Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 904 Chapter 903: Hulk transforms if he wants to

Chapter 904 Chapter 903: Hulk transforms if he wants to
Wakanda was exposed early.

Mark stared at the group of bison rushing across the river with his hands behind his back, making the sound of tanks rumbling across the river, and he couldn't help thinking.

But he has no pressure.

First, since the plot has collapsed into such a state anyway, what's the big deal if it's ahead of time.

Second, Mark wasn't thinking of making friends with Wakanda anyway.

Without him.

Regardless of whether it was unintentional or intentional, after so many years of operating people, Mark did not allow him to explode himself.

So it doesn't matter.

Mark thought about returning to his senses and asked Loki, "Where is the Rubik's Cube?"

Loki hurriedly replied: "Hurry up, those two humans are rushing over on the flying tools of this world."

Mark nodded.

Saul next to him had a weird expression on his face.

Mark glanced at Sol and smiled: "Why, do you mind your dear brother joining us in the underworld?"

Sol said in a deep voice: "Loki is our prince of Asgard."

Mark laughed and said, "If I hadn't married Hela and became my queen in the underworld, do you think you Asgard still exist?"

Thor prepares to fight back.

But when he thought of the scene where Hella pinched Mjolnir with one hand, his momentum dropped a lot.

Mark shook his head and didn't say anything, but pointed to the open area in front of him and said, "Here will be the place where the Kirita people will exterminate their genocide."

Mark never showed mercy to his enemies unless it was necessary.

next second.

Mark threw out his pentagram coin and turned it into a little bit of starlight, which instantly turned into a pentagram teleportation array leading to Hades.


Wheat in a leather coat walked out of it.



Mark smiled and said to Maizi, who was looking at Loki and Sol, who was wondering what he was thinking: "Maizi, go and notify the Sangvis clan and wait for my order. It's time for the Kirita galaxy to disappear."

Maizi nodded and glanced at Loki again and said to Mark: "This person will join us too?"

Mark glanced at Loki.

Loki's expression was a little nervous, for fear that Mark would kill the donkey without hesitation like Hela.

quite a while.

Just when Loki was about to run away, Mark smiled abruptly and nodded at Maizi and said, "Yes, compared to his brother, Loki is more suitable for our underworld. Let's train him, and when the time comes, he will return to the underworld with you. talent."

Maizi smiled.

Solton, who looked like a lion beside him, became unhappy for a while: "Hi, I'm still here."

Mark glanced at Sol and said, "You don't admit that you are worse than your brother?"

Thorton paused and laughed, patted Loki's shoulders and said, "My brother is the best."

Loki: "..."

Mark and Maizi: "..."

There is no doubt that Sol's performance clearly refreshed the realm of younger brother control once again.

Sol put his arms around Loki and said, "Brother, I'm proud of you."

Rocky, who was out of breath by the floor, looked hopeless.

quite a while.

Maizi tore through the space and left for the Jagged Clan.

Mark smiled again.

That judge, the god Karatu, really thinks that he can save the Kirita people from the tragedy of genocide without taking action?
think too much.

Again, Karatu obviously underestimated the combat power of this planet.


If it weren't for the Supreme Mage who hid the mirror image magic very deeply, otherwise, Mark, who had learned the mirror image magic, would definitely stand on the battlefield in the mirror image New York, and let that Karatu watch his entry. How genocide.

Mark wasn't at all worried that Karatu would tip off.

There is no other reason.

If Karatu reported the letter, it would be tantamount to the Celestials tearing up the treaty, and Mark would be happy to see this.


That guy Karatu's body is still in the [-] universe. Currently, this avatar doesn't have the ability to cross the void. Wanting to inform Thanos, the difficulty of this matter is no less than that of Mark's own self-destruct.

quite a while.

Mark looked around and said to Loki: "The location is chosen here, what do you think?"

Loki thought for a while and said hesitantly: "The bone dragon army of the Kirita people will also come over."

Mark laughed and said, "I have the Devil Hulk."


The Hulk may not fly, but the Devil Hulk?
Little things.

Loki was a little puzzled, and Mark pointed to the Cavalier XII coming from a distance, full of wild aura, and said, "Look, my Devil Hulk is here."

Accepting Hulk as his younger brother was the most sensible deal for Mark.

Hulk's potential is limitless.

Even more so with the Devil Hulk.


When Hulk, who was wearing a patterned T-shirt and took off his shoes, pushed out the driving door, appeared in front of Mark.

Mark was silent.

For a long time.

Mark looked at Betty Ross, who was like a doll standing next to Hulk, and said helplessly: "Betty, I gave you the Devil Hulk, but you turned the good Devil Hulk into a housecat Hulk? "

Betty, who was full of maternal love for Hulk's version of Guan Hui, was taken aback.

Hulk, who looked silly, said in a low voice: "Hulk, it's not a house cat, Hulk, it's a wild beast."

Mark directly covered his forehead.

Loki, who originally thought he would see the heroes of the underworld, also said in confusion after returning to his senses: "Is this the Hulk?"

Mark ignored Loki, but said to Hulk: "Beast? Can you still get angry?"

Gentle Township is the tomb of heroes.

The ancients never lied to me.

Thinking of this, Mark deeply doubted whether the decision to hand Hulk over to Betty to be raised was wrong.

Have a look.

Du Temiao's raising is useless.

But when Hulk heard this sentence, the corner of his mouth slightly curved up: "Hulk can be angry if he wants to be angry, Hulk is already an adult."

"Send one to me."

"No, Betty said, adult Hulk can't lose his temper casually, he must restrain himself."


Mark took a deep look at Betty.

If it weren't for Betty's father, General Ross, and Mark were still allies?
Ha ha.

Mark shook his head and said to Hulk, "Forget it, it's fine if you come, and you can be a mascot."

"Hulk is not a mascot."

"That makes me angry."


In an instant.

Just after Mark finished speaking, a roar came from Hulk's mouth. Along with the sound of the ground cracking, the river in the distance was boiling.

next second.


The lava broke through the earth and rose into the sky, and Hulk was bathed in the lava.


The magma is armor.

The magma locks.

The moment the lava dissipated, the [-]-meter-tall Devil Hulk appeared on the spot, wearing a half body armor of lava and a triple lava chain.

The Devil Hulk exhaled two fiery snorts, and the corners of his mouth curved up slightly.

next second.

The devil Hulk said to Mark with an inexplicable expression: "Hulk can transform if he wants to, and Hulk can go wherever he wants."

Mark chuckled.


Silently returned Betty to Hulk who continued to live with a nervous face.


(End of this chapter)

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