe on the ground, and in the sky above was the Iron Legion commanded by Pepper. The Iron Legion was mainly responsible for preventing Wakanda on the ground. The army is wiped out by Kirita air power.

Over the predetermined battlefield, there is an empty space mothership covering the sky and the sun, and on both sides are numerous Zhenjin fighters with no humanity.

last of the last.

It was Natasha who was driving a fighter plane together with a dozen fighter planes to defend the river tribe in Wakanda on the ground.

Hawkeye Barton rode a rhinoceros that was also surrounded by vibrating gold to defend the land with the frontier tribes.

Time slipped away quietly.

The valley in front of everyone was still silent.

10 minutes.

half an hour.

55 minutes.

after that.

Saul squeezed Mjolnir on his hand and said to Captain Rogers on the right: "Didn't you say it would be fine in an hour and a half?"

Captain Rogers was also a little puzzled.

at this time.

Nick Fury, who was observing the whole picture from the perspective of God on the space carrier, said: "Wait a minute, the five hundred warriors from the frontier tribe encountered a flock of sheep."

After hearing this, everyone wearing earphones looked at each other.

But everyone in Aegis has no opinion.

The Wakanda people have no objection when they hear this reason.

Without him.

The people on this land believe that they share with nature, besides, the sheep are also the rations of the wandering tribes in this land.

Another half an hour later.

Saul continued to ask, "What now?"

The voice of Ms. Hill on the Helicarrier came out: "Wait a minute, maybe Tony is coming over. Dr. Selvig's equipment received strong signal fluctuations, the same as the signal before the rainbow bridge appeared."

Everyone in the SHIELD department present was slightly taken aback.

Pepper looked at the cloudless sky.

next second.


The colorful beam of light instantly broke through the space and landed directly on the open space behind Saul and Captain Rogers.

quite a while.

The colorful beams of light dispersed.

The figure of Tony, who was naked and showed his vest line, appeared in everyone's sight instantly with one knee and right fist on the ground.

Tony took a while to re-adapt to the earth with poor air quality, then got up and looked around, but he couldn't help being startled.

But Tony still smiled and said, "Wow, are you guys preparing a party for me?"

"Tony." Pepper, who was in the air, flew down and hugged Tony.

Tony was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the somewhat similar purple steel armor and said in disbelief, "Pepper?"

Pepper opened his mask with a smile on his face.

Tony looked at the mask that disappeared from Pepper's skin with a little numbness: "This is... a nano armor?"

Pepper smiled and said, "Yes, it's a gift from you."

"I gave it?" Tony was taken aback, then thought of something, and said, "Well, unfortunately, I don't have these memories."

Pepper shook his head and said, "I hope you don't, too."

After all, Tony in that world was very tired and even sacrificed himself.

Pepper's idea is very simple, if saving the world requires Tony's sacrifice, then let the world go to destruction together.

Tony opened his mouth.

But before Tony could continue speaking, Captain Rogers over there said: "Mr. Stark, although I really don't want to interrupt, we don't have much time."

Tony turned around and looked at Rogers, who was also covered in a steel armor, and said for a moment, "Mark told me that an old antique came out. I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

Rogers smiled and said, "Carter said Howard's son recognized her as godmother, so you should call me godfather."

Tony said directly: "When something happened, I remembered that my godmother was unmarried."

Pepper, who knew more about the inside story, said in a low voice: "Tony, Ms. Carter and Captain Rogers have a son."

Tony's expression froze for a moment.

5 minute later.

After a quick overview of what happened when he was not on Earth, Tony watched Pepper lift off and pulled off a nameplate carved with a golden bull around his neck and walked in the direction of Captain Rogers and Thor.

A ray of blue light in the valley blasted at a height of [-] meters in an instant with incomparable accuracy.

Thor squeezed Mjolnir tightly and said, "Hurry up and change your clothes."

Tony shrugged.

next second.

The nameplate was thrown by Tony and fell to the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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